Happy Meals Live!


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Children in California will still be able to get toys with their Happy Meals.

A San Francisco judge has dismissed a proposed class-action lawsuit that sought to stop McDonald's Corp. from using toys to market its meals to children in the Golden State. The suit had been filed in late 2010 by Monet Parham, a California mother of two, and The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.

The suit had claimed that the world's biggest hamburger chain was violating consumer protection laws and exploiting children's vulnerability by using toys to lure them to eat nutritionally unbalanced meals that can lead to obesity.

Bottom Line - Calif. kids can have Happy Meals, judge rules

You want a shake with that?
Children in California will still be able to get toys with their Happy Meals.

A San Francisco judge has dismissed a proposed class-action lawsuit that sought to stop McDonald's Corp. from using toys to market its meals to children in the Golden State. The suit had been filed in late 2010 by Monet Parham, a California mother of two, and The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.

The suit had claimed that the world's biggest hamburger chain was violating consumer protection laws and exploiting children's vulnerability by using toys to lure them to eat nutritionally unbalanced meals that can lead to obesity.

Bottom Line - Calif. kids can have Happy Meals, judge rules

You want a shake with that?

aaahhh and the wrinkle to the twist.

except for the cities that have already outlawed the toys from the happy meals. SF is one of them.

nanny state lives!!!
With Liberals, who needs NAZIs? What darkness motivates someone to want to take away the fun from eating out?
Don't feed your kids that factory processed pink slime greasy pureed cow crap. What the hell are you trying to do people, set your kids up for a triple bypass later in life? That bloody mess has cow tumors in it too. Yuck.

You see, this is why I'll have no part in this commie care bullshit. I'm not paying to have STOOPID's arteries reamed and rerouted for a quarter of a million dollars (and climbing) because when they were little brats and wanted a fucking piece of shit chinese toy with their scab burger 25 years ago their irresponsible STOOPID lazy parent(s) never learned to say FUCK NO to the spoiled little brat, even to their own lardass selves too.

I have nothing against you all eating whatever you want, just don't expect OTHERS have to suffer your consequences by having to pay for it.

Ha, make a law and add a $20 health care tax to that Mac-slab-O-scab.
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Don't feed your kids that factory processed pink slime greasy pureed cow crap. What the hell are you trying to do people, set your kids up for a triple bypass later in life? That bloody mess has cow tumors in it too. Yuck.

You see, this is why I'll have no part in this commie care bullshit. I'm not paying to have STOOPID's arteries reamed and rerouted for a quarter of a million dollars (and climbing) because when they were little brats and wanted a fucking piece of shit chinese toy with their scab burger 25 years ago their irresponsible STOOPID lazy parent(s) never learned to say FUCK NO to the spoiled little brat, even to their own lardass selves too.

I have nothing against you all eating whatever you want, just don't expect OTHERS have to suffer the your consequences by having to pay for it.

Ha, make a law and add a $20 health care tax to that Mac-slab-O-scab.

I say OBAMACARE all the way to salvation!
Chicken Nuggets are made out of something that came from a chicken.

Could be feathers...could be anything.

Everyone knows this stuff.
I say OBAMACARE all the way to salvation!

You're being facetious I hope. ?

If that crap remains law, I'm gonna be all over everyone about not overeating and eating healthy, maintaining proper weight, no more smoking or alcohol or rec-drugs, no more risky sports. I'll demand auto accidents are outlawed. If you fail to exercise every day, I'll brand you an economic terrorist. If you fail to brush your teeth after every meal, I'll see to it you're sent to prison. You hear me people? You want commie care, you all better take really damn good care of yourselves, or I'll get myself on to one of those death panels. Yup! :razz:
Just prof that San Fransisco is populated by idiots. Frankly I'm shocked they found a judge willing to stand up for freedom.
I say OBAMACARE all the way to salvation!

You're being facetious I hope. ?

If that crap remains law, I'm gonna be all over everyone about not overeating and eating healthy, maintaining proper weight, no more smoking or alcohol or rec-drugs, no more risky sports. I'll demand auto accidents are outlawed. If you fail to exercise every day, I'll brand you an economic terrorist. If you fail to brush your teeth after every meal, I'll see to it you're sent to prison. You hear me people? You want commie care, you all better take really damn good care of yourselves, or I'll get myself on to one of those death panels. Yup! :razz:

Yes, But sadly got to go with it, a mess is coming. I want to drive the road without bodies all over the place or on the road.
We already paying for it in other ways anyhow either way it goes. Everybody in a pissy and forgets the whole picture. And I
don’t want to have to get directly involved at all with it around my area. With medical snake doctor wagons running around. I
run under the realistic view of how the world works, and how things are. Geee. I said to much again! I‘m learning still..
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I want to drive the road without bodies all over the place or on the road.

I'll buy you a 4-wheel drive SUV, it will be cheaper.

Hey, make god pay for his/her defects, raid all the churches, force THEM to become commie. Use all that tithing money they have stashed away to settle pedophile cases to fix gods mistakes. I had nothing to do with defective humans.
I want to drive the road without bodies all over the place or on the road.

I'll buy you a 4-wheel drive SUV, it will be cheaper.

Hey, make god pay for his/her defects, raid all the churches, force THEM to become commie. Use all that tithing money they have stashed away to settle pedophile cases to fix gods mistakes. I had nothing to do with defective humans.

Don't need SUV! I'm a corporation that pays no taxes! Just want to move all of it far away!

Ps we need to get back to the toy in the box, thats important
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You need to start working on saving yourself right away I think Caveman!
Just an ideal for real change I think?
No, you don't think. That's your problem.

Focus on little things, Miss working on killer McNuggets!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T67DvoH2H3E]What Are Chicken Nuggets Made Of? - YouTube[/ame]
If you're trying to counter the notion that you're a moron...

...you're failing.
No, you don't think. That's your problem.

Focus on little things, Miss working on killer McNuggets!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T67DvoH2H3E]What Are Chicken Nuggets Made Of? - YouTube[/ame]
If you're trying to counter the notion that you're a moron...

...you're failing.

On the topic of "MORON". McCain suggested that ROMNEY pick my girl
Sarah (VP part Duets) as a running mate for 2012. As a MORON I will totally
respect and support this suggestion! What will the point spread for the win be?

BTW…Thinking about health and safety is being a “MORON” to it not affect me? How so and
can you explain this lacking of respect to be concern of more important things? I feel you would
be an enlighten source for understandings in this area.
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McDonalds reacts faster to customer needs than legal actions by government. Parents have a responsibility here to promote a healthier menu. Nature weeds out stupid. Government requires it.

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