GOP: Wrong for 30 yrs, but rank and file not smart enough to realize it.


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
Since the GOP has been wrong about everything for the last thirty years, one has to ask why rank and file Republicans keep voting for them? Before answering lets just remember some of our history.

I remember Ronald Reagan saying that he was going to cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget. Now some might say that two out of three isn't bad, but quadrupling the national debt tarnishes the record substantially. (It is ironic that all that deficit spending on military hardware was an excellent economic stimulus leading to robust growth, unfortunately the borrowed money was not invested in things that would lead to long term growth like infra-structure, instead we have a fleet of B-1 bombers aging in hangers and the like.)

I also remember Newt Gingrich proclaiming that if Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich, all the way up to 39% (gasp!) that it would bring on the second Great Depression. Not a single Republican voted for the legislation. We went on to have 22 million jobs created and a balanced budget after eight years.

I'm sure we all remember the GOP led by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld telling us, warning us, scaring us, terrorizing us with the horror of WMD. They led us into an unprevoked war which we will be paying for for years because for the first time in American history we did not tax ourselves to pay for a war. Instead we cut rich peoples' taxes twice.

The list of GOP failures is too numerous to go on about so let's get on with answering the opening question, why do rank and file Republicans keep believing the GOP? Well, one can only conclude that they just are very smart.
Since the GOP has been wrong about everything for the last thirty years, one has to ask why rank and file Republicans keep voting for them? Before answering lets just remember some of our history.

I remember Ronald Reagan saying that he was going to cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget. Now some might say that two out of three isn't bad, but quadrupling the national debt tarnishes the record substantially. (It is ironic that all that deficit spending on military hardware was an excellent economic stimulus leading to robust growth, unfortunately the borrowed money was not invested in things that would lead to long term growth like infra-structure, instead we have a fleet of B-1 bombers aging in hangers and the like.)

I also remember Newt Gingrich proclaiming that if Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich, all the way up to 39% (gasp!) that it would bring on the second Great Depression. Not a single Republican voted for the legislation. We went on to have 22 million jobs created and a balanced budget after eight years.

I'm sure we all remember the GOP led by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld telling us, warning us, scaring us, terrorizing us with the horror of WMD. They led us into an unprevoked war which we will be paying for for years because for the first time in American history we did not tax ourselves to pay for a war. Instead we cut rich peoples' taxes twice.

The list of GOP failures is too numerous to go on about so let's get on with answering the opening question, why do rank and file Republicans keep believing the GOP? Well, one can only conclude that they just are very smart.

Great. Another OWS parasite joins the ranks. You disgusting homos breed like rabbits. It's like you refuse to use birth control, unless someone else buys it for you. Fuck off, and stay out of my pocket, you worthless leech.
Since the GOP has been wrong about everything for the last thirty years, one has to ask why rank and file Republicans keep voting for them? Before answering lets just remember some of our history.

I remember Ronald Reagan saying that he was going to cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget. Now some might say that two out of three isn't bad, but quadrupling the national debt tarnishes the record substantially. (It is ironic that all that deficit spending on military hardware was an excellent economic stimulus leading to robust growth, unfortunately the borrowed money was not invested in things that would lead to long term growth like infra-structure, instead we have a fleet of B-1 bombers aging in hangers and the like.)

I also remember Newt Gingrich proclaiming that if Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich, all the way up to 39% (gasp!) that it would bring on the second Great Depression. Not a single Republican voted for the legislation. We went on to have 22 million jobs created and a balanced budget after eight years.

I'm sure we all remember the GOP led by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld telling us, warning us, scaring us, terrorizing us with the horror of WMD. They led us into an unprevoked war which we will be paying for for years because for the first time in American history we did not tax ourselves to pay for a war. Instead we cut rich peoples' taxes twice.

The list of GOP failures is too numerous to go on about so let's get on with answering the opening question, why do rank and file Republicans keep believing the GOP? Well, one can only conclude that they just are very smart.

