Have Republicans completely separated themselves from the Middle Class?

Yes, absolutely.

All Republicans are either rich people who hate everyone else or poor white trash who are too stupid to vote for their own self-interest.

All of them.

You haven't seen all the threads were Democrats are hysterically upset because when stupid people don't vote, Democrats assume they are losing the votes, have you?
Republicans are attacking union policies. Policies that if gone unchecked would bankrupt many states. Jobs were saved because of these cuts.


I bet those teachers, firemen, cops would have all opted for cuts rather than lay offs.

Op can you ever make a post that can't be easily exposed as ideological bs?

They want to cut 200,000 children from the Head Start preschool program.
So there it is: tax cuts mean school cuts. And health cuts. And safety cuts. This is the Republicans’ jobs program: lay off thousands and thousands of workers.
And in Florida, Rick Scott, our teabag Governor, our Thief in Chief, announced yesterday that he wants to cut taxes on the rich and corporations by $1.7 billion, and (coincidence, of course), cut school funding by $1.7 billion.

Tax Cuts = School Cuts | West Orlando News Online 2011® Central Florida News

In its Jan. 31 memo to legislators on the condition of the state's budget, the Fiscal Bureau determined that the state will end the year with a balance of $121.4 million.
To the extent that there is an imbalance -- Walker claims there is a $137 million deficit -- it is not because of a drop in revenues or increases in the cost of state employee contracts, benefits or pensions. It is because Walker and his allies pushed through $140 million in new spending for special-interest groups in January.

Wisconsin Gov. Walker Ginned Up Budget Shortfall To Undercut Worker Rights


The unions were always willing to deal. Republicans want to destroy the unions because Republicans get their money from corporations.

Now what's funny to me is Republicans trying to blame so much on unions when they are less than 12% of all American workers. Less than 12%.

Now, what about CEO's getting hundreds of times more pay than the average worker? What about health care CEO's who get paychecks of over $100,000,000.00? (see Aetna and Cigna) They skim that money off policies. The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. But Republicans want to blame teachers and firefighters and policeman.

Come on. Get real.


The number of American workers in unions declined sharply last year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, with the percentage slipping to 11.9 percent, the lowest rate in more than 70 years.

Fewer workers belonged to unions in 2010
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It seems that way.

The attacks on Unions.

The attacks on:
the Unemployed
Social Security

Have Republicans finally decided that doing anything to support the Middle Class is "so over"?

We know what they think of the poor. Is that how they now feel about the Middle Class? Are they even going to bother running "for the Middle Class" or will it all be about the "job creators" who have money, but aren't creating jobs? Their only policy seems to be "hoping the job creators make jobs". What happens if they don't want to? Just keep throwing money at them?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Well Let's look at this shall we who are you claiming to support

Keeping them unemployed to increase the roles of dependents
Going broke if not broke and you liberal rejects haven't a plan to make it solvent
Going broke if not broke and you liberal rejects haven't a plan to make it solvent

Does that pretty well summarize the liberal meme?
Republicans are attacking union policies. Policies that if gone unchecked would bankrupt many states. Jobs were saved because of these cuts.


I bet those teachers, firemen, cops would have all opted for cuts rather than lay offs.

Op can you ever make a post that can't be easily exposed as ideological bs?

They want to cut 200,000 children from the Head Start preschool program.
So there it is: tax cuts mean school cuts. And health cuts. And safety cuts. This is the Republicans’ jobs program: lay off thousands and thousands of workers.
And in Florida, Rick Scott, our teabag Governor, our Thief in Chief, announced yesterday that he wants to cut taxes on the rich and corporations by $1.7 billion, and (coincidence, of course), cut school funding by $1.7 billion.

Tax Cuts = School Cuts | West Orlando News Online 2011® Central Florida News

In its Jan. 31 memo to legislators on the condition of the state's budget, the Fiscal Bureau determined that the state will end the year with a balance of $121.4 million.
To the extent that there is an imbalance -- Walker claims there is a $137 million deficit -- it is not because of a drop in revenues or increases in the cost of state employee contracts, benefits or pensions. It is because Walker and his allies pushed through $140 million in new spending for special-interest groups in January.

Wisconsin Gov. Walker Ginned Up Budget Shortfall To Undercut Worker Rights


The unions were always willing to deal. Republicans want to destroy the unions because Republicans get their money from corporations.

Now what's funny to me is Republicans trying to blame so much on unions when they are less than 12% of all American workers. Less than 12%.

Now, what about CEO's getting hundreds of times more pay than the average worker? What about health care CEO's who get paychecks of over $100,000,000.00? (see Aetna and Cigna) They skim that money off policies. The number one cause of bankruptcy are Medical Bills. But Republicans want to blame teachers and firefighters and policeman.

Come on. Get real.


The number of American workers in unions declined sharply last year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, with the percentage slipping to 11.9 percent, the lowest rate in more than 70 years.

