GREAT AGAIN: U.S. Manufacturing Activity Hits 13-Year High...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Go Trump! Go Trump! :dance:

U.S. factory activity surged to a more than 13-year high in September amid strong gains in new orders and raw material prices, pointing to underlying strength in the economy even as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are expected to dent growth in the third quarter.

The economic outlook was also bolstered by other data on Monday showing a rebound in construction spending in August. The acceleration in manufacturing activity and the accompanying increase in prices could harden expectations that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in December.

A reading above 50 in the ISM index indicates an expansion in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the U.S. economy...

U.S. manufacturing activity hits 13-year high; construction spending up
Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.
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I'm glad for any potus to get lucky regardless of party. Reagan and Slick both got lucky in terms of the timing of recoveries. But what I don't understand is why Trump deflects from it with his racist dog whistles, or why he finds some need to get into a twitter war with the moonbat in NK that even undermines is own Secs of Defense and State.
Go Trump! Go Trump! :dance:

U.S. factory activity surged to a more than 13-year high in September amid strong gains in new orders and raw material prices, pointing to underlying strength in the economy even as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are expected to dent growth in the third quarter.

The economic outlook was also bolstered by other data on Monday showing a rebound in construction spending in August. The acceleration in manufacturing activity and the accompanying increase in prices could harden expectations that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in December.

A reading above 50 in the ISM index indicates an expansion in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the U.S. economy...

U.S. manufacturing activity hits 13-year high; construction spending up
Drudge...white mf please!! 12 buck an hour a jobs are all over the fuckin country. Fact: good paying jobs are never coming back to this country, either get with reality or leave for China
Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.

Still stuck in the past, ay? Y'all haters gots to move on. Donald Trump is your President now. Deal with it, kid.
If one attributes it to Trump, he or she needs to seek help immediately.
Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.

That makes sense if one believes that entrepreneurs are backward looking......

Meanwhile back on Earth.... Trump's deregulation efforts deserve a modicum of credit for the increase in the ISM and perhaps a small nod to his tax "reform" proposals, however the lions share of the credit belongs to the fact that we're in the late stages of expansion in the business cycle.
Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.

Lol you guys are great at claiming this. It isn’t valid. I work for a too big to fail back as an attorney for regulatory compliance.

The boom in the economy is simple. Regs has not changed but the regulators enforcing their interpretations of the regs have. They have significantly eased on them. This allows corps to less focus on (defense - law and compliance) and more on growth and acquisition.

If Trump’s tax plan passes we will see a boom like never before in this country.

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Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.

That makes sense if one believes that entrepreneurs are backward looking......

Meanwhile back on Earth.... Trump's deregulation efforts deserve a modicum of credit for the increase in the ISM and perhaps a small nod to his tax "reform" proposals, however the lions share of the credit belongs to the fact that we're in the late stages of expansion in the business cycle.
Aren't you more or less saying the same thing?
Go Trump! Go Trump! :dance:

U.S. factory activity surged to a more than 13-year high in September amid strong gains in new orders and raw material prices, pointing to underlying strength in the economy even as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are expected to dent growth in the third quarter.

The economic outlook was also bolstered by other data on Monday showing a rebound in construction spending in August. The acceleration in manufacturing activity and the accompanying increase in prices could harden expectations that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in December.

A reading above 50 in the ISM index indicates an expansion in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the U.S. economy...

U.S. manufacturing activity hits 13-year high; construction spending up
Drudge...white mf please!! 12 buck an hour a jobs are all over the fuckin country. Fact: good paying jobs are never coming back to this country, either get with reality or leave for China

You do make a good point about low wages. But if you click on the link, you'll see that this info isn't only being reported by Drudge.
Yawn - yes, out of hundreds of various economic indicators you can ALWAYS find something short term to cherry pick to credit to dear leader...unless of course you are in the middle of Great Recession and everything is down across the board.
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Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.

Still stuck in the past, ay? Y'all haters gots to move on. Donald Trump is your President now. Deal with it, kid.
I defy you or anyone else here to show at any time have I ever and I mean ever addressed Trump as president? Sorry, this Bud is for you and yours alone....I will never acknowledge this racist divisive moron as my president, let alone as a president. He's a showman who puts on shows to entertain his 39 million out of 330 million idiot followers and thats it. Should he ever become a president or even act like one, maybe I'll think about it....but as of now, he's a fuckin white joke in the white house!!
Good news. I see this and the reduction of illegals leaving voluntarily as two most positives from an otherwise disappointing administration thus far.
Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.

That makes sense if one believes that entrepreneurs are backward looking......

Meanwhile back on Earth.... Trump's deregulation efforts deserve a modicum of credit for the increase in the ISM and perhaps a small nod to his tax "reform" proposals, however the lions share of the credit belongs to the fact that we're in the late stages of expansion in the business cycle.
Aren't you more or less saying the same thing?

If the"same thing" is that neither Trump nor Obama deserve any appreciable credit for the aggregate state of domestic manufacturing, then yes I'm saying the same thing.
Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.

That makes sense if one believes that entrepreneurs are backward looking......

Meanwhile back on Earth.... Trump's deregulation efforts deserve a modicum of credit for the increase in the ISM and perhaps a small nod to his tax "reform" proposals, however the lions share of the credit belongs to the fact that we're in the late stages of expansion in the business cycle.
Aren't you more or less saying the same thing?

If the"same thing" is that neither Trump nor Obama deserve any appreciable credit for the aggregate state of domestic manufacturing, then yes I'm saying the same thing.
You don't think Obama's choice to refrain from the TP's call to reduce spending during the recession contributed to today's growth?
OK, so here's the best question:

If the economy is booming, as posters like the OP keep insisting, why do we need what will inevitably be a budget busting tax cuts,

since one of the most used arguments for the budget busting tax cut is that the economy is anemic and tax cuts are absolutely necessary to get us out of that ditch?
Just building on that firm foundation laid down by the Great and thoughtful President Obama.

That makes sense if one believes that entrepreneurs are backward looking......

Meanwhile back on Earth.... Trump's deregulation efforts deserve a modicum of credit for the increase in the ISM and perhaps a small nod to his tax "reform" proposals, however the lions share of the credit belongs to the fact that we're in the late stages of expansion in the business cycle.
Aren't you more or less saying the same thing?

If the"same thing" is that neither Trump nor Obama deserve any appreciable credit for the aggregate state of domestic manufacturing, then yes I'm saying the same thing.
You don't think Obama's choice to refrain from the TP's call to reduce spending during the recession contributed to today's growth?
No I don't, the only growth that contributed to was the growth of the aggregate public debt and the money supply.

Real economic growth comes as a result of capital investment not the gub'mint blowing ever larger amounts of other peoples money on expanding bureaucracies and crony capitalism "programs".

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