Happy Hour: ISIS and Al-Qaeda fight each other in northern Aleppo Governorate


Nov 14, 2012
Generally, there is nothing funny when two major Islamist terror organizations clash with each other. It would be better if those terrorists would go to a desert to blow themselves up. However, it is a happy hour for the Syrian army as the number of terrorists decreases without Syrian tutoring and the terrorists have less strength in the numerous ongoing battles across the country.

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda organization “Jabhat Al-Nusra” are at odds with one another once again; this time, it is on a much larger scale than the previous skirmishes, as the militants from ISIS have captured a large amount of territory from the Al-Qaeda group and their affiliates in the northern part of the Aleppo Governorate.

ISIS’ recent capture of Sawran in northeast Aleppo has paved the way for their large-scale offensive into the strategic border-cities of Mar’e and ‘Azaz; this is an area that the militants of Jabhat Al-Nusra, Jabhat Al-Shamiyah (Levantine Front), and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) use to resupply and reinforce their entrenched fighters in the province of Aleppo.

On Thursday, ISIS opened a new front in the Aleppo Governorate after capturing a number villages on the road to the Aleppo Infantry School in the northern countryside; if the terrorist group can capture the remaining territory to the north of the Infantry School, they will have effectively cleared the area of all combatants from Liwaa Al-Tawheed and Jabhat Al-Nusra that are entrenched at this large facility.

According to social media activists from the Syrian Opposition, Jabhat Al-Shamiyah and their allies have countered the militants from ISIS at the city of Sawran; however, they have yet to recapture this area after almost 48 hours of constant firefights."

All Out War Between ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Northern Syria
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what else is new? the various factions of the vile filth have been fighting each other for 1400

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