Hamas: Obama’s letter contained threats, no guarantees

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas confirmed that Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas revealed by the media on Saturday reflects the fact that the Arab decision to start direct negotiations between the Ramallah authority and the Israeli occupation government deceived the majority of Palestinian-Arab street.

The movement said that the letter contains a number of threats and no guarantees, which means that the Arab follow-up Committee marketed the U.S.’s position, without any regard for the interests of the Palestinians and Arabs.

Hamas spokesman, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, said Saturday in a press release: “The letter is evidence of the role played by the Fatah movement in marketing misconceptions and misleading public opinion about the guarantees and assurances alleged by the U.S., which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Hamas: Obama?s letter contained threats, no guarantees
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas confirmed that Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas revealed by the media on Saturday reflects the fact that the Arab decision to start direct negotiations between the Ramallah authority and the Israeli occupation government deceived the majority of Palestinian-Arab street.

The movement said that the letter contains a number of threats and no guarantees, which means that the Arab follow-up Committee marketed the U.S.’s position, without any regard for the interests of the Palestinians and Arabs.

Hamas spokesman, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, said Saturday in a press release: “The letter is evidence of the role played by the Fatah movement in marketing misconceptions and misleading public opinion about the guarantees and assurances alleged by the U.S., which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Hamas: Obama?s letter contained threats, no guarantees

Boo Hoo Hoo, a bunch of child murdering scum are upset. Tell them to go take over with arms like they did in Gaza. Ohh wait, they can not because on the west bank they have no power.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas confirmed that Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas revealed by the media on Saturday reflects the fact that the Arab decision to start direct negotiations between the Ramallah authority and the Israeli occupation government deceived the majority of Palestinian-Arab street.

The movement said that the letter contains a number of threats and no guarantees, which means that the Arab follow-up Committee marketed the U.S.’s position, without any regard for the interests of the Palestinians and Arabs.

Hamas spokesman, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, said Saturday in a press release: “The letter is evidence of the role played by the Fatah movement in marketing misconceptions and misleading public opinion about the guarantees and assurances alleged by the U.S., which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Hamas: Obama?s letter contained threats, no guarantees

Boo Hoo Hoo, a bunch of child murdering scum are upset. Tell them to go take over with arms like they did in Gaza. Ohh wait, they can not because on the west bank they have no power.

I think you missed the point.

Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas

which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Abbas is no longer the president of Palestine. What value is it to us that we negotiate peace with a fake who cannot deliver anything he promises?

Why the peace farce?
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas confirmed that Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas revealed by the media on Saturday reflects the fact that the Arab decision to start direct negotiations between the Ramallah authority and the Israeli occupation government deceived the majority of Palestinian-Arab street.

The movement said that the letter contains a number of threats and no guarantees, which means that the Arab follow-up Committee marketed the U.S.’s position, without any regard for the interests of the Palestinians and Arabs.

Hamas spokesman, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, said Saturday in a press release: “The letter is evidence of the role played by the Fatah movement in marketing misconceptions and misleading public opinion about the guarantees and assurances alleged by the U.S., which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Hamas: Obama?s letter contained threats, no guarantees

Boo Hoo Hoo, a bunch of child murdering scum are upset. Tell them to go take over with arms like they did in Gaza. Ohh wait, they can not because on the west bank they have no power.

I think you missed the point.

Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas

which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Abbas is no longer the president of Palestine. What value is it to us that we negotiate peace with a fake who cannot deliver anything he promises?

Why the peace farce?

He controls the West Bank.
Boo Hoo Hoo, a bunch of child murdering scum are upset. Tell them to go take over with arms like they did in Gaza. Ohh wait, they can not because on the west bank they have no power.

I think you missed the point.

which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Abbas is no longer the president of Palestine. What value is it to us that we negotiate peace with a fake who cannot deliver anything he promises?

Why the peace farce?

He controls the West Bank.

Yes he does, but, that does not make him president.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas confirmed that Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas revealed by the media on Saturday reflects the fact that the Arab decision to start direct negotiations between the Ramallah authority and the Israeli occupation government deceived the majority of Palestinian-Arab street.

The movement said that the letter contains a number of threats and no guarantees, which means that the Arab follow-up Committee marketed the U.S.’s position, without any regard for the interests of the Palestinians and Arabs

Hamas spokesman, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, said Saturday in a press release: “The letter is evidence of the role played by the Fatah movement in marketing misconceptions and misleading public opinion about the guarantees and assurances alleged by the U.S., which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Hamas: Obama?s letter contained threats, no guarantees
The US govt doesn't give a damn what you and your group of 'freedom fighter's' believe, of course this wouldn't be the only thing to come public over that. Israel will always exist...now go sulk in a corner. You will never get what you want. :lol:
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Boo Hoo Hoo, a bunch of child murdering scum are upset. Tell them to go take over with arms like they did in Gaza. Ohh wait, they can not because on the west bank they have no power.

I think you missed the point.

which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Abbas is no longer the president of Palestine. What value is it to us that we negotiate peace with a fake who cannot deliver anything he promises?

Why the peace farce?

He controls the West Bank.

NABLUS, (PIC)-- Mahmoud Abbas's security militias stormed Saturday evening the house of Palestinian lawmaker Sheikh Hamed Al-Betawi in Nablus city and kidnapped three of his sons.

