Great news from the Supremes to perserve Liberty


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
The Supremes got this one right. A great boost for freedom. Now the asshole union bosses can't force workers to give them their money that seems to always wind up in the pockets of filthy ass Democrats.

MAGA Baby!

Supreme Court Deals Blow to Public-Sector Unions

Supreme Court Deals Blow to Public-Sector Unions
Vote overruling a 1977 precedent will likely have a far-reaching impact

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court has barred public-employee contracts requiring workers to pay union dues, dealing a severe blow to perhaps the strongest remaining redoubt of the American labor movement.

The 5-4 vote, along conservative-liberal lines, on Wednesday overruled a 1977 precedent that had fueled the growth of public-sector unionization even as representation has withered in private industry. More than one-third of public employees are unionized, compared with just 6.5% of those in the private sector, according to a January report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The impact of the ruling is likely to stretch far beyond the workplace, sapping resources from unions such as the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and the National Education Association that have provided funds, resources and activists largely in support of Democratic candidates. In the 2016 election cycle, public-sector unions spent $64.6 million on political activities, and 90% of that went to Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The largest spenders were the nation’s two biggest teachers’ unions and Afscme.

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