Gore science fiction.....criminal??


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Pajamas Media Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe To Ask for DOJ Investigation (Pajamas Media/PJTV Exclusive)


Senator calls for criminal investigation of Al Gore by Congress.:clap2:

So many of the Gore assertions have now been rebuked......time for Gore to start fessing up to his purposful misleading of Congress on the effects of CO2, thus leading to aggressive legislation to extend regulatory control over carbon dioxide emissions in the United States.

Ten years ago I said this was all a fraud.........................

Check mate on this haox has begun s0ns!!!:lol:
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Was just reading that, looks like all this rush to get 'climate chage legislation' is over now, as the foundation for it appears to be a masive fraud.
Yes, let's have a bipartisan investigation into the global warming fraud. Let's get Congress doing something that cant hurt us too much in the next 8 months.
Yes, yes, if you keep saying "Global Warming is a fraud", eventually it will become true, right?

Inholfe is an utter moron, always has been, not to mention that he's deep in the pockets of the Oil Industry.

How about we investigate Inholfe's political donations in relation to the decisions he's made?
Yes, yes, if you keep saying "Global Warming is a fraud", eventually it will become true, right?

Inholfe is an utter moron, always has been, not to mention that he's deep in the pockets of the Oil Industry.

How about we investigate Inholfe's political donations in relation to the decisions he's made?

No. It was a fraud before anyone started saying anything about it.

Go ahead and investigate Inhofe. Heaven forbid we investigate politicians.

The left on this board has been clear that there isnt a single scenario they can concieve of that will prove global warming a fraud. It doesn't matter what the climate is or does nothing will disprove global warming with your convoluted logic.
Yes, let's have a bipartisan investigation into the global warming fraud. Let's get Congress doing something that cant hurt us too much in the next 8 months.

They are too busy with more important things......
like trying to determine whether or not Mark McGuire should be hailed as a home run king.
Pajamas Media Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe To Ask for DOJ Investigation (Pajamas Media/PJTV Exclusive)


Senator calls for criminal investigation of Al Gore by Congress.:clap2:

So many of the Gore assertions have now been rebuked......time for Gore to start fessing up to his purposful misleading of Congress on the effects of CO2, thus leading to aggressive legislation to extend regulatory control over carbon dioxide emissions in the United States.

Ten years ago I said this was all a fraud.........................

Check mate on this haox has begun s0ns!!!:lol:

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and shits through feathers, maybe, just maybe, it is a duck. The same thoughts about global warming. I believe that Al Gore is a duck laced with fraud. His actions have not been to broaden science but to broaden his collection of the almighty dollar.
First off, Gore is not a scientist, he just acts a spokesperson for global warming. It has NOT been proven to be a myth or a fraud or debunked. What was criminal about Gore presenting the scientific consensus on the manner/ Finding some doubters, and some questionaable science amongst the thousands of climatologist is not debunking.WHat a stupid story, what would the charges possibly be?

10 year ago you said is was a fraud because you just hate science and things that mess up your worldview.

IT HAS NOT BEEN DEBUNKED. Some stupid political hacks saying so does not make it so.
First off, Gore is not a scientist, he just acts a spokesperson for global warming. It has NOT been proven to be a myth or a fraud or debunked. What was criminal about Gore presenting the scientific consensus on the manner/ Finding some doubters, and some questionaable science amongst the thousands of climatologist is not debunking.WHat a stupid story, what would the charges possibly be?

10 year ago you said is was a fraud because you just hate science and things that mess up your worldview.

IT HAS NOT BEEN DEBUNKED. Some stupid political hacks saying so does not make it so.

By definition, if there needs to be a consensus, it's not science. Science deals with facts. Facts are true whether one person agrees with it or one million people agree with it or whether one person disagrees or one million disagrees.

Al Gore presented fraudulent and made up data. We have an obligation to determine whether this was intentional or not. Especially before we pass any laws he advocates that could hurt our economy and help his pocket book.

