Ground Zero Mosque: The Real Issue


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Is Obama our first Sharia Law supporter, President? There is much more to this article by Morris. No to the proposed mosque! No to Sharia Law in America.

GROUND ZERO MOSQUE: THE REAL ISSUEBy Dick Morris And Eileen McGann 08.18.2010 The proposed mosque near to ground zero is not really a religious institution. It would be — as many mosques throughout the nation are — a terrorist recruitment, indoctrination and training center. It is not the worship of Islam that is the problem. It is the efforts to advance Sharia Law with its requirement of Jihad and violence that is the nub of the issue.

There is a global effort to advance Sharia Law and make it the legal system of the world. Most major banks and financial institutions offer Sharia Compliant Funds which have their investments vetted by the most fundamentalist and reactionary of clerics to assure that they advance Sharia Law. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the founder of the proposed Mosque, helps to prepare a Sharia Index which rates countries on their degree of compliance with Sharia Law. In the United Kingdom, many courts have recognized Sharia as the governing law on matters between two Muslims.

Full Story:

Dick Morris (born November 28, 1948) is an American political author and commentator who previously worked as a pollster, political campaign consultant, and general political consultant.

A longtime friend and advisor to Bill Clinton during his time as Governor of Arkansas, Morris became a political adviser to the White House after Clinton was elected president in 1992. Morris encouraged Clinton to pursue third way policies of triangulation that combined traditional Republican and Democratic proposals, rhetoric, and issues to achieve maximum political gain and popularity. He worked as a Republican strategist before joining the Clinton administration, where he helped Clinton recover from the 1994 midterm elections by convincing the President to adopt Republican policies.

Dick Morris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama has been clear on this. He will not oppose the building of a Mosque near ground zero based on the constitution. He must take his oath to uphold the constitution more seriously than Bush did.

the right are having a spin fest though. Playing on fears is what they are best at after all.
The article in the OP strikes me as an argument that would be used in Iran against the building of a Christian church.
Not one used in America where we have freedom of religion.
Irrelevant, the Imam has less than a thousand bucks in his account. Let alone $100M good luck building the mosque bro.
Obama has been clear on this. He will not oppose the building of a Mosque near ground zero based on the constitution. He must take his oath to uphold the constitution more seriously than Bush did.

the right are having a spin fest though. Playing on fears is what they are best at after all.

I wouldn't expect Obama to do anything based upon the Constitution, after teaching it as a document of negative liberties, for years. I also don't trust him to take any oath that wasn't listed in his Rules for Radicals bible, by Saul Alinsky, seriously. All fears concerning Obama are justified and the country is onto him.
The article in the OP strikes me as an argument that would be used in Iran against the building of a Christian church.
Not one used in America where we have freedom of religion.

From what I read, it is Iran that would be funding the mosque. I don't know if this is truth or speculation. Time will tell.
Obama has been clear on this. He will not oppose the building of a Mosque near ground zero based on the constitution. He must take his oath to uphold the constitution more seriously than Bush did.

the right are having a spin fest though. Playing on fears is what they are best at after all.

which people that are opposing the ground mosque are saying they don't have a constitutional right to build it?

and where in the constitution does it say the government can force its citizens to buy healthcare?
Obama has been clear on this. He will not oppose the building of a Mosque near ground zero based on the constitution. He must take his oath to uphold the constitution more seriously than Bush did.

the right are having a spin fest though. Playing on fears is what they are best at after all.
Rings pretty hollow from the crowd who buys into the "living rules" fairy tale.
The article in the OP strikes me as an argument that would be used in Iran against the building of a Christian church.
Not one used in America where we have freedom of religion.

From what I read, it is Iran that would be funding the mosque. I don't know if this is truth or speculation. Time will tell.

so what? People in America should not be allowed to fund the construction of Christian churches in other countries?

I am operating on the principles of our constitution and fairness.
Obama has been clear on this. He will not oppose the building of a Mosque near ground zero based on the constitution. He must take his oath to uphold the constitution more seriously than Bush did.

the right are having a spin fest though. Playing on fears is what they are best at after all.
Rings pretty hollow from the crowd who buys into the "living rules" fairy tale.

Living rules? you mean constitutional intrepretation? Like corporations have rights like individuals?
The article in the OP strikes me as an argument that would be used in Iran against the building of a Christian church.
Not one used in America where we have freedom of religion.

From what I read, it is Iran that would be funding the mosque. I don't know if this is truth or speculation. Time will tell.

so what? People in America should not be allowed to fund the construction of Christian churches in other countries?

I am operating on the principles of our constitution and fairness.

so you have absolutely zero interest in knowing who is funding the mosque? it is irrelevant, right? it's none of our business, arrogant fucking americans.
From what I read, it is Iran that would be funding the mosque. I don't know if this is truth or speculation. Time will tell.

so what? People in America should not be allowed to fund the construction of Christian churches in other countries?

I am operating on the principles of our constitution and fairness.

so you have absolutely zero interest in knowing who is funding the mosque? it is irrelevant, right? it's none of our business, arrogant fucking americans.

