Green Clean Renewable Solar Power's DEATH TOXINS!!!! POLLUTION!!!!


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Yes, the very much ignored truth of the damage the USA dictated by making Solar Power mandatory for U.S. citizens.

I had a little crick in my backside so I thought now is a good time to state the truth.
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China

GAOLONG, China -- The first time Li Gengxuan saw the dump trucks from the nearby factory pull into his village, he couldn't believe what happened. Stopping between the cornfields and the primary school playground, the workers dumped buckets of bubbling white liquid onto the ground. Then they turned around and drove right back through the gates of their compound without a word.

In China, a country buckling with the breakneck pace of its industrial growth, such stories of environmental pollution are not uncommon. But the Luoyang Zhonggui High-Technology Co., here in the central plains of Henan Province near the Yellow River, stands out for one reason: It's a green energy company, producing polysilicon destined for solar energy panels sold around the world. But the byproduct of polysilicon production -- silicon tetrachloride -- is a highly toxic substance that poses environmental hazards.

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Are you this pathetically ignorant or are you simply choosing to lie through your teeth? Would you like a thousand photographs of coal mines? Black death? Faces covered with soot? The grey death smogs of London?

Solar is a joke anyway. It provides what you cant even consider a sliver of energy now and will be just a sliver 40 years from now. Although IDK? Is 3-4% a sliver or maybe not even a sliver? Picture a big birthday cake......its actually not even part of the cake.........maybe a small flower on the top :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::bye1:
There is a huge amount of vested interest tied up in dissing renewable energy.

I think it shows that you can buy anything if you have the cash.
Are you this pathetically ignorant or are you simply choosing to lie through your teeth? Would you like a thousand photographs of coal mines? Black death? Faces covered with soot? The grey death smogs of London?
You are right, my next thread should include the billions of tons of coal that in consumed by the Manufacture of Solar Power and Wind Power, that would be for the smelting of the metals, the millions and millions and millions of tons of Steel required to build Solar and Wind, mounts for the solar panels, frames for the solar panels, wind turbine towers, bearings, gear boxes, can't make any of that without Coal, increased consumption of Coal, increased consumption of everything.

After all, we are now building the biggest industrial structures in the World to produce a little electricity, to make up for the weakness they build them bigger, and the build more, millions more.

Solar and Wind require the largest increase in consumption of raw materials in HISTORY!!!

Solar's Coal Problem.jpg
Are you this pathetically ignorant or are you simply choosing to lie through your teeth? Would you like a thousand photographs of coal mines? Black death? Faces covered with soot? The grey death smogs of London?
All in the past
Amazing, the Green Eco-Nuts scream and cry if we show the pollution they create?

Are you this pathetically ignorant or are you simply choosing to lie through your teeth? Would you like a thousand photographs of coal mines? Black death? Faces covered with soot? The grey death smogs of London?
Amazing, the Green Eco-Nuts scream and cry if we show the pollution they create?

Are you this pathetically ignorant or are you simply choosing to lie through your teeth? Would you like a thousand photographs of coal mines? Black death? Faces covered with soot? The grey death smogs of London?
The funny thing is all these idiots whining about green and renewable and demonizing nuclear energy are all carrying around their i phones, one of THE dirtiest products on the planet when it comes to resources used and pollution created
Meanwhile, plenty of other places make solar panels without pollution.

And that shoots down the stupid, stupid premise of this thread. Manufacturing isn't the problem. Lack of regulation in China is the problem.

And, being raging hypocrites, the people screaming here are from the same crowd who want to end most environmental regulation in the USA.
Meanwhile, plenty of other places make solar panels without pollution.

And that shoots down the stupid, stupid premise of this thread. Manufacturing isn't the problem. Lack of regulation in China is the problem.

And, being raging hypocrites, the people screaming here are from the same crowd who want to end most environmental regulation in the USA.
They wear their imbecility like a badge of honour.
Meanwhile, plenty of other places make solar panels without pollution.

And that shoots down the stupid, stupid premise of this thread. Manufacturing isn't the problem. Lack of regulation in China is the problem.

And, being raging hypocrites, the people screaming here are from the same crowd who want to end most environmental regulation in the USA.
You are the one that ignores our regulations by moving manufacturing overseas and you blame us?
The Conservatives created the EPA and cleaned up the Democrats mess now the Socialists take over the EPA and use if as political weapon to impose and ideology, which this thread makes clear. Is there concern here or a complete lack of regard for the human health of another RACE, another Culture, those less Educated, less Capable.

Meanwhile, plenty of other places make solar panels without pollution.

Informative, descriptive, accurate, factual, NOT!!!

And that shoots down the stupid, stupid premise of this thread. Manufacturing isn't the problem. Lack of regulation in China is the problem.

Dictates, Lies, Obfuscates,

And, being raging hypocrites, the people screaming here are from the same crowd who want to end most environmental regulation in the USA

You lousy racist bigots have shoved your ideology down our throats while destroying the health and welfare of a race and culture of people who you are not!!!

Hypocrites, yes, you are.

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Did I miss something ... or just misread? When did either solar or wind power become MANDATORY for US citizens?
California Governor Signs Ambitious Renewable Energy Bill Into Law

California Governor Signs Ambitious Renewable Energy Bill Into Law

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill into law Wednesday that requires state-regulated utilities to get a whopping 50 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydro, by 2030. The law also requires a 50 percent increase in energy efficiency in buildings by that year. The goals were previously laid out during Brown’s inaugural address.

“This is really a very significant occasion,” Brown said at the signing event Wednesday in Los Angeles. “California is taking the lead, there is no question about it.”

The state had previously set a mandate of procuring 33 percent renewable energy by 2020. The original bill, introduced by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, is part of a larger suite of climate-related legislation introduced this year.

No Granny, you did not miss anything, your Social Security check is on the way, go back to knitting socks.


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