Has anybody here actually met a "White Supremacist"?

No. I have met some people that generalized about different races but I have yet to hear anything actual supremacy
People “say” a lot of things. It’s best to make such a judgment by what they actually do. Most white supremacists I’m familiar with, fled their homelands in order to gain entry into white nations. Even risking their own lives, and the lives of their children. When you see em’ put it all on the line to that extent; you know they’re the real deal...
How many of these people did you actually meet?

Where did they flee to? I didn't know there were any 'white nations'.

As a supremacist, what was their goal? To eliminate non whites or just get away from them?
There definitely are posters here who I would consider white supremacists, but they are quite rare.
By and large they are greatly outnumbered and however you look at it this Chicken Little campaign
to convince everyone we are up to our butt holes in white nationalists is absolute nonsense.

It stinks of leftist desperation.
I agree with your assessment of the Democrats/MSM Chicken Littles.

What do you consider the distinction of racists and supremacists to be?

I'm not on the left and I despise Donald Trump. Trump's ban on bump stocks violated the Constitution on three different counts. He wants to ban silencers. He's on record wanting to ban so - called "assault weapons" (he uses the language of the left to refer to semi-automatic weapons.) The man has said: "Take their guns. Due Process later." He's supported Red Flag Laws (again not giving a sh!+ about Due Process) and wants a universal background check. Well, the only way universal background checks can be enforced is if weapons are registered and registration always, always, always precedes confiscation.


I agree with that. The only response that I have is that the Democrats will be worse. Far worse.

However, I don't blame Trump as much as I blame the NRA leadership. I suspect Trump doesn't have any real convictions on gun control. He just calls up the NRA and ask them what they think. The leadership of the NRA is weak now and has sold the membership down the river by supporting the things you listed.

I was a lobbyist for the NRA in the 1980s. When I caught Harlan Carter, the then president, working on behalf of gun control, I left that organization. They've supported all kinds of gun control.

Gun Owners of America is the only proactive gun Rights organization left.

People keep telling me that the Democrats would be worse. How? At least if Hitlery suggested it, the Republicans would be hesitant to vote for it. Today, that's not true.

If you have ever dealt with your federal congresscritters and their staff, they are about the most uneducated morons on this earth when it comes to understanding the Constitution. Keep in touch with them and keep making points. I reserve Tuesdays just to call and engage those people - at least one bureaucrat for a minimum of 20 minutes.

Finally, when it comes to gun Rights, I submitted an idea I researched over a near four decade time span. I could cut mass shootings by 90 percent with no tax increases, no new bureaucracies and NO kind of gun control. Neither the Ds or the Rs want to consider it. They both know where they are going with America.

I'm not on the left and I despise Donald Trump. Trump's ban on bump stocks violated the Constitution on three different counts. He wants to ban silencers. He's on record wanting to ban so - called "assault weapons" (he uses the language of the left to refer to semi-automatic weapons.) The man has said: "Take their guns. Due Process later." He's supported Red Flag Laws (again not giving a sh!+ about Due Process) and wants a universal background check. Well, the only way universal background checks can be enforced is if weapons are registered and registration always, always, always precedes confiscation.


I agree with that. The only response that I have is that the Democrats will be worse. Far worse.

However, I don't blame Trump as much as I blame the NRA leadership. I suspect Trump doesn't have any real convictions on gun control. He just calls up the NRA and ask them what they think. The leadership of the NRA is weak now and has sold the membership down the river by supporting the things you listed.

I was a lobbyist for the NRA in the 1980s. When I caught Harlan Carter, the then president, working on behalf of gun control, I left that organization. They've supported all kinds of gun control.

Gun Owners of America is the only proactive gun Rights organization left.

People keep telling me that the Democrats would be worse. How? At least if Hitlery suggested it, the Republicans would be hesitant to vote for it. Today, that's not true.

