Great News: White House Grants Jerome Corsi Of 'Infowars' Press Corp Membership Credentials


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings by asking the right questions in an ethical respectful manner.

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Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings.

His book on Obama's birth certificate was awesome. A must read. Be nice to see a REAL journalist there!
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Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings.

His book on Obama's birth certificate was awesome. A must read. Be nice to see a REAL journalist there!
Yes indeed Odium, it is nice!
Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings.


Alexander Emerick Jones is an American far-right radio show host, filmmaker, writer, and conspiracy theorist.Wikipedia

Born: February 11, 1974 (age 43), Dallas, TX
Height: 5′ 10″
Full name: Alexander Emerick Jones
Spouse: Kelly Rebecca Nichols (m. ?–2015)
Education: Anderson High School, Austin Community College District

LOL, another in the line of (Limbaugh, Hannity) who never completed a four-year college/University.

Crowing with glee that the current White House is desperate for anyone to write anything positive, i.e. fake publicity - it is no surprise this bloviator would be invited by Trump, and or his surrogates, to provide a smoke screen.
Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings.


Alexander Emerick Jones is an American far-right radio show host, filmmaker, writer, and conspiracy theorist.Wikipedia

Born: February 11, 1974 (age 43), Dallas, TX
Height: 5′ 10″
Full name: Alexander Emerick Jones
Spouse: Kelly Rebecca Nichols (m. ?–2015)
Education: Anderson High School, Austin Community College District

LOL, another in the line of (Limbaugh, Hannity) who never completed a four-year college/University.

Crowing with glee that the current White House is desperate for anyone to write anything positive, i.e. fake publicity - it is no surprise this bloviator would be invited by Trump, and or his surrogates, to provide a smoke screen.
Let me boy here wants ANOTHER thing he hates how democrats are for choice but ONLY for baby murder.
Well, look at Bannon.

Quartz: What Steve Bannon Really Wants - Breitbart

"Underlying all of this is the philosophy of Edmund Burke, an influential 18th-century Irish political thinker whom Bannon occasionally references. In Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burke presents his view that the basis of a successful society should not be abstract notions like human rights, social justice, or equality. Rather, societies work best when traditions that have been shown to work are passed from generation to generation. The baby boomers, Bannon says in a lecture given to the Liberty Restoration Foundation (LRF), failed to live up to that Burkean responsibility by abandoning the tried-and-true values of their parents (nationalism, modesty, patriarchy, religion) in favor of new abstractions (pluralism, sexuality, egalitarianism, secularism)."

Bannon probably rejects the Renaissance and the works of the other political economists in the 17th and early 18th century who influenced our Founding Fathers.
Well, look at Bannon.

Quartz: What Steve Bannon Really Wants - Breitbart

"Underlying all of this is the philosophy of Edmund Burke, an influential 18th-century Irish political thinker whom Bannon occasionally references. In Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burke presents his view that the basis of a successful society should not be abstract notions like human rights, social justice, or equality. Rather, societies work best when traditions that have been shown to work are passed from generation to generation. The baby boomers, Bannon says in a lecture given to the Liberty Restoration Foundation (LRF), failed to live up to that Burkean responsibility by abandoning the tried-and-true values of their parents (nationalism, modesty, patriarchy, religion) in favor of new abstractions (pluralism, sexuality, egalitarianism, secularism)."

Bannon probably rejects the Renaissance and the works of the other political economists in the 17th and early 18th century who influenced our Founding Fathers.
Imo he's just a white angry fat guy who's pissed off that angry fat white guy's no longer get passed to the front of the chow line.

And corsi too.
Well, look at Bannon.
He's such a patriot!

Why do RWNJs believe that being anti-US Constition makes one "patriotic"?

Steve_McGarrett hates the constitution. So odious Odium

In FACT, the basic definition of white supremacists assholes is that they be against every principle the was founded on.

As for the OP - Alex Jones in the US White House??

What a pathetic joke but not at all funny. We've hit bottom.

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Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings.


Alexander Emerick Jones is an American far-right radio show host, filmmaker, writer, and conspiracy theorist.Wikipedia

Born: February 11, 1974 (age 43), Dallas, TX
Height: 5′ 10″
Full name: Alexander Emerick Jones
Spouse: Kelly Rebecca Nichols (m. ?–2015)
Education: Anderson High School, Austin Community College District

LOL, another in the line of (Limbaugh, Hannity) who never completed a four-year college/University.

Crowing with glee that the current White House is desperate for anyone to write anything positive, i.e. fake publicity - it is no surprise this bloviator would be invited by Trump, and or his surrogates, to provide a smoke screen.
Let me boy here wants ANOTHER thing he hates how democrats are for choice but ONLY for baby murder.

Censored? When did I proffer anyone should be censored. Even you I read and enjoy, fools like you are the best argument for progressive policies.
Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings by asking the right questions in an ethical respectful manner.


It figures that crackedpots like you would like it. He is a purveyor of fake news just like The Gateway Pundit. You clearly do not want real journalists, you want someone that won't hold Trump accountable.
Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings.


Alexander Emerick Jones is an American far-right radio show host, filmmaker, writer, and conspiracy theorist.Wikipedia

Born: February 11, 1974 (age 43), Dallas, TX
Height: 5′ 10″
Full name: Alexander Emerick Jones
Spouse: Kelly Rebecca Nichols (m. ?–2015)
Education: Anderson High School, Austin Community College District

LOL, another in the line of (Limbaugh, Hannity) who never completed a four-year college/University.

Crowing with glee that the current White House is desperate for anyone to write anything positive, i.e. fake publicity - it is no surprise this bloviator would be invited by Trump, and or his surrogates, to provide a smoke screen.
Let me boy here wants ANOTHER thing he hates how democrats are for choice but ONLY for baby murder.

Censored? When did I proffer anyone should be censored. Even you I read and enjoy, fools like you are the best argument for progressive policies.
I must be doing something right then because last I looked democrats were getting their asses kicked and the Alt Right is rising. :)
Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings by asking the right questions in an ethical respectful manner.


Jerome Corsi! LOL

No wonder- a courtesy from one Birther to another!

Corsi will have his head buried so far up President Snowflakes ass, that Corsi will be able to give Trump a tonsilectomy.
Great news and congratulations to Jerome Corsi and his new membership to the White House press corp. Corsi derailed John Kerry's presidential campaign by releasing his book 'Unfit For Command'. In a calculated simultaneous move with Trump, Corsi forced public pressure on the White House for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate because he had a book that was going to be released called 'Wheres the Birth Certificate' which had become a best seller in presales. Obama released the Birth Certificate through the White House on April 11, 2011 only for it to be confirmed fraudulent. Nevrtheless, Corsi will challenge the corrupted mainstream Journalist during the press briefings by asking the right questions in an ethical respectful manner.


Jerome Corsi! LOL

No wonder- a courtesy from one Birther to another!

Corsi will have his head buried so far up President Snowflakes ass, that Corsi will be able to give Trump a tonsilectomy.
So only Trump hating "reporters" should be allowed....gotcha.

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