Gun Safety The Answer Is Easy


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
If you look back over these mass shootings not one I repeat NOT ONE has been done by an NRA member. That alone is worthy of attention AND support. But the best way to improve gun safety is to duplicate its teachings.

We NEED the NRA in schools. Start them in 1st grade NOT to ever touch a weapon and as they get older teach them gun safety and how to take care of one.
Teach them the BENEFIT of that tool and its proper uses for taking game or sport.

Liberals have been teaching that touchy feely stuff for years with NO results other then higher crime rates. And yet at the same time we have a far under used group with NO criminal connections and an outstanding record of supporting civil liberty's.

They were formed as a counter to the KKK. The FIRST civil right they protected was for life and liberty of the Negro. If anything that IS the very reason democrats hate them. They also SUPPORT defending your country its constitution AND BILL OF RIGHTS.

Now no doubt that IS Anti-democrat but its NOT Anti-American now is it? You want to lower gun crime fine, me to. Lets put the NRA BACK into schools. Yeah I said BACK because they were there BEFORE.

Here you democrats throw the very solution to gun crime OUT and then blame them for the problem. Funny it seems you have done a LOT of that in your history. Destroy the solution and then COMPLAIN about the problem.

I consider this the most insidious statement I have heard in Politics since Idi Amin!!

This is a political choice that we make to allow this to happen every few months in America. We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction.

"WE" are not; the killers ARE!!

Fury is right on this one. It's well known that responsible gun knowledge is safe and good for the people.

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