Fewer workers belonged to unions in 2010

Public Unions are 100% paid for with our tax dollars. Tax revenues are down. You think they will accept the koolaid your drinking as payment in their paychecks?

Seems you need to get real.
It's no secret that dean is part of the socialist front but anyone can see where the democrat party is headed when Barry hires a communist to sit on his green jobs board and calls the US Chamber of Commerce a sinister tool of the GOP. Democrats have been at war with capitalism for a couple of decades and Obama is their last hope of succeeding in the revolution that Bill Ayers and the anarchists started during the 60's. Why do nurses, cops and everyone else in the middle class have to shell out half their budget to run their cars and heat their homes? Ask Obama and the peoples democratic revolution.
I support anything paid for by someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooohoooooooooooooooo. Also people are not individuals. They are conglomerates of some kind of group. Black, white, rich, poor, sexy, ugly, Smart, stupid. No one is an individual. wooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooo. Democrats rule.
Yes, absolutely.

All Republicans are either rich people who hate everyone else or poor white trash who are too stupid to vote for their own self-interest.

All of them.

Are you intentionally this ignorant?
Come on guys. What is it Republicans want to do to support the middle class? You call everything "socialism". You want to heartlessly cut aid to the elderly. You only want to get kids born and then turn your back on them after they are born.

You want to slash education. You seem to only support corporations and rich people.

Name something, anything you want to do to help the middle class. Try.
Come on guys. What is it Republicans want to do to support the middle class? You call everything "socialism". You want to heartlessly cut aid to the elderly. You only want to get kids born and then turn your back on them after they are born.

You want to slash education. You seem to only support corporations and rich people.

Name something, anything you want to do to help the middle class. Try.

You seriously can't think of any solution to any of these problems but turning them over to politicians? That's your issue, you turn not to government as the last solution but the first.

It's the whole premise of this thread. We're supporing free markets. We aren't against unions at all, we're against government stepping in and giving them artificial power. It's brain dead liberal to say we are "anti-union" because we don't believe government should give them more power then they have on their own. Why should government guns side with one side, either side?

That's brain dead enough, but you go to another whole level of stupidity by stating we're against who's in the union. By not giving unions the artificial power through government guns on their behalf, we're against unions and we're against nurses, teachers, and anyone else in a union.

We're for free markets. You're a moron. That's the scorecard for those keeping track at home...
It seems that way.

The attacks on Unions.

The attacks on:
the Unemployed
Social Security

Have Republicans finally decided that doing anything to support the Middle Class is "so over"?

We know what they think of the poor. Is that how they now feel about the Middle Class? Are they even going to bother running "for the Middle Class" or will it all be about the "job creators" who have money, but aren't creating jobs? Their only policy seems to be "hoping the job creators make jobs". What happens if they don't want to? Just keep throwing money at them?

Inquiring minds want to know.

The Republicans have attacked nurses, teachers, firefighters, and everyone else on your list? When was that? Why didn't the police arrest them when they attacked them?
It seems that way.

The attacks on Unions.

The attacks on:
the Unemployed
Social Security

Have Republicans finally decided that doing anything to support the Middle Class is "so over"?

We know what they think of the poor. Is that how they now feel about the Middle Class? Are they even going to bother running "for the Middle Class" or will it all be about the "job creators" who have money, but aren't creating jobs? Their only policy seems to be "hoping the job creators make jobs". What happens if they don't want to? Just keep throwing money at them?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Why must you allow your own party to continuously exploit you?
It seems that way.

The attacks on Unions.

The attacks on:
the Unemployed
Social Security

Have Republicans finally decided that doing anything to support the Middle Class is "so over"?

We know what they think of the poor. Is that how they now feel about the Middle Class? Are they even going to bother running "for the Middle Class" or will it all be about the "job creators" who have money, but aren't creating jobs? Their only policy seems to be "hoping the job creators make jobs". What happens if they don't want to? Just keep throwing money at them?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Why must you allow your own party to continuously exploit you?

Some people like being a slave, don't they?
It seems that way.

The attacks on Unions.

The attacks on:
the Unemployed
Social Security

Apparently you believe the "middle class" is composed entirely of tics on the ass of society.

For the record, when have Republican ever attacked nurses?
Op can you ever make a post that can't be easily exposed as ideological bs?

not with Dean you wont see that.....i have never seen the guy EVER bad mouth a Democrat or any Democrat policy....and if both parties are guilty of doing it.....Dean will just bad mouth the GOP.....
Of course they have. But it doesn't matter to some of the sheep that faithfully follow them. They are sure that the Grande Old Party is looking out for them. Even when the GOP walks away from the middle class and stakes its tent with the wealthy, the sheep continue to follow. As long as Murdock's FOX preaches it's mindless dribble, they will continue to follow.

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