Haiti riots against United Nations


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2009
conservative hell california
Its hard to speculate what is happening in Haiti, rioting in the street, people shot by the United Nations, Cholera killing over a 1,000 people.

At the least another United Nations failure, another Obama failure, this country is at our doorstep. The United Nations should not even be in Haiti. But everybody wants the United Nations to be the world government and all the United Nations does is prove its an inept concept.

FT.com / Americas / Society - Rioters attack UN peacekeepers in Haiti

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Rioters attack UN peacekeepers in Haiti

By Benedict Mander in Caracas
Published: November 16 2010 19:49 | Last updated: November 16 2010 19:49
Rioters attacked United Nations peacekeepers as civil unrest continued in Haiti on Tuesday, paralysing attempts by aid agencies to control a cholera epidemic that has now reached every province in the country.

Although many Haitians blame Nepalese troops with the UN for bringing cholera to the earthquake-ravaged country, with at least 1,000 killed by the disease so far, the UN says rioting may be politically motivated. Presidential elections are due on November 28.

Haiti death toll rises to 1,000 - Nov-14

Cholera epidemic confirmed in Haiti capital - Nov-10

Haitians in ‘emergency’ conditions in tent cities - Oct-06

“The way in which the events unfolded leads to the belief that the incidents had a political motivation, aimed at creating a climate of insecurity on the eve of the elections,” said a statement released on Tuesday by the UN mission in Haiti, known as Minustah.

“Minustah calls on the population to remain vigilant and not let itself be manipulated by the enemies of stability and democracy in the country,” it added.

There was turmoil on Monday in two cities in the north of Haiti, Cap-Haitien and Hinche, with protesters setting cars and a police station on fire, as well as throwing rocks and bottles at UN troops. One protester was shot to death by a UN soldier.

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UN needs to step up and take responsibility...
UN anti-cholera plan in Haiti 'failing'
29 May 2013 > UN efforts to tackle cholera in Haiti are "almost non-existent", a charity says, as the world body faces court action for inadvertently starting a cholera epidemic in the country.
Late last year, the UN launched a $2.2bn-appeal (£1.5bn) to improve water supplies in Haiti. But Medecins Sans Frontieres says this has had almost no practical effect. The UN is accused of negligently allowing peacekeeping soldiers to pollute Haiti's water with cholera. The epidemic, which is spread by infected sewage, has killed more than 8,000 people since late 2010.

'Alarming' situation

"There have been grand plans - a 10-year $2.2bn project," Duncan McClean, a senior manager for MSF, told the BBC. But the UN plan had not been implemented, he added. "I travel regularly to Haiti; the impact on the ground today is almost non-existent." The UN plan to improve drinking water and sewage outlets - which MSF says is unfulfilled - was widely seen as the international body's attempt to deflect calls by the victims of cholera for financial compensation.

Responding to the MSF charge, the UN told the BBC that "enormous efforts" had been made to support Haiti's cholera eradication plans. These efforts had resulted in significantly fewer cases and reduced mortality rates. But the UN also recognised that a shortage of funds meant "resources mobilised to date are clearly insufficient to face a potential peak of cases" in the forthcoming rainy season. It has called for more resources from member states to tackle the cholera epidemic.

The UN says it has legal immunity from the compensation case. Lawyers for the cholera victims say that unless talks on compensation begin in the next few weeks, they will take the UN to court in New York. MSF said the cholera situation in Haiti was currently "extremely alarming". The rainy season had begun - causing the usual flooding of infected open sewers - while donor countries had reduced aid commitments.

BBC News - UN anti-cholera plan in Haiti 'failing'

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