Has Merkel Lost her mind?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
I think a lot of German's right now are questioning the sanity of their leadership and with good reason. The following quote.
“Germans are arrogant. Germany doesn’t belong to the Germans. Germans don’t deserve Germany. Foreigners fresh off a train do and just shut up if you disagree — don’t you know that Germany is guilty, guilty, guilty?”…says German Chancellor Angela Merkel

It's like her brain has been "Obamatized". To tell your citizens they do NOT deserve their country? No one knowingly votes for crap like that so is it mental illness?
"Germany is guilty , guilty , guilty". Take out the word Germany and it SOUNDS like Obama.

This islamocrap is sounding more and more like a deadly mental illness. Here you have a highly educated woman who is lifting the banner of 7th century savages.
Does this idiot have ANY idea what she is about to do to Germany? How many will die and what will happen to their economy? She is putting ALL of Germany in danger and Europe as well.

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she's a commie from east germany..ironic..the germans fought the communists fiercely and now one runs their country and is trying to destabilize it by importing 3rd world peasants and terrorists.
she's a commie from east germany..ironic..the germans fought the communists fiercely and now one runs their country and is trying to destabilize it by importing 3rd world peasants and terrorists.

You're an idiot.

brilliant rebuttal.

since you can't refute that she is a commie, you retreat to your standard fallback position of namecalling...LMAO...

When you're catching flak, you know you're over the target....I'm right on target, obviously.
she's a commie from east germany..ironic..the germans fought the communists fiercely and now one runs their country and is trying to destabilize it by importing 3rd world peasants and terrorists.

In reality commies run Germany in Merkel DDR 2.0. Almost all conservatives and non-commies were pushed away.
she's a commie from east germany..ironic..the germans fought the communists fiercely and now one runs their country and is trying to destabilize it by importing 3rd world peasants and terrorists.

You're an idiot.

brilliant rebuttal.

since you can't refute that she is a commie, you retreat to your standard fallback position of namecalling...LMAO...

When you're catching flak, you know you're over the target....I'm right on target, obviously.

In Germany, it does not matter if she is/was a commie.

It does not matter here because she is german.

In other words, Toro did not retreat from the commie comment. He stomped over because it is irrelevant!

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