GOP's base decides for America that Benghazigate is an actual scandal.


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2013
Desperate for payback after years and years of successful Bush-bashing over the mismanaged and ill-thought Iraq War, the GOP's teeming rank & file of roly-poly bumpkins and mad-at-modernity, middle-aged white guys has decided for us all that the attack on Benghazi was not an attack on the US, but a scandal of the Democratic Party, totally the fault of Obama and Clinton.

Still feeling the defenestration and humiliation of losing the White House to a man they believe to be born in Kenya and a muslim, the GOP bases' anger boiled over after the death of Osama bin Laden. OBL was supposed to be killed during a Presidency of the Real American Party of Bush and Palin, not the party of wine-sipping swishes who demand we ask "why do they hate us?".

So it's time to make up for the failure of the Iraq War and the failure of the GOP to kill OBL. From this time forward, the attack on Benghazi is now "Benghazigate". Despite the 10 attacks on embassies during the Presidency of George Bush, followed by zero Congressional hearings, it's now time to be mad about "Benghazigate". Despite the total failure of the "scandal" to catch on outside of conservative circles, it's offically a scandal.
Desperate for payback after years and years of successful Bush-bashing over the mismanaged and ill-thought Iraq War, the GOP's teeming rank & file of roly-poly bumpkins and mad-at-modernity, middle-aged white guys has decided for us all that the attack on Benghazi was not an attack on the US, but a scandal of the Democratic Party, totally the fault of Obama and Clinton.

Still feeling the defenestration and humiliation of losing the White House to a man they believe to be born in Kenya and a muslim, the GOP bases' anger boiled over after the death of Osama bin Laden. OBL was supposed to be killed during a Presidency of the Real American Party of Bush and Palin, not the party of wine-sipping swishes who demand we ask "why do they hate us?".

So it's time to make up for the failure of the Iraq War and the failure of the GOP to kill OBL. From this time forward, the attack on Benghazi is now "Benghazigate". Despite the 10 attacks on embassies during the Presidency of George Bush, followed by zero Congressional hearings, it's now time to be mad about "Benghazigate". Despite the total failure of the "scandal" to catch on outside of conservative circles, it's offically a scandal.

The reaction by the far right to Benghazi mirrors their reaction to deficit spending. The far right was very, very quiet when the GOP had complete control of Washington and basically doubled the National Debt. The same goes with the killings of embassy employees during the Bush years. Their reaction then,,,complete silence.
The Obama Administration fucked up Benghazi, there is no doubt about that. The hypocrisy of the far right is just that,,hypocrisy, there is also no doubt about that.
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Desperate for payback after years and years of successful Bush-bashing over the mismanaged and ill-thought Iraq War, the GOP's teeming rank & file of roly-poly bumpkins and mad-at-modernity, middle-aged white guys has decided for us all that the attack on Benghazi was not an attack on the US, but a scandal of the Democratic Party, totally the fault of Obama and Clinton.

Still feeling the defenestration and humiliation of losing the White House to a man they believe to be born in Kenya and a muslim, the GOP bases' anger boiled over after the death of Osama bin Laden. OBL was supposed to be killed during a Presidency of the Real American Party of Bush and Palin, not the party of wine-sipping swishes who demand we ask "why do they hate us?".

So it's time to make up for the failure of the Iraq War and the failure of the GOP to kill OBL. From this time forward, the attack on Benghazi is now "Benghazigate". Despite the 10 attacks on embassies during the Presidency of George Bush, followed by zero Congressional hearings, it's now time to be mad about "Benghazigate". Despite the total failure of the "scandal" to catch on outside of conservative circles, it's offically a scandal.

The reaction by the far right to Benghazi mirrors their reaction to deficit spending. The far right was very, very quiet when the GOP had complete control of Washington and basically double the National Debt. The same goes with the killings of embassy employees during the Bush years. Their reaction then,,,complete silence.
The Obama Administration fucked up Benghazi, there is no doubt about that. The hypocrisy of the far right is just that,,hypocrisy, there is also no doubt about that.

