
Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
fuck you -- with love


hope all is well.

Last Activity: 06-24-2011 03:28 AM

A Gunny story:

I had a serious injury or two with a few joints. I wanted to start an exercise program and reached out to the USMB community for advice. A few people responded and it was cool.

What Gunny did was take time and listen to a few concerns I had. He offered the beginnings of what became a detailed plan of action. All went fine for a short period of time, but surgery was necessary. I am back to looking at the plan Gunny took the time to help me formulate. I still have some issues with mobility of certain joints, but all is starting to go well.

thanks Gunny and thanks USMB Community

I truly hope all is well with the Gunny.

[ame=]Kienbock's Disease Proximal Row Carpectomy - YouTube[/ame]

not bad. I have images of my op. I have an outside source video of what was done with me.

I went in for a partial fusion, with maybe a full fusion as a last resort. At last minute in prep room we discussed a proximal row carp. My lunate was hollow. My scaphoid was in two distinct pieces, polished like jewels from wear and tear -- no cartilage left around scaphoid pieces

I had a non union ... scaphoid fracture which over years deteriorated. My lunate was thought to maybe be useable, it was not. so we went from partial fusion to carp with a few neurectomies..and maybe another thing or two.

I never did pain killers all the years I had issues. I knew it was a losing battle. It's why I have little sympathy for drug addicts who complain of pain.


sweet, eh? Dante the tough guy. :lol:
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