GREAT: Stock Market 31% Gain Under Trump -- Best Since FDR!...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Dude's killin it. Go Trump! :dance:

Donald Trump
lifted the Dow Jones industrial average in his first year in office more than any other president since Franklin Roosevelt.

The Dow has surged more than 31 percent since Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017. That marks the index's best performance during a president's first year since Roosevelt.

"This is all about policy," said Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Baird. "You've got lower taxes, less regulation and confidence in the economy is high. Things are firing on all cylinders."

Trump quickly moved to cut regulations enacted by previous administrations. He also successfully pushed to overhaul the U.S. tax code. That revamp included slashing the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent.

The president made it to the White House saying he would "put America first." Since taking office, Trump has pushed to have companies bring back jobs to the U.S. and has said repeatedly said his policies would help to accomplish this...

The Dow's 31% gain during Trump's first year is the best since FDR
Their numbers are wrong.

On Jan 20, 2009 the DJI closed at 7949
On Jan 20, 2010 the DJI closed at 10603.

That is a 33% change

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Their numbers are wrong.

On Jan 20, 2009 the DJI closed at 7949
On Jan 20, 2010 the DJI closed at 10603.

That is a 33% change

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Trump has the 2nd biggest Stock Market gain in US history. He ranks only behind FDR. You may not wanna accept that, but it is reality.
Their numbers are wrong.

On Jan 20, 2009 the DJI closed at 7949
On Jan 20, 2010 the DJI closed at 10603.

That is a 33% change

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Trump has the 2nd biggest Stock Market gain in US history. He ranks only behind FDR. You may not wanna accept that, but it is reality.

I gave you the numbers, they are not wrong and neither is my percent of change calculation

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Their numbers are wrong.

On Jan 20, 2009 the DJI closed at 7949
On Jan 20, 2010 the DJI closed at 10603.

That is a 33% change

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Trump has the 2nd biggest Stock Market gain in US history. He ranks only behind FDR. You may not wanna accept that, but it is reality.

I gave you the numbers, they are not wrong and neither is my percent of change calculation

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2nd biggest gain in history. Trump's on a roll, son. :dance:
I knew the 'Rump Liar in Chief Cult denied science. I did not know they denied math.
Their numbers are wrong.

On Jan 20, 2009 the DJI closed at 7949
On Jan 20, 2010 the DJI closed at 10603.

That is a 33% change

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Trump has the 2nd biggest Stock Market gain in US history. He ranks only behind FDR. You may not wanna accept that, but it is reality.

I gave you the numbers, they are not wrong and neither is my percent of change calculation

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2nd biggest gain in history. Trump's on a roll, son. :dance:
He comes in behind the great Obama.
Their numbers are wrong.

On Jan 20, 2009 the DJI closed at 7949
On Jan 20, 2010 the DJI closed at 10603.

That is a 33% change

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Trump has the 2nd biggest Stock Market gain in US history. He ranks only behind FDR. You may not wanna accept that, but it is reality.

I gave you the numbers, they are not wrong and neither is my percent of change calculation

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2nd biggest gain in history. Trump's on a roll, son. :dance:
He comes in behind the great Obama.

2nd all time. Only behind FDR.
The president doesn’t control the stock market. I said the same thing to liberal when they were trying to give obozo credit for the stock market.
obama had to borrow 4 trillion dollars to make it look like his DOW went up a measly 2 to 3 thousand

His shocking Debt has completely sunk many future generations. His worshippers are living in such denial over that sad reality.
The president doesn’t control the stock market. I said the same thing to liberal when they were trying to give obozo credit for the stock market.
They don't control it they influence it. Some more than others based on policy. Trump has has a huge influence on it.
Obama's influence was tepid.
obama had to borrow 4 trillion dollars to make it look like his DOW went up a measly 2 to 3 thousand

His shocking Debt has completely sunk many future generations. His worshippers are living in such denial over that sad reality.

This is how we all know that you are nothing but a partisan zealot that does not give a shit about the country.

While you are cumming in your pants about the DJI you are ignoring the 1.5 trillion added to the deficit in one single bill and you are ignoring the fact that the same year the stock market went up "so much" Trump had the 5th highest deficit in the history of the country only beaten by Obama during the recession and the 2 years following it.

But none of that matters because the guy sitting in the White house has a (R) by his name.

