Gregg Jarrett: If Rod Rosenstein defies Trump's order to declassify documents, he should be fired

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Hell yes, Trump fired Sally Yates for disobeying a lawful onto Jeff Sessions!

President Trump has ordered that numerous documents involving the Russia investigation be declassified. The records have long been sought by Congress under lawful subpoenas. Yet, the FBI and Department of Justice have consistently obstructed the release of these materials under the guise of “classified” secrets. This is a convenient alibi all too frequently employed to cover-up wrongdoing and abuse of authority by those we entrust to uphold the law.

These days, overzealous government officials automatically designate nearly all matters as national security risks, regardless of whether they truly are.

Whenever the FBI orders Chinese take-out, it is labeled “top secret” because… you know… it involves the Chinese. False classification has reached absurd proportions.

How do we know? Every time information is declassified we learn that the material should never have been classified to begin with. It was nothing more than a subterfuge. Here are two recent examples:

In July, a substantial portion of the wiretap warrant applications presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was declassified. It turns out that no vital sources or methods were revealed in a way that jeopardized either national security or the FBI’s secret investigative techniques. Instead, we learned that much of the application to spy on a Trump campaign associate, Carter Page, was based on an unverified “dossier” that was funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and composed by a British spy, Christopher Steele, who was fired by the FBI for lying.....

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They should be declassified, Because there is no Russian connection

Rod: So you want me to say we can't find the documents?
Jeff: Yeah, we can't find the documents

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