Sources related to Sheikh Betawi said the militias broke into the house by force and kidnapped three of his sons including human rights activist at the international Tadamun (solidarity) society Ahmed Al-Betawi.

The sources noted that the raid on the house was illegal and carried out against someone enjoying parliamentary immunity which bans security apparatuses from taking any measure against lawmakers before referring to the attorney general and obtaining a decree to lift their immunity.

Two others in the same city were also kidnapped during the last two days. The detainees are a teacher named Farouk Al-Bishtawi and a university student named Osama Bani Fadel, who was kidnapped along with his father as they were walking in the city.

Abbas's militias storm home of MP Betawi, kidnap three of his sons

Abbas's militias are not under the authority or control of the Palestinian government.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas confirmed that Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas revealed by the media on Saturday reflects the fact that the Arab decision to start direct negotiations between the Ramallah authority and the Israeli occupation government deceived the majority of Palestinian-Arab street.

The movement said that the letter contains a number of threats and no guarantees, which means that the Arab follow-up Committee marketed the U.S.’s position, without any regard for the interests of the Palestinians and Arabs.

Hamas spokesman, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, said Saturday in a press release: “The letter is evidence of the role played by the Fatah movement in marketing misconceptions and misleading public opinion about the guarantees and assurances alleged by the U.S., which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Hamas: Obama?s letter contained threats, no guarantees

So fucking what!!!!

Why dont you worry about what that dick Obama is doing to America? (that is assuming you live here and give a shit)

* WOW... How inflamatory
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas confirmed that Barack Obama's letter to the former PA president Mahmoud Abbas revealed by the media on Saturday reflects the fact that the Arab decision to start direct negotiations between the Ramallah authority and the Israeli occupation government deceived the majority of Palestinian-Arab street.

The movement said that the letter contains a number of threats and no guarantees, which means that the Arab follow-up Committee marketed the U.S.’s position, without any regard for the interests of the Palestinians and Arabs.

Hamas spokesman, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, said Saturday in a press release: “The letter is evidence of the role played by the Fatah movement in marketing misconceptions and misleading public opinion about the guarantees and assurances alleged by the U.S., which leads us to confirm that Mahmoud Abbas is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Palestinian people.”

Hamas: Obama?s letter contained threats, no guarantees

So fucking what!!!!

Why dont you worry about what that dick Obama is doing to America? (that is assuming you live here and give a shit)

* WOW... How inflamatory

I knew who Obama was before the election. That is why I campaigned for and voted for someone else. Too bad most people did not follow the campaign close enough.

My question is that even though Obama knows that Abbas is not in the government, he still has fake peace talks revolving around Abbas.

What is the benefit of this peace farce?

You should know better then me, that justice based strategic thinking in foreign policy (M.East) serves no electoral purpose in the USA.
USA is approaching elections. All the jewish elements around Congress are now appeased, because that's an electoral purpose (Voters+fundraising).

Very pitty, because with Obama there was really a window of opportunity.
That opportunity will never come again for USA.

You should know better then me, that justice based strategic thinking in foreign policy (M.East) serves no electoral purpose in the USA.
USA is approaching elections. All the jewish elements around Congress are now appeased, because that's an electoral purpose (Voters+fundraising).

Very pitty, because with Obama there was really a window of opportunity.
That opportunity will never come again for USA.

I did not see that "window of opportunity." When the corporate media started pimping Obama before he threw his hat in the ring, I knew something was wrong. He continued to get daily positive face time throughout the campaign. Well except for a few wedge issues thrown in to make people believe there was a real choice between Obama and McCain.
I did not see that "window of opportunity." When the corporate media started pimping Obama before he threw his hat in the ring, I knew something was wrong. He continued to get daily positive face time throughout the campaign. Well except for a few wedge issues thrown in to make people believe there was a real choice between Obama and McCain.

There are relations on state level and relations involving the society.
USA has some Musim states in its pocket, but relations to the actual societiy and people is negative to hostile.

With Obama there was an opportunity to better US relations with Muslim societies (The People). In the begining he made some promising speeches in Ankara and Cairo.
Talk the talk. What Obama just delivered was an insignificant meeting with Muslim entrepeuners.
Turkey has taken the initiative and will host next summit.
Then, instead to take debt from Chinese he wanted Muslims to co-finance US's space projects. No, thank you.

I see not chances anymore for inter-cultural exchange between Muslims and Christians involving the USA. USA is no side that contributes to a solution to decrease frictions between Christians and Muslims. USA with its wars in the Muslim world and backing of Israel in its wars, is one of the main problems - if not the biggest.

We will just continue to deal with European Christians and the Vatican to make this world a better place. With USA we still deal, but we also know it is in a long decline and USA deals with Muslim world through its ambassador - the US Army.
No, thank you.
Look, what Obama promised during election campaign to become president.
Change, engagement, calling troops home.

Now, he is another Bush delivering sanctions and troop surges, and still lends an umbrella of protection over Israel's war crimes and Palestine's occupation. In 2012 Palestine should have become a sovereign State. It's all a farce as you rightfully recognized.

As long as the USA still is in hyperpower status, there won't be a solution in the Middle East and significant decrease in tensions between Muslims and "the West".
Fortunately, that hyperpower status decreases into superpower-status with other powers in the shift to achieve that level also.

So, yes: We cheer the USA loosing its post-WW2 status. There is no "hope" for "change" with the USA. Simple as that.

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