You partisan zealots are the biggest danger to this country.
Dude's killin it. Go Trump! :dance:

Donald Trump
lifted the Dow Jones industrial average in his first year in office more than any other president since Franklin Roosevelt.

The Dow has surged more than 31 percent since Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017. That marks the index's best performance during a president's first year since Roosevelt.

"This is all about policy," said Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Baird. "You've got lower taxes, less regulation and confidence in the economy is high. Things are firing on all cylinders."

Trump quickly moved to cut regulations enacted by previous administrations. He also successfully pushed to overhaul the U.S. tax code. That revamp included slashing the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent.

The president made it to the White House saying he would "put America first." Since taking office, Trump has pushed to have companies bring back jobs to the U.S. and has said repeatedly said his policies would help to accomplish this...

The Dow's 31% gain during Trump's first year is the best since FDR

When stocks were doing great under Obama it wasn't a good economic indicator. Funny how that changes.
obama had to borrow 4 trillion dollars to make it look like his DOW went up a measly 2 to 3 thousand

His shocking Debt has completely sunk many future generations. His worshippers are living in such denial over that sad reality.

This is how we all know that you are nothing but a partisan zealot that does not give a shit about the country.

While you are cumming in your pants about the DJI you are ignoring the 1.5 trillion added to the deficit in one single bill and you are ignoring the fact that the same year the stock market went up "so much" Trump had the 5th highest deficit in the history of the country only beaten by Obama during the recession and the 2 years following it.

But none of that matters because the guy sitting in the White house has a (R) by his name.

You partisan zealots are the biggest danger to this country.

Y'all Hussein-Worshippers still refuse to acknowledge what his shocking Debt means to future generations. It's like it never happened, as far as y'all nutters are concerned. :cuckoo:
Dude's killin it. Go Trump! :dance:

Donald Trump
lifted the Dow Jones industrial average in his first year in office more than any other president since Franklin Roosevelt.

The Dow has surged more than 31 percent since Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017. That marks the index's best performance during a president's first year since Roosevelt.

"This is all about policy," said Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Baird. "You've got lower taxes, less regulation and confidence in the economy is high. Things are firing on all cylinders."

Trump quickly moved to cut regulations enacted by previous administrations. He also successfully pushed to overhaul the U.S. tax code. That revamp included slashing the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent.

The president made it to the White House saying he would "put America first." Since taking office, Trump has pushed to have companies bring back jobs to the U.S. and has said repeatedly said his policies would help to accomplish this...

The Dow's 31% gain during Trump's first year is the best since FDR

When stocks were doing great under Obama it wasn't a good economic indicator. Funny how that changes.

Not to mention that the article is just wrong.

Jan 20 2009 DJI = 7949.09
Jan 20 2010 DJI = 10603.15
Percent of change = 33%

Jan 20 2017 DJI = 19799.85
Jan 19 2018 DJI = 26071.87
Percent of change = 31%

But the people that write these articles know that the zealots reading them are too stupid to do that math and find the mistake. They just drink the kool-aid and ask for more.

^DJI Historical Prices | Dow Jones Industrial Average Stock - Yahoo Finance
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obama had to borrow 4 trillion dollars to make it look like his DOW went up a measly 2 to 3 thousand

His shocking Debt has completely sunk many future generations. His worshippers are living in such denial over that sad reality.

This is how we all know that you are nothing but a partisan zealot that does not give a shit about the country.

While you are cumming in your pants about the DJI you are ignoring the 1.5 trillion added to the deficit in one single bill and you are ignoring the fact that the same year the stock market went up "so much" Trump had the 5th highest deficit in the history of the country only beaten by Obama during the recession and the 2 years following it.

But none of that matters because the guy sitting in the White house has a (R) by his name.

You partisan zealots are the biggest danger to this country.

Y'all Hussein-Worshippers still refuse to acknowledge what his shocking Debt means to future generations. It's like it never happened, as far as y'all nutters are concerned. :cuckoo:

I have been "acknowledging" the debt since Bush II almost doubled it. I acknowledged it the whole 8 years Obama was in office and I am acknowledging it now.

That is the difference between me and you fucking party zealots that put party before country. I can acknowledge the debt no matter who is sitting in the White House ,you stupid fuckers have to ignore it half the time.

You partisan zealots are the biggest danger to this country, bigger than China, bigger than Russia bigger than NK. You fuckers will be what brings down this country because you do not give a shit about it, just about your party.

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