Grocery bag hack.

So you don't actually remember what story Ding told you - that you didn't see for yourself - but you think you're justified to call me paranoid and delusional.
Numb nuts, you think he was doxxing you and were going to take it to an admin, you are paranoid and delusional or just out and out dishonest, you tell me I am wrong, so you are dishonest.
Your math doesn't add up. In December 2022 you said you retired 4 years ago. Your profile shows you are 53 now. That means you retired at age 49, right? You claimed you spent OVER 30 years testing navy sonars and other sensors AFTER leaving the navy which would have been a 4 year commitment. Which means that you joined the navy no later than age 15 and possibly younger. Which is preposterous. So like I said your math doesn't add up. You are lying about something.
I did not put my actual birthday in my profile. Doing so would have been foolish.
It's irrelevant. But you've convinced at least one other poster than I'm paranoid and delusional. Much obliged.
That's a textbook example of an external locus of control. You literally transferred your control or power to me by arguing I controlled what the outcome would be. In reality is was your lying about your birth year that led to the confusion. It's not my fault that you lied and I took the age in your profile at face value. That rests entirely on your shoulders. This doesn't speak well about your level of accountability.
It's irrelevant. But you've convinced at least one other poster than I'm paranoid and delusional. Much obliged.
He didn’t convince me, you convinced me. How could you get that he was doxxing you? Good grief, you really think you are that important or are you paranoid?
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I convinced you but you couldn't remember how or why? Sorry, but that's a fail.
Just because you don’t remember, doesnt make it a fail. Your post, no one else’s gave me the impression you are paranoid and delusional. You don’t decide why I feel the way I do, you are a nothing in my life. You also have a huge ego.
Just because you don’t remember, doesnt make it a fail. Your post, no one else’s gave me the impression you are paranoid and delusional. You don’t decide why I feel the way I do, you are a nothing in my life. You also have a huge ego.
Then why do you keep talking about me? Does it have something to do with grocery bag hacks?
I often have to get fresh paper bags from the store as I freeze my garbage in them before putting it in the dumpster. This ensures that there are no smells, and that critters aren't attracted to it. I once had to help a racoon out of the dumpster. It had gone in for a snack and was unable to escape.
I just put a hasp on mine and use one of those little keychain carabiners to close it. No racoon has figured it out yet
I just put a hasp on mine and use one of those little keychain carabiners to close it. No racoon has figured it out yet
Mine is a large one that serves an apartment building. Tenants sometimes leave the lids open, and the wind blows them open as well.
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