If you have ever dealt with your federal congresscritters and their staff, they are about the most uneducated morons on this earth when it comes to understanding the Constitution. Keep in touch with them and keep making points. I reserve Tuesdays just to call and engage those people - at least one bureaucrat for a minimum of 20 minutes.

Finally, when it comes to gun Rights, I submitted an idea I researched over a near four decade time span. I could cut mass shootings by 90 percent with no tax increases, no new bureaucracies and NO kind of gun control. Neither the Ds or the Rs want to consider it. They both know where they are going with America.

I am a Life Member of the NRA but I am not giving them any more money. Not until they stop giving away the store. I am a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and Certified Range Officer. I am seriously thinking about giving up my certifications so as not to have anything more to do with the NRA until they grow a set of balls.

GOA is getting my donations nowadays.

Yes there are morons in Washington.
Only in prison.

had to keep them and the Black Supremacists apart
Do the Black Supremacists have their own news network?
Don't know.

Do they?

are they any less real than White Supremacists?
I guess not but the black supremacists don`t have their leader sitting in the Oval Office do they? Nor do they have the numbers to support their own news network.

I guess not but the black supremacists don`t have their leader sitting in the Oval Office do they?

Neither do White Supremacists.

Nor do they have the numbers to support their own news network.

Which news network would that be?
In a rural town in western Maryland 12 years ago I encountered two at a remote gas station grill.
That probably a measure of the extent of it in general. Talk about a “manufactured cris”.
I'm certain they exist. But I've never met one.

Has anyone here ever met one?

Tell us how it went...

I know one, he believes that all races are inferior to the white race and they should remain segregated. To me he is arrogant, prideful, intolerant and overall an unhappy person. He isn't violent but he is an asshole.
When I was in my 20s I was sharing rent with another guy close to my age. He was a guard in a prison. He came home one day with a Confederate flag tattooed on his back.
That was once common among Southern Democrats.

Now not so much.

The problem with questions like 'Have you ever met a White Supremacist?' is that you have to define your terms. For some if you are white and say the N-Bomb that makes you a bigot, therefore a racist, and therefore a White Supremacist.

I grew up during desegregation in the South, and I remember a lot of it. I talked to my father and grandfather about the topic and got different answers for the longest time, so I will summarize.

There are four kinds of 'racist' as the term is generally used today.
1) A 'bigot' who has racial attitudes about various ethnic groups, and none of them measure up to his ethnic group. A large measure of their personal pride is in identifying with their own ethnicity. They don't want discrimination in the courts against these other ethnicities, its just they are second tier to his ethnicity.
2) Racial Segregationists wants to allow voluntary associations in business, social clubs, etc to be based on race or ethnicity. They do not want the government necessarily to discriminate by law, but they don't want to have to live with disgusting people of certain races or ethnicities.
3) Racial Protectionist are racists that want the law to give advantages to his ethnicity and a few others but it should be understated or disguised as some other kind of target. He thinks it is only natural for the Peoples preferences to be encoded as law, and if the people through a democratic process elect Congresspeople that pass laws that discriminate against some ethnic groups, so be it, power to the people. They see no obligation at all for the law to be racially neutral. Most of the people involved in Identity Politics are these kinds of racists, but they want to benefit nonwhites over whites.
4) Racial Supremacists embrace inequality under the law, but also want it to be done systematically to favor one ethnic or racial group that they consider so superior to all the others it is only humane to let that group/race rule over all the others for their own good. They don't think these people are not human, but are like weeds in ones garden; not supposed to be there.

I have only met a few overt White Supremacists and they were from Rhodesia and South Africa back in the late 70's. The white segregationists I grew up among largely gave up the idea of Jim Crow ever being the law again and instead only want to be allowed to live in all white communities, though some I have met more recently still talk about a national system of Jim Crow laws that has exceptions for some minorities, like black cops and veterans. And there are lots of bigots, but none will admit to it until they think they can trust you. I do not betray friends over the use of stupid language but I ask them top tone it down around me. As I don't like hearing it.