As for hating science. I dont know a single person who hates science. I do, however, people insisting science is something that it's not or presuming that some sort of vote constitutes science. I like truth. I dont like lies. it's that simple.
By definition, if there needs to be a consensus, it's not science. Science deals with facts. Facts are true whether one person agrees with it or one million people agree with it or whether one person disagrees or one million disagrees.

Al Gore presented fraudulent and made up data.

Like what, specifically?

We have an obligation to determine whether this was intentional or not. Especially before we pass any laws he advocates that could hurt our economy and help his pocket book.

Meaning that any person who owns stock in Oil corporations, or profits from Oil corporations, and presents a point of view against Global Warming is equally criminally culpable for expressing themselves, if Al Gore's side of the argument proves to be the correct one. Including you, and your buddies.

As for hating science. I dont know a single person who hates science. I do, however, people insisting science is something that it's not or presuming that some sort of vote constitutes science. I like truth. I dont like lies. it's that simple.

It's amazing to me that people who blindly believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there's a man in the sky that controls everything, are also completely convinced that the scientific findings of thousands of scientists all around the world cannot possibly be true.

Now personally I don't know if there is a God, but you all seem to believe it blindly with no evidence of his or her existence whatsoever. Now you're presented with a whole bunch of evidence, and you refuse to believe it's even a possibility.
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By definition, if there needs to be a consensus, it's not science. Science deals with facts. Facts are true whether one person agrees with it or one million people agree with it or whether one person disagrees or one million disagrees.

Al Gore presented fraudulent and made up data.

Like what, specifically?

We have an obligation to determine whether this was intentional or not. Especially before we pass any laws he advocates that could hurt our economy and help his pocket book.

Meaning that any person who owns stock in Oil corporations, or profits from Oil corporations, and presents a point of view against Global Warming is equally criminally culpable for expressing themselves, if Al Gore's side of the argument proves to be the correct one. Including you, and your buddies.

As for hating science. I dont know a single person who hates science. I do, however, people insisting science is something that it's not or presuming that some sort of vote constitutes science. I like truth. I dont like lies. it's that simple.

It's amazing to me that people who blindly believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there's a man in the sky that controls everything, are also completely convinced that the scientific findings of thousands of scientists all around the world cannot possibly be true.

Now personally I don't know if there is a God, but you all seem to believe it blindly with no evidence of his or her existence whatsoever. Now you're presented with a whole bunch of evidence, and you refuse to believe it's even a possibility.

thank you for responding with what I would respond to. The only people that ever politicize science are conservatives. And this guy clearly doesn't know science as consensus amongst scientists is common. Not everything is set in stone in science, especially new findings that are contnued to be worked out. tHe only time something can be "proven" is when that finding leads to a drug or thing that actually shows that it works.

The peopel doing the work are underpaid, independent researchers that if they produce fraudulent data or lie, their careers are over whne they are found out, and they always are. So to claim its all a big conspiracy by these scientists, who gain nothing by making this up except ridicule and career destruction, is just absurd and is an attempt to politicize science.
Apparently, this week's right wing talking point is to accuse random people on the left of criminal acts.
the news media and government is up in arms with the Toyota problem that is selling us bad cars but where is the out rage with this global warming hoax? they have been selling us this load of crap for years. Where are the congressional investigations and court hearing charging and prossecuting these frauds and criminals!!!!
So where is Gore ... the climate change whore hiding?

he is in hiding with Waldo and Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis, he is trying to sell them on this global warming hoax, figuring they have been in the dark so long they don't know it is a fraud and hoax!!!!
So where is Gore ... the climate change whore hiding?

he is in hiding with Waldo and Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis, he is trying to sell them on this global warming hoax, figuring they have been in the dark so long they don't know it is a fraud and hoax!!!!

All living in a cave perhaps. If so, I hope Gore has his balls frozen to the floor!

LOL ~ Waldo

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