Haneyya: Gov’t not in debt despite siege, heavy burdens

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

GAZA, (PIC)-- Gaza premier Ismail Haneyya has affirmed that his government was not in debt despite the Israeli siege and the heavy burdens.

He told a ceremony organized on Tuesday by the Palestinian society for accountants and auditors that the tenth Palestinian government, formed by Hamas, inherited an empty treasury with a debt of 1.2 billion dollars.

Haneyya said money is channeled to his government from official and popular Arab and Islamic parties without any conditions attached despite the American and European stands and the financial blockade.

The premier said that his government is paying the salaries of 42000 employees and managing a monthly budget of around 30 million dollars.

Haneyya: Gov

GAZA, (PIC)-- Gaza premier Ismail Haneyya has affirmed that his government was not in debt despite the Israeli siege and the heavy burdens.

He told a ceremony organized on Tuesday by the Palestinian society for accountants and auditors that the tenth Palestinian government, formed by Hamas, inherited an empty treasury with a debt of 1.2 billion dollars.

Haneyya said money is channeled to his government from official and popular Arab and Islamic parties without any conditions attached despite the American and European stands and the financial blockade.

The premier said that his government is paying the salaries of 42000 employees and managing a monthly budget of around 30 million dollars.

Haneyya: Gov
If the Hamas terror group stopped spending every cent,including aid money,on arms and munitions,they wouldn't be in such dire straits. Let 'em eat cake.

GAZA, (PIC)-- Gaza premier Ismail Haneyya has affirmed that his government was not in debt despite the Israeli siege and the heavy burdens.

He told a ceremony organized on Tuesday by the Palestinian society for accountants and auditors that the tenth Palestinian government, formed by Hamas, inherited an empty treasury with a debt of 1.2 billion dollars.

Haneyya said money is channeled to his government from official and popular Arab and Islamic parties without any conditions attached despite the American and European stands and the financial blockade.

The premier said that his government is paying the salaries of 42000 employees and managing a monthly budget of around 30 million dollars.

Haneyya: Gov
If the Hamas terror group stopped spending every cent,including aid money,on arms and munitions,they wouldn't be in such dire straits. Let 'em eat cake.

“Whatever became of the settlement lands? Such lost opportunities! The land has returned and what waste”, we hear time and again from Zionist apologists and their kind. “If only Gazans would make a life for themselves rather than blaming their problems on others!”

Leaving aside the obvious question of how a territory and its people whose every marker of sovereignty is effectively controlled by an occupying power that nevertheless refuses to recognize its responsibility as an occupier can “build a state” and “make a life”, the Gaza government has actually been doing some pretty impressive things.

Gaza Mom » Gaza; settlements; Israel; Hamas; agriculture

GAZA, (PIC)-- Gaza premier Ismail Haneyya has affirmed that his government was not in debt despite the Israeli siege and the heavy burdens.

He told a ceremony organized on Tuesday by the Palestinian society for accountants and auditors that the tenth Palestinian government, formed by Hamas, inherited an empty treasury with a debt of 1.2 billion dollars.

Haneyya said money is channeled to his government from official and popular Arab and Islamic parties without any conditions attached despite the American and European stands and the financial blockade.

The premier said that his government is paying the salaries of 42000 employees and managing a monthly budget of around 30 million dollars.

Haneyya: Gov
If the Hamas terror group stopped spending every cent,including aid money,on arms and munitions,they wouldn't be in such dire straits. Let 'em eat cake.

“Whatever became of the settlement lands? Such lost opportunities! The land has returned and what waste”, we hear time and again from Zionist apologists and their kind. “If only Gazans would make a life for themselves rather than blaming their problems on others!”

Leaving aside the obvious question of how a territory and its people whose every marker of sovereignty is effectively controlled by an occupying power that nevertheless refuses to recognize its responsibility as an occupier can “build a state” and “make a life”, the Gaza government has actually been doing some pretty impressive things.

