"Green" energy company that took stimulus $$ lays off 125 workers, pay raise to execs


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Wow, another Solyndra-type company who took our money and failed in their goal. They laid off 125 employees, but gave big raises to executives. Another scam that the media will ignore. After seeing those bus tours to AIG execs homes, promoted on ACORN's website, I am wondering why those same people aren't outraged at this. Maybe because it would look bad for the guy who promises to pay their mortgages, put gas in their tanks, gave them free cell phones and increased the welfare rolls. Of course, the people on the AIG bus tours likely didn't get soaked with high taxes to pay for this scam, so why should they care?

Green Energy Company Given Federal Stimulus Funds Lays Off 125 Workers, Gives Pay Raise To Executives | Fox News
Wow, another Solyndra-type company who took our money and failed in their goal. They laid off 125 employees, but gave big raises to executives. Another scam that the media will ignore. After seeing those bus tours to AIG execs homes, promoted on ACORN's website, I am wondering why those same people aren't outraged at this. Maybe because it would look bad for the guy who promises to pay their mortgages, put gas in their tanks, gave them free cell phones and increased the welfare rolls. Of course, the people on the AIG bus tours likely didn't get soaked with high taxes to pay for this scam, so why should they care?

Green Energy Company Given Federal Stimulus Funds Lays Off 125 Workers, Gives Pay Raise To Executives | Fox News

This is the dem vision of prosperity.
Wow, another Solyndra-type company who took our money and failed in their goal. They laid off 125 employees, but gave big raises to executives. Another scam that the media will ignore. After seeing those bus tours to AIG execs homes, promoted on ACORN's website, I am wondering why those same people aren't outraged at this. Maybe because it would look bad for the guy who promises to pay their mortgages, put gas in their tanks, gave them free cell phones and increased the welfare rolls. Of course, the people on the AIG bus tours likely didn't get soaked with high taxes to pay for this scam, so why should they care?

Green Energy Company Given Federal Stimulus Funds Lays Off 125 Workers, Gives Pay Raise To Executives | Fox News

This is the dem vision of prosperity.
Goody! MORE people on welfare...Pelosi and Obama must be high-fiving on more folks contributing to thier economy...:eusa_whistle:
Wow, another Solyndra-type company who took our money and failed in their goal. They laid off 125 employees, but gave big raises to executives. Another scam that the media will ignore. After seeing those bus tours to AIG execs homes, promoted on ACORN's website, I am wondering why those same people aren't outraged at this. Maybe because it would look bad for the guy who promises to pay their mortgages, put gas in their tanks, gave them free cell phones and increased the welfare rolls. Of course, the people on the AIG bus tours likely didn't get soaked with high taxes to pay for this scam, so why should they care?

Green Energy Company Given Federal Stimulus Funds Lays Off 125 Workers, Gives Pay Raise To Executives | Fox News

This is the dem vision of prosperity.
Goody! MORE people on welfare...Pelosi and Obama must be high-fiving on more folks contributing to thier economy...:eusa_whistle:

Think of the extra activity out of thin air. They are good:eusa_whistle:
This is not surprising or shocking to me. Obama must pay off his supporters by way of cash infusions and call it "stimulus" money. He is not lying to call it stimulus. It stimulates others to be big contributors so they may be in on the next wave of free cash from the boy king.
Another victory for the left because there are more people in need. The government will rush in and show these people that government dependency is better than working and providing for themselves. That is the plan with all the liberal policies. No one should be expected to practice self sufficiency or concern themselves with personal responsibility. Increase the welfare rolls till the takers outweigh the givers. Only then can socialism creep in.

Everything Obama has done is straight from Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. All of it. If some on the left want to remain ignorant and not read Alinky's book to prove it, that is on them. For those in the know, this was all quite predicable.
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Another victory for the left because there are more people in need. The government will rush in and show these people that government dependency is better than working and providing for themselves. That is the plan with all the liberal policies. No one should be expected to practice self sufficiency or concern themselves with personal responsibility. Increase the welfare rolls till the takers outweigh the givers. Only then can socialism creep in.
By design. The plans were laid forth in 1913.
Another victory for the left because there are more people in need. The government will rush in and show these people that government dependency is better than working and providing for themselves. That is the plan with all the liberal policies. No one should be expected to practice self sufficiency or concern themselves with personal responsibility. Increase the welfare rolls till the takers outweigh the givers. Only then can socialism creep in.
By design. The plans were laid forth in 1913.

BLUE SIDE 100% of the vote

RED SIDE 50% of the vote.

What's been really weird is watching the left and the media here try to spin the huge "green" failures in Europe.

It's insane really. rdean put up an article from the Chicago Tribune saying that the subsidies from the German government are being reduced because of the sheer success of their solar program.


Der Spiegel is telling the story of the Chief Economist and others in Merkel's Cabinet are ready to punch the ever loving shit out the Environment Minister saying that he is going to bankrupt the country.

It's surreal. Cue twilight zone music.

The "green energy" shit only really hit when the Dems figured out they could start up so called green companies and funnel money back into DNC coffers legally.
Damn, I stumbled onto another echo chamber circle jerk.

Being upset over such an outcome puts y'all into the OWS camp; I suspect this never occurred to anyone of you. I luv irony.
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Damn, I stumbled onto another echo chamber circle jerk.

Being upset over such an outcome puts y'all into the OWS camp; I suspect this never occurred to anyone of you. I luv irony.

No, Ows hates it when Republicans are rich, Not when Democrats who didn't earn shit get a raise that the people who actually pay taxes are paying for.
Damn, I stumbled onto another echo chamber circle jerk.

Being upset over such an outcome puts y'all into the OWS camp; I suspect this never occurred to anyone of you. I luv irony.

No, Ows hates it when Republicans are rich, Not when Democrats who didn't earn shit get a raise that the people who actually pay taxes are paying for.
Any wonder why Democrats and Obama highly endorse OWS? Bottom up. They have thier crop of suckers that have bought into it.
Damn, I stumbled onto another echo chamber circle jerk.

Being upset over such an outcome puts y'all into the OWS camp; I suspect this never occurred to anyone of you. I luv irony.

Stumble. Good choice of words. Describes you completely.

You should stop stumbling and just leave.:eusa_hand:

Classic thread, classic and an oh so typical reaction from The T when the hypocrisy and outrageous partisanship of he and the right wing fringe is exposed - a weak ad hominem attack.
Wow, another Solyndra-type company who took our money and failed in their goal. They laid off 125 employees, but gave big raises to executives. Another scam that the media will ignore. After seeing those bus tours to AIG execs homes, promoted on ACORN's website, I am wondering why those same people aren't outraged at this. Maybe because it would look bad for the guy who promises to pay their mortgages, put gas in their tanks, gave them free cell phones and increased the welfare rolls. Of course, the people on the AIG bus tours likely didn't get soaked with high taxes to pay for this scam, so why should they care?

Green Energy Company Given Federal Stimulus Funds Lays Off 125 Workers, Gives Pay Raise To Executives | Fox News

Big raises to the execs and nothing for the rest. One more example of the legitimacy of the OWS movement. Good to see so many of the callous conservatives have seen the light; sadly enlightenment creates discontent in the willfully ignorant.
Damn, I stumbled onto another echo chamber circle jerk.

Being upset over such an outcome puts y'all into the OWS camp; I suspect this never occurred to anyone of you. I luv irony.

ah I knew that was you at the Berkeley OWS,,,,...you're the guy who wipes for others right?
So Republicans now have a problem with corporations that lay off workers and then turn around and give their executives bonus'?

Don't oil companies and healthcare giants do this? They take tax payer money too.

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