HAUNTING Obama words"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Romney and Obama campaigns exchange harsh statements over death of U.S. ambassador

Obama camp says Romney using death of diplomat J. Christopher Stevens to score cheap political points.

I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi," Romney said in the statement, which came before Stevens was confirmed as the fatality.

"It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks," he added.

Romney and Obama campaigns exchange harsh statements over death of U.S. ambassador - NY Daily News

Any of you remember THESE statements and tell me if they are NOT VERY expensive in US troops' LIVES for cheap political gain???

Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

What happened to all that FREE Expression the above cheap politicians INCLUDING Obama exercised FREQUENTLY during Iraq Liberation?
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Obama lead from behind. He let the French do the deed.

and hey.. Its not his fault. It's Bushes fault.

As for the rest of the loud mouths.. Well, they can just go fuck themselves.

We get Energy Independence we push the button. That's the answer to world peace.
I am just trying to help people understand that Obama and the other traitors during the IRAQ Liberation
were trying to "score cheap political points" at the EXPENSE of US troops lives!

I mean you have to be EXTREMELY stupid to make statements like
"Air raiding villages , killing civilians" at the time our troops are handing out candy to kids wearing bombs!
Yet these "cheap political points" were made in the guise of "freedom of speech"!
Romney isn't an elected official i.e. Senator Obama, Senate Leader Reid, all leaders encouraging the
thug/barbarians to recruit more killers of US troops and Prolonging the Iraq Liberation efforts far longer then the actual military victory took!
Yet these dicks and their "cheap political points" CAUSED 3,000+ more deaths and $600 billion and they have the GALL to blame Bush???
They are all about re election. They play to the base and hide behind whatever curtain they can find.

Anything Liberal these days is another step toward Socialism or worse. Even the death of our troops plays a roll. They'll stop at nothing to get to victory.

Personally.. I'd offer those fucking rug heads a chance. Here it is. You have 24 hours to go home, sit down and shut up.
If they don't.. Bomb the fuck out of them with the real goods. Be done with it.
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I'm pretty sure if Romney gets in he will stop Iran in there tracks in a matter of weeks.
Shut the right up.
And we would never know if you are right by re-electing a regime that is OK with Iran's nuclear stance!

What Romney and ANYONE with sane, logical advice would do though is EXPAND the current Iran sanctions and where military exercises required.. be done! No apologies. No backing down!

That's what Romney would do that is different from the non-existent strategy of Obama!

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