Gaza Mom » Gaza; settlements; Israel; Hamas; agriculture
Hoss apples,Tinmore and you know it.
If the Hamas terror group stopped spending every cent,including aid money,on arms and munitions,they wouldn't be in such dire straits. Let 'em eat cake.

Remember all those Libyan surface to air missiles that went missing during last year’s civil war in Libya?

Hezbollah and Hamas Have Gadhafi’s Old SAMs


Remember all those Libyan surface to air missiles that went missing during last year’s civil war in Libya? The ones that NATO was desperately trying to track down? Well, some of the shoulder-fired SA-24 Grinch SAMs have made their way into the hands of Hezbollah and they’re pointed at Israel.

The Grinch isn’t some aging Soviet system from the 1970s , nope, it’s Russia’s newest shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile and one of the most advanced MANPADS (man-portable air defense systems) out there. The pic above shows a truck mounted-dual launcher version of the system in Libya.


They're sure trying to get as many weapons as they can in order to further the attack on Israel.


Israel, the red spot...
If the Hamas terror group stopped spending every cent,including aid money,on arms and munitions,they wouldn't be in such dire straits. Let 'em eat cake.

Remember all those Libyan surface to air missiles that went missing during last year’s civil war in Libya?

Hezbollah and Hamas Have Gadhafi’s Old SAMs


Remember all those Libyan surface to air missiles that went missing during last year’s civil war in Libya? The ones that NATO was desperately trying to track down? Well, some of the shoulder-fired SA-24 Grinch SAMs have made their way into the hands of Hezbollah and they’re pointed at Israel.

The Grinch isn’t some aging Soviet system from the 1970s , nope, it’s Russia’s newest shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile and one of the most advanced MANPADS (man-portable air defense systems) out there. The pic above shows a truck mounted-dual launcher version of the system in Libya.


They're sure trying to get as many weapons as they can in order to further the attack on Israel.

I will believe that when I see Israeli planes come down.
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If the Hamas terror group stopped spending every cent,including aid money,on arms and munitions,they wouldn't be in such dire straits. Let 'em eat cake.

Remember all those Libyan surface to air missiles that went missing during last year’s civil war in Libya?


Remember all those Libyan surface to air missiles that went missing during last year’s civil war in Libya? The ones that NATO was desperately trying to track down? Well, some of the shoulder-fired SA-24 Grinch SAMs have made their way into the hands of Hezbollah and they’re pointed at Israel.

The Grinch isn’t some aging Soviet system from the 1970s , nope, it’s Russia’s newest shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile and one of the most advanced MANPADS (man-portable air defense systems) out there. The pic above shows a truck mounted-dual launcher version of the system in Libya.


They're sure trying to get as many weapons as they can in order to further the attack on Israel.

I will believe that when I Israeli planes come down.

First of all, just because they garner all the weaponry they can does not mean they will shoot one plane down as Israeli pilots are pretty good.

As well, I don't care what you believe PF. I post through you for others to read my posts. You are simply a replaceable parameter PF.
Remember all those Libyan surface to air missiles that went missing during last year’s civil war in Libya?



They're sure trying to get as many weapons as they can in order to further the attack on Israel.

I will believe that when I Israeli planes come down.

First of all, just because they garner all the weaponry they can does not mean they will shoot one plane down as Israeli pilots are pretty good.

As well, I don't care what you believe PF. I post through you for others to read my posts. You are simply a replaceable parameter PF.

Israel has been saying for years (even before cast lead) that Gaza has anti tank missiles. Haw many tanks has Israel lost?
Research yourself. You don't because you know the answer. Yes, Israel has lost tanks and soldiers.

Now back to today.


And besides, surface to air missiles and anti tank missiles are both defensive weapons.
And besides, surface to air missiles and anti tank missiles are both defensive weapons.

Against the IDF, they are useless weapons. Israeli tanks are now protected by their Trophy anti missile system which has performed so well the the US is fitting a version of it too tanks, and the best Soviet/Russian SAMS have been repeatedly defeated by the IDF. The Palestinian Arab terrorists will no doubt try to use them to bring down civilian planes landing or taking off from Ben Gurion airport.

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