But it is okay for Nancy, to investigate who is funding the opposition to the mosque...LMAO!!!!
Obama has been clear on this. He will not oppose the building of a Mosque near ground zero based on the constitution. He must take his oath to uphold the constitution more seriously than Bush did.

the right are having a spin fest though. Playing on fears is what they are best at after all.
Rings pretty hollow from the crowd who buys into the "living rules" fairy tale.

Living rules? you mean constitutional intrepretation? Like corporations have rights like individuals?
That was a USSC interpretation of the 14th Amendment...Neither of which I agree with....But at least people back during the ratification of the 14th Amendment had enough respect for the Constitution, as set of clearly defined and immalleable rules, to go through the process of passing it.

Then again, I'm not the one here who buys into the "living rules" fable.
so what? People in America should not be allowed to fund the construction of Christian churches in other countries?

I am operating on the principles of our constitution and fairness.

so you have absolutely zero interest in knowing who is funding the mosque? it is irrelevant, right? it's none of our business, arrogant fucking americans.

But it is okay for Nancy, to investigate who is funding the opposition to the mosque...LMAO!!!!

Did you see the Republican response to Nancy's call call for a inquiry into the opposition?

A Republican aide ridiculed Pelosi's claim that there was a "conspiracy" to oppose the project.

"If the speaker needs help finding the heart of the 'GOP GZM Conspiracy,' I urge her to ask Sasquatch," the aide told Fox News. "His office is behind the black helicopter hangar between the unicorn pen and the leprechaun's pot of gold."

From what I read, it is Iran that would be funding the mosque. I don't know if this is truth or speculation. Time will tell.

so what? People in America should not be allowed to fund the construction of Christian churches in other countries?

I am operating on the principles of our constitution and fairness.

so you have absolutely zero interest in knowing who is funding the mosque? it is irrelevant, right? it's none of our business, arrogant fucking americans.

True. How they behave is my only concern.

Predetermining their guilt is not the way I operate.

Some people with guns kill people. Should we take all guns away? Of course not.
Some muslims are terrorists. Some Christians are terrorists too. sopme Jews have been terrorists. Are all of them terrorists?
Do we punish the majority for the sins of the minority?

As to the funding. I only care about that in the political arena.
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so what? People in America should not be allowed to fund the construction of Christian churches in other countries?

I am operating on the principles of our constitution and fairness.

so you have absolutely zero interest in knowing who is funding the mosque? it is irrelevant, right? it's none of our business, arrogant fucking americans.

True. How they behave is my only concern.

Predetermining their guilt is not the way I operate.

Some people with guns kill people. Should we take all guns away? Of course not.
Some muslims are terrorists. Some Christians are terrorists too. sopme Jews have been terrorists. Are all of them terrorists?
Do we punish the majority for the sins of the minority?

As to the funding. I only care about that in the political arena.

Only if were talking about the Christians and Jews.

Hell, how many times have the Crusades been leveled as a condemnation of modern Christianity in the Religion Forum.

And that is almost a millennium past, 9/11 was less than a decade.

Libs have a major religion based temporal bias.

When it comes to Christianity, a thousand years is but a second...but with Islam, a decade is like a million years.
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Rings pretty hollow from the crowd who buys into the "living rules" fairy tale.

Living rules? you mean constitutional intrepretation? Like corporations have rights like individuals?
That was a USSC interpretation of the 14th Amendment...Neither of which I agree with....But at least people back during the ratification of the 14th Amendment had enough respect for the Constitution, as set of clearly defined and immalleable rules, to go through the process of passing it.

Then again, I'm not the one here who buys into the "living rules" fable.

Nor do I believe in the living rules thing.
If the constitution does not fit then we amend or change the constitution by the procedures outlined in the constitution.

Now a few parts of the constitution such as promote the general welfare part are intrepretation problems.
that is a different issue. Again I feel it should be clarified by the methods outlined in the constitution.
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Only if were talking about the Christians and Jews.

Hell, how many times have the Crusades been leveled as a condemnation of modern Christianity in the Religion Forum.

And that is almost a millennium past, 9/11 was less than a decade.

Libs have a major religion based temporal bias.

When it comes to Christianity, a thousand years is but a second...but with Islam, a decade is like a million years.

Here is the answer:
Showing results 1 to 25 of 499

Search: Keyword(s): crusades ; Forum: Religion and Ethics and child forums​
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That article was the funniest thing I read today :lol:

You gotta be kidding if you're taking this seriously. How do you make it through life being so paranoid?

The delusionally fearful and paranoid must not think much of America and what we stand for if they feel the need to exhibit such propaganda, hatred and intolerance to try and eliminate something they disagree with.

Also, to illustrate how FAKE your so-called "real" issue is, and to take a snippet from another thread:

Islam already lives near ground zero

WASHINGTON – A New York imam and his proposed mosque near ground zero are being demonized by political candidates — mostly Republicans — despite the fact that Islam is already very much a part of the World Trade Center neighborhood. And that Muslims pray inside the Pentagon, too, less than 80 feet from where terrorists attacked.

FACT CHECK: Islam already lives near ground zero - Yahoo! News

OMG!! Soon, even our commanders inside the Pentagon will be ordering us all under Sharia Law!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!

Dick and Newt can go get bent.

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