The lying leftists redefine the language and the MSM runs with it. There are more MSM people in the Democrat party that you can count. The MSM and the Democrat Party are really one in the same. The MSM inherited a huge demographic which they have been fooling into thinking that they (MSM) are 'objective.' It's a lie and keeps people ignorant of other points of view.

You can really tell because most of the leftists on this Forum regurgitate the same Democrat talking points, hate Trump, hate Fox News, Hate Rush, hate Hannity and on and on and on.

They are told what to think, what to listen to and what to watch and like obedient sheep they bleat in unison.

That is an extremely funny post. Then again, the current generation does not have the insight from those who lived the past. Let me enlighten you:

The right has tried to redefine words just as much as the left has. For example: there is that term "illegals" when referring to people without human registration papers. Where, in the Constitution, does that document give Congress the authority to tell states who they may and may not invite as guests, guest workers, and temporary workers? Such authority simply doesn't exist. The federal government was tasked with only ONE function relative to foreigners:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" (Article 1 Section 9)

That's it. Congress has NO authority to impose on states; NO authority to impede unalienable Rights of other people; NO authority to infringe upon the Liberties of any man. You and I ... and society control who comes and goes within our borders, NOT the government (unless another country is waging war against us.) Constitutionally, we were designed to have free will with a free market economy. Some people have brainwashed you into thinking the government can save you from yourself. Therefore, the government would be your benefactor and you are beholden to government for your "rights." THAT alone is screwed up on so many levels.

I'm not on the left and I despise Donald Trump. Trump's ban on bump stocks violated the Constitution on three different counts. He wants to ban silencers. He's on record wanting to ban so - called "assault weapons" (he uses the language of the left to refer to semi-automatic weapons.) The man has said: "Take their guns. Due Process later." He's supported Red Flag Laws (again not giving a sh!+ about Due Process) and wants a universal background check. Well, the only way universal background checks can be enforced is if weapons are registered and registration always, always, always precedes confiscation.

Hannity and Rush are paid stooges of Fox News. Fox News is owned largely by Rupert Murdoch and the next major stockholder is a Saudi Prince. Now, let's think about this for a moment:

Rupert Murdoch was (and may still be) on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations (the world's largest globalist think tank.) When I was a conservative (sic) the CFR and Murdoch were the arch nemesis of the Constitution. Today they are the good guys. The globalists are controlling all the news, controlling the fight you think you're in and they control both sides of the argument. You fight people that you are actually in agreement with (and don't know it) and the globalists fund both sides of the war, all the news and they allow you to deplete your resources in a manner where you cannot defend yourself. And your buddy Trump is a lap dog for them:

Rupert Murdoch and President Trump: A Friendship of Convenience

Murdoch said 'I can't get the a**hole off the phone' about Trump, book claims

Do you honest to God think that Murdoch is going to allow his place of business (Fox News) to be used to effectively to get rid of Hispanics in this country? No sir. He's conning you into forfeiting your Rights and most of the crap that separates families will be over-turned in the courts. They have played you. Once Trump takes the guns, there won't be sh!+ you can do about it.

The first part of your TDS screed is wrong. People who are emigrating that have the intent to crash our borders (instead of coming through legal ports of entry) are either potential illegal aliens, and if they actually get in our country that way they are legally called illegal aliens.

People who are captured trying to crash our borders and SAY they are asylum seekers are not asylum seekers until they are adequately vetted.

I was going to go on and address the rest of your post until you spewed your TDS nonsense. Good Bye.
When I was in my 20s I was sharing rent with another guy close to my age. He was a guard in a prison. He came home one day with a Confederate flag tattooed on his back.
That was once common among Southern Democrats.

Now not so much.

The problem with questions like 'Have you ever met a White Supremacist?' is that you have to define your terms. For some if you are white and say the N-Bomb that makes you a bigot, therefore a racist, and therefore a White Supremacist.

I grew up during desegregation in the South, and I remember a lot of it. I talked to my father and grandfather about the topic and got different answers for the longest time, so I will summarize.

