GOP To Iowans: Your Neighbors Will Know If You Don’t Vote Republicans


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The GOP is trying to convince Iowa voters on Facebook that their neighbors will know if they voted Republican.

Screenshots of Facebook ads, promoted by the official Facebook page of the Republican National Committee feature an ominous message: “NOTICE: All Voting Is Public.” The ads tell voters that “In a few months, Iowa will release the list of individuals who voted in this election.” Most troubling, the ad includes an arial view of a neighborhood with checkmarks indicating that “These People Voted GOP.”


It is true that voter participation in elections is public information. But how someone voted, including what party they voted for, is not. The secret ballot has long been considered a hallmark of American democracy.

GOP To Iowans: Your Neighbors Will Know If You Don't Vote Republicans

Is this what American so-called "democracy" has degenerated into?
well figures it's from stinkprogress

anyone have a clue what the hell they are talking about for crying out loud?
BS from the left and nothing more. Trying last minute BS which is blatantly false hoping to swing some votes from IDIOTS who actually believe this junk.

Of course the Dems need Idiots to vote, so it might actually work to get their Idiots to the polls on Tuesday.
Just like their BS with targets on Gifford. When they are losing they make up all kinds of stupid crap and unfortunately as we see here some still falls for it
T'ain't OK for either side to do it.

But with a government that listens to your every phone call, reads your every e-mail and indoctrinates your kids to report your every word you expect something else?
Just like Sarah Palin targeted Gabby Giffords - the GOP is going to target your residence with a big RED X.
This isn't as anymore dramatic or shocking as the letter