Guetierrez urges Obama to break the law and act on his own-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION

From the article:
In a fiery floor speech Wednesday, the Illinois Democrat – the leading congressional advocate on the issue – declared the prospects for reform dead this year and said the only option left is for President Barack Obama to take unilateral action to stem deportations.

Read more: Immigration: Gutierrez: says reform prospects dim -

We can always count on the leftists to champion breaking the law because they believe they're above the law.
Railing like a female cat in heat, Gutierrez screeched on the floor yesterday:

“I gave you the warning three months ago, and now I have no other choice,” he said. “You’re done. You’re done. Leave the field, too many flagrant offenses and unfair attacks. You’re out. Hit the showers. It’s the red card.”

Read more: Immigration: Gutierrez: says reform prospects dim -

Wow, talk about whacko behavior .. Note the "I have no other choice now" line.. as if he and King Clusterfuck can just make up laws and break them when they don't get their war. LMFAO UNREAL
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EVen the left knows illegal immigration is wrecking america. Obozo knows it too - of course he wants that.

Our president is a traitor and a liar and a pathological racist.

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