There are four kinds of 'racist' as the term is generally used today.
1) A 'bigot' who has racial attitudes about various ethnic groups, and none of them measure up to his ethnic group. A large measure of their personal pride is in identifying with their own ethnicity. They don't want discrimination in the courts against these other ethnicities, its just they are second tier to his ethnicity.
2) Racial Segregationists wants to allow voluntary associations in business, social clubs, etc to be based on race or ethnicity. They do not want the government necessarily to discriminate by law, but they don't want to have to live with disgusting people of certain races or ethnicities.
3) Racial Protectionist are racists that want the law to give advantages to his ethnicity and a few others but it should be understated or disguised as some other kind of target. He thinks it is only natural for the Peoples preferences to be encoded as law, and if the people through a democratic process elect Congresspeople that pass laws that discriminate against some ethnic groups, so be it, power to the people. They see no obligation at all for the law to be racially neutral. Most of the people involved in Identity Politics are these kinds of racists, but they want to benefit nonwhites over whites.
4) Racial Supremacists embrace inequality under the law, but also want it to be done systematically to favor one ethnic or racial group that they consider so superior to all the others it is only humane to let that group/race rule over all the others for their own good. They don't think these people are not human, but are like weeds in ones garden; not supposed to be there.

I have only met a few overt White Supremacists and they were from Rhodesia and South Africa back in the late 70's. The white segregationists I grew up among largely gave up the idea of Jim Crow ever being the law again and instead only want to be allowed to live in all white communities, though some I have met more recently still talk about a national system of Jim Crow laws that has exceptions for some minorities, like black cops and veterans. And there are lots of bigots, but none will admit to it until they think they can trust you. I do not betray friends over the use of stupid language but I ask them top tone it down around me. As I don't like hearing it.

The lying leftists redefine the language and the MSM runs with it. There are more MSM people in the Democrat party that you can count. The MSM and the Democrat Party are really one in the same. The MSM inherited a huge demographic which they have been fooling into thinking that they (MSM) are 'objective.' It's a lie and keeps people ignorant of other points of view.

You can really tell because most of the leftists on this Forum regurgitate the same Democrat talking points, hate Trump, hate Fox News, Hate Rush, hate Hannity and on and on and on.

They are told what to think, what to listen to and what to watch and like obedient sheep they bleat in unison.

That is an extremely funny post. Then again, the current generation does not have the insight from those who lived the past. Let me enlighten you:

The right has tried to redefine words just as much as the left has. For example: there is that term "illegals" when referring to people without human registration papers. Where, in the Constitution, does that document give Congress the authority to tell states who they may and may not invite as guests, guest workers, and temporary workers? Such authority simply doesn't exist. The federal government was tasked with only ONE function relative to foreigners:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" (Article 1 Section 9)

That's it. Congress has NO authority to impose on states; NO authority to impede unalienable Rights of other people; NO authority to infringe upon the Liberties of any man. You and I ... and society control who comes and goes within our borders, NOT the government (unless another country is waging war against us.) Constitutionally, we were designed to have free will with a free market economy. Some people have brainwashed you into thinking the government can save you from yourself. Therefore, the government would be your benefactor and you are beholden to government for your "rights." THAT alone is screwed up on so many levels.

I'm not on the left and I despise Donald Trump. Trump's ban on bump stocks violated the Constitution on three different counts. He wants to ban silencers. He's on record wanting to ban so - called "assault weapons" (he uses the language of the left to refer to semi-automatic weapons.) The man has said: "Take their guns. Due Process later." He's supported Red Flag Laws (again not giving a sh!+ about Due Process) and wants a universal background check. Well, the only way universal background checks can be enforced is if weapons are registered and registration always, always, always precedes confiscation.