True, and yet, it is still a scandel. One which you want to point out the faults of the "other side" in order to obfuscate from that fact. What you're basically saying is that it's fine if the Obama supporters turn a blind eye to being lied to regarding what happened. Because republicans did it when Bush was president. Somehow, this gives Obama supporters some moral and ethical high ground. When in reality, it makes them Identical to those they wish to attack regarding making a "big deal" of the current scandel.
Desperate for payback after years and years of successful Bush-bashing over the mismanaged and ill-thought Iraq War, the GOP's teeming rank & file of roly-poly bumpkins and mad-at-modernity, middle-aged white guys has decided for us all that the attack on Benghazi was not an attack on the US, but a scandal of the Democratic Party, totally the fault of Obama and Clinton.

Still feeling the defenestration and humiliation of losing the White House to a man they believe to be born in Kenya and a muslim, the GOP bases' anger boiled over after the death of Osama bin Laden. OBL was supposed to be killed during a Presidency of the Real American Party of Bush and Palin, not the party of wine-sipping swishes who demand we ask "why do they hate us?".

So it's time to make up for the failure of the Iraq War and the failure of the GOP to kill OBL. From this time forward, the attack on Benghazi is now "Benghazigate". Despite the 10 attacks on embassies during the Presidency of George Bush, followed by zero Congressional hearings, it's now time to be mad about "Benghazigate". Despite the total failure of the "scandal" to catch on outside of conservative circles, it's offically a scandal.

The reaction by the far right to Benghazi mirrors their reaction to deficit spending. The far right was very, very quiet when the GOP had complete control of Washington and basically double the National Debt. The same goes with the killings of embassy employees during the Bush years. Their reaction then,,,complete silence.
The Obama Administration fucked up Benghazi, there is no doubt about that. The hypocrisy of the far right is just that,,hypocrisy, there is also no doubt about that.

True, and yet, it is still a scandel. One which you want to point out the faults of the "other side" in order to obfuscate from that fact. What you're basically saying is that it's fine if the Obama supporters turn a blind eye to being lied to regarding what happened. Because republicans did it when Bush was president. Somehow, this gives Obama supporters some moral and ethical high ground. When in reality, it makes them Identical to those they wish to attack regarding making a "big deal" of the current scandel.

Actually, the left should acknowledge the fact that the Obama Administration fucked the whole thing up, which is something I have stated before.
The right and the left are just alike when it comes to admitting their side's screw-ups, they both go into denial.
Thank you. it's not so much a "fuck up" in my mind as it is the fact we were lied to about it. That's where the real problem is. If they made errors and owned up to them, I would have a lot more respect for them than I do now. Instead, they dekliberately lied about it for political reasons. Which makes them vile and no better than the last administration.
Benghazi is a scandal of mismanagement, not cover up. It ranks right with RR's debacle in the ME with the Marine barracks explosion. Heads need to roll.
Benghazi is a scandal of mismanagement, not cover up. It ranks right with RR's debacle in the ME with the Marine barracks explosion. Heads need to roll.

not satire, but I had that same thought. this does seem a bit like Beirut, though less bloody. It's a policy and security failure.

But remember Reagan's disengagement from the Israel/Pale conflict set the stage for Sharon and the proxy war in Lebanon and the end of any real chance to end the conflict. A heavy price indeed.
Apparently, you are accepting nonsense, just like the Dems when the went after Ronnie.
Benghazi is a scandal of mismanagement, not cover up. It ranks right with RR's debacle in the ME with the Marine barracks explosion. Heads need to roll.

Yeah, it's nonsense to see that there was a deliberate changing of the story, or a lie. Which is, a cover up of what really transpired.

This isn't rocket science, TM.
Mismanagement of policy and security, not a cover up: no factual evidence.
Right. Except the evidence I just posted, and there is more. Such as the testimony of those who were involved.

You really should try pulling your head out of your ass and taking a look around. You might not sound so fucking isolated from reality.
Yeah, it's nonsense to see that there was a deliberate changing of the story, or a lie. Which is, a cover up of what really transpired.

This isn't rocket science, TM.

Sure, but what admin doesn't mislead, and that isn't to make light of misleading, it is what it is. But the reality is GM's sales, interest rates, the yuan exchange rate all have more of an effect on us than this. The gop's hearings are no more, or less, an attempt to force the news narrative.

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