Hang Up And Drive!!!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
This morning on my way to work, I was nearly creamed by a clueless bimbo yakking away on her cell phone while driving. Her car drifted into my lane at highway speed and she didn't even notice until I honked at her. Then she swerved back into her own lane and over-corrected and swerved into the opposite lane.

It must be a really small intellect that can't talk and drive at the same time. We must be looking at near mental retardation here.

I have experienced several such incidents over the years. It is only because of my quick reflexes and being a very experienced driver that I have avoided being hit by these fuckwads. The worst one was an idiot pulling out of a gas station while talking on his phone and nearly T-boning me. He didn't even turn to look to see if any cars were coming before he pulled into traffic.

I'd like to take a hammer to these kind of people and open up their skulls to see just how much air they have in there.

Studies have shown that cell phone drivers are as dangerous as drunk drivers. And so I think it is time to make the punishment for cell phone driving identical to that of drunk drivers.

First offense, huge fine and lose your driver's license for one year.

Second offense, bigger fine and lose your driver's license for two years.

Third offense, jail time and lose your license for five years.

Fourth offense, one year in prison and lose your license for life.

People are being killed by these assholes. Getting harsh on drunk drivers worked. It is time to get harsh on cell phone drivers.
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My sis was in an accident when the other driver was talking on her cell phone. She told the cops it was my sister's fault. Then the offender's friend drove up to the scene in a panic. When questioned by the cops she said during the conversation with her friend, the last thing she heard was a scream and a bang.
I have a friend who has been in four accidents while talking on her cell phone. Once while she was talking to another woman friend standing next to me.

That's got to be some kind of record.

She never learns. Literally.

If someone calls me while they are driving, I hang up on them.
It's more fun when they do stupid things like that to you when you drive a 33 ton articulated bus with 100 people on it then flip you off for YOUR bad driving.

Ahhh precious moments.

I've seen 2 accidents happen in front of me because of this habit that isn't REALLY that dangerous and have had one friend tell me he suffers no change in his driving quality. :rolleyes: (Of course I fail to mention his tailgating, speeding, fast lane changes without signal... comparatively he's right. Yapping on the phone is the least of his worries.)
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Talking? My god, they are texting now, totally taking their eyes off the road. They put the breathalyzers in cars to that they won't start if the blood alcohol is too high. (this should be in ALL cars in my opinion). they should make it so a cell phone will not operate when seated in the driver's seat with the car running.
Talking? My god, they are texting now, totally taking their eyes off the road. They put the breathalyzers in cars to that they won't start if the blood alcohol is too high. (this should be in ALL cars in my opinion). they should make it so a cell phone will not operate when seated in the driver's seat with the car running.
YOu don't know funny till you see someone doing that while riding their bike no handed on a busy street. Just saw last year for the first time.

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