Pay for your own shit.
oh goody, don't you all know you all are stupid if you don't fall into the liberal-Democrat-Commie way of thinking:lol:
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The GOP has never had a failed policy or unintended consequence that they cannot blame on someone else and believe it with all their blood-pumps (not going to accuse them of having hearts).
Wow another Liberal Love Fest Thread where you Make a Out Outrageous Premise and all pat yourselves on the backs about how smart you are and how stupid the other side is.

The GOP has never had a failed policy or unintended consequence that they cannot blame on someone else and believe it with all their blood-pumps (not going to accuse them of having hearts).

So, conservatives have no heart. You OWS parasites have no work ethic, no sense of personal hygiene, no testosterone, and no decency.

I'd rather have a conservative neighbor than one of you shitbirds. At least the conservative will ask politely to borrow my tools, instead of simply taking it out of "fairness".
And the fact that debt continued to go up under Democrat Presidents and when Democrats controlled Congress is what a example of shinning success? I have no doubt the rank and file Democrats will continue to vote for the name with D next to it despite that equally long list of failures now what can we conclude from this? One they are not to smart either two those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Since the GOP has been wrong about everything for the last thirty years, one has to ask why rank and file Republicans keep voting for them? Before answering lets just remember some of our history.

I remember Ronald Reagan saying that he was going to cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget. Now some might say that two out of three isn't bad, but quadrupling the national debt tarnishes the record substantially. (It is ironic that all that deficit spending on military hardware was an excellent economic stimulus leading to robust growth, unfortunately the borrowed money was not invested in things that would lead to long term growth like infra-structure, instead we have a fleet of B-1 bombers aging in hangers and the like.)

I also remember Newt Gingrich proclaiming that if Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich, all the way up to 39% (gasp!) that it would bring on the second Great Depression. Not a single Republican voted for the legislation. We went on to have 22 million jobs created and a balanced budget after eight years.

I'm sure we all remember the GOP led by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld telling us, warning us, scaring us, terrorizing us with the horror of WMD. They led us into an unprevoked war which we will be paying for for years because for the first time in American history we did not tax ourselves to pay for a war. Instead we cut rich peoples' taxes twice.

The list of GOP failures is too numerous to go on about so let's get on with answering the opening question, why do rank and file Republicans keep believing the GOP? Well, one can only conclude that they just are very smart.

Granted the left suffers from selective memory syndrome but maybe they remember that every war in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. Timid Harry Truman was afraid of his own general and the victory of Korea ended up right back where we started after 3 years and the loss of 40,000 Troops. JFK and his quirky brother created Camelot and got us to Defcon 2. LBJ created the "great society" that cost the US trillions and put Black people in deeper poverty. The liberal media brought down the Nixon administration and we ended up with a peanut farmer who didn't know his ass from a can of Billy beer and we had a misery index to describe how Americans felt until the great communicator was elected and brought the Country together and back on it's feet. Reagan was the greatest president in modern history and democrats hate him for it. Democrats managed to portray WW2 hero George Bush Sr. as a wimp and pretend that victory in the 1st Gulf war was a defeat and we ended up with a rapist and a pervert in the White House. Bubba Bill dismissed the first attack on the World Trade Center as a "stupid act by stupid people and turned around and invaded Waco Texas with tanks and poison gas. 9-11 Terrorists were attending flight school in the US while his big dumb A.G. gave instructions to the CIA and the FBI not to share information or face arrest. Meanwhile Bubba Clinton bombed the snot out of Yugoslavia which wasn't a threat to anyone and went back to enjoy sodomy in the Oval Office. After 9-11 happened 7 months into George W. Bush's term democrats authorized him to use the Military in Iraq and then they sat back and pretended that they were members of the Jihad and the US was the enemy. Democrats gained the majority in congress half way through Bush's 2nd term and created the biggest October surprise in history. Under House Banking chairman Barney Frank's supervision, Fannie Mae collapsed and brought down practically the whole economy. Democrats blamed Bush and we ended up with a half African prince who had a majority in both houses of congress. The sky was the limit and we got a global warming extortion scam and cash for clunkers and a gigantic 3,000 page law called "health care reform" that creates a little army of IRS agents to enforce it and nobody really knows what the hell is going to happen.

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