Hannity and Rush are paid stooges of Fox News. Fox News is owned largely by Rupert Murdoch and the next major stockholder is a Saudi Prince. Now, let's think about this for a moment:

Rupert Murdoch was (and may still be) on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations (the world's largest globalist think tank.) When I was a conservative (sic) the CFR and Murdoch were the arch nemesis of the Constitution. Today they are the good guys. The globalists are controlling all the news, controlling the fight you think you're in and they control both sides of the argument. You fight people that you are actually in agreement with (and don't know it) and the globalists fund both sides of the war, all the news and they allow you to deplete your resources in a manner where you cannot defend yourself. And your buddy Trump is a lap dog for them:

Rupert Murdoch and President Trump: A Friendship of Convenience

Murdoch said 'I can't get the a**hole off the phone' about Trump, book claims

Do you honest to God think that Murdoch is going to allow his place of business (Fox News) to be used to effectively to get rid of Hispanics in this country? No sir. He's conning you into forfeiting your Rights and most of the crap that separates families will be over-turned in the courts. They have played you. Once Trump takes the guns, there won't be sh!+ you can do about it.

The first part of your TDS screed is wrong. People who are emigrating that have the intent to crash our borders (instead of coming through legal ports of entry) are either potential illegal aliens, and if they actually get in our country that way they are legally called illegal aliens.

People who are captured trying to crash our borders and SAY they are asylum seekers are not asylum seekers until they are adequately vetted.

I was going to go on and address the rest of your post until you spewed your TDS nonsense. Good Bye.

Good-Bye. Anybody that stands up for Trump's stupidity and tries that TDS shit only shows that they have their head so far up Trump's ass, Trump would have to fart in order for them to get a breath of fresh air.

I asked a very specific question and will repeat it:

Where, in the Constitution, does that document give Congress the authority to tell states who they may and may not invite as guests, guest workers, and temporary workers? Such authority simply doesn't exist. The federal government was tasked with only ONE function relative to foreigners:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" (Article 1 Section 9)

Congress can pass bills until Hell freezes over, but NOBODY is obligated to obey them unless Congress has the constitutional authority to pass such legislation. The people that worship Trump tend to be xenophobes without any common sense. You're showing me no different.

America builds this nation predicated on the concept of unalienable Rights. This means that a Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be) bestowed upon you, at birth, these Rights. Unalienable Rights are absolute, irrevocable, God given, natural, inherent and above the law. Among those are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That means those Rights are not limited to that.

Consequently, the founders / framers went on to codify these Rights in the Constitution. You know it as the Bill of Rights. It is paramount to understand WHERE your unalienable Rights originate from. If those Rights don't apply to you, they do not apply to foreigners. It's that plain; it's that simple and it's that concrete. If you DO happen to have unalienable Rights so does the next guy - UNLESS YOU ARE A WHITE SUPREMACIST THAT BELIEVES THAT GOD ONLY GAVE WHITE PEOPLE UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.

Presuming we all have a Right to Liberty, foreigners don't need "your" permission to come into the United States. Regardless of where you and I stand on liking / disliking people, the overwhelming majority of Americans willingly do business with foreigners and they don't give a rip about a piece of paper that presumes a power to grant Liberty to people who were born with it.

You're conflating that with citizenship. Had it not been for an illegal act on the part of the United States Supreme Court, states would still be in charge of who gets invited in as guests, guest workers, etc. We can limit who becomes a citizen and who receives the benefits of citizenship, but we cannot keep people from engaging in otherwise legal activities by using quotas and pretending there is some "legal" requirement to meet. It hasn't worked; it's not working now; and you're about to find out how expensive it can be to enforce liberal laws that were forced through Congress by Democrat Ted Kennedy.

The mistake you're about to make will cost you ALL of your Liberties; it will prove ineffective; it will be prohibitively expensive dollar wise as well.
Illegals outnumber “white whatever'” by 1000-1 yet they are the cherished puppies of liberals
The worse people are those who hate themselves. And there are many. So they lash out to hurt others. We are not talking beliefs in morals here. We are talking belligerence in their power. For whatever reason they use it to destroy others. To defend is one thing. What they do is another.

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