Halliburton up 23 %


Feb 28, 2009
In what must be maddening for libtards across the world, Halliburton income has risen 23% in the first quarter under Barack Hussein Obama's administration.

The Associated Press: Halliburton 1Q income rises 23 pct

Putting paid to the idea that Obama isn't a corporate whore like they accused Bush of being.

I just love it when a company the left hates thrives under one of their supposed golden boys.
you people have lost your minds.

Too bad your thesis on the properties of liberalism aren't anywhere near reality.
Liberals have become the most dogmatic people on the planet. If it isn't supported by Keynes and Marx then it must be wrong, according to you people.
I bought HAL years ago when they were caught up in that asbestos controversy. It of course rebounded and I turned a tidy profit.

Kudos to them for being a successful enterprise, employing workers, and contributing real tangible useful goods and services. :thup:
Real, tangible, useful goods and services. Employing people with money that was originally generated through commercial exchange. Trading value for value.

This is what Liberals hate. But they love the Government tit. Print the money and suckle the piglets. Print and suckle. Lather rinse repeat.

And if Obama can't print money fast enough, he'll just take the real thing from the real providers and distribute it amongst his piglets.

Suck at the Obama teat. Feast. Fill your bellies with free manna from the rainbow heaven known as the Obamachine

Liberals are the suckling piglets of society. Draining worth from the worth makers.

Derive your life- your "wealth" from the great tit of Barack Hussein Obama.
you people have lost your minds.

Too bad your thesis on the properties of liberalism aren't anywhere near reality.
Liberals have become the most dogmatic people on the planet. If it isn't supported by Keynes and Marx then it must be wrong, according to you people.

the sad part is that Marx and Keynes are both surely rolling over in their graves.
Halliburton is a an overpaid Government leech, anyone who has a Government contract is overpaid.........:cuckoo:

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