Guess Who Is Committing Voter Fraud

Wow! This is an amazing discovery - those damn republicans are trying to steal elections. We need to hurry up and put in voter ID, signature matching, more robust monitoring during vote counts, and anything else necessary to stop those damn Republicans from stealing our democracy. Wouldn't you agree?
If we know this cheating is going to happen, we need recounts and audits in every state.
The fun continues:

Florida Trump supporters arrested on charges of casting more than one vote in 2020 election

Jay Ketcik, John Rider and Joan Halstead, who all live in The Villages in Sumter County, Fla., face felony charges and up to five years in prison for allegedly casting more than one ballot in the most recent presidential contest, according to county arrest records.


I told you this election was rigged!
Some of you may recall The Villages from this video:

Here's a Trump fan who murdered his wife because she was going to leave him, and then he cast a vote for Trump in her name!

A few week ago, someone started a topic about the Heritage Foundation's election fraud database in an effort to prove the 2020 election was stolen. It was hilariously pointed out that the database went back DECADES and only found around 1300 total cases of voter fraud. :lol:

Since then, someone has taken the time to go through the database, and something very interesting was discovered.

The Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, maintains a public database of ballot-fraud cases. A review of the database reveals an astonishing fact: In every listed indictment and conviction for voter fraud or other malfeasance in connection with the 2020 presidential general election, when the culprit’s political affiliation is known he or she turns out to be a Republican or “unabashed conservative.”

The Pattern of GOP Voter Fraud

Several examples are cited in the link. The best one is the Republican who voted in his dead wife's name. She died of cancer in 2017. When the illegal ballot was discovered, he expressed shock and outrage that someone voted in his wife's name and cited it as proof the election was stolen! Then the Nevada GOP cited it with moral outrage. Then Tucker Carlson fell for the hoax and also cited it as proof the election was stolen by Democrats.

You can see the fraudster expressing his disbelief and surprise that someone voted in his dead wife's name in this tweet:

It takes a special kind of asshole to vote in his dead wife's name and then went on the air to express his shock and moan that someone "took advantage of his grief".

Here's Tucker Carlson's story where he fell for the hoax: Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

There is a retraction at the top since the hoax was discovered, but he sticks to his bullshit claim dead people voted and that it was done by Democrats.

Um, yeah. Except it was done by Republicans, dipshit.

Have fun with that.

Just found more old white QOP voter fraud in the villages in florida...
Thank you for proving voter fraud does happen. Now let's get the recounts and audits going.
I have always said voter fraud happens. What has NEVER been proven is that it affected the outcome of the 2020 election.

Voter fraud is extremely rare, and in every instance in which the political affiliation of the fraudster was known for the 2020 election, it was a Republican.

So how about cleaning house, dipshit?
This is awesome.

The Trumpsters have no evidence the Dems stole the election, but continue to claim the Dems did. "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Then when confronted with ACTUAL evidence of Republican fraud, they circle back to, "B-b-b-b-b-but it was the Democrats!"

Wow. I knew their mental delusions were deeply embedded, but this is ridiculous. :lol:
Even Tucker Carlson did that in the video in the OP, talking about a dead woman voted in 2020, "presumably for Biden."

Not only did he assume the vote was cast in favor of the Democrat, turned out, fortunately for the voter, she's not dead.

So now we've got the right blaming the left for fraudulent votes which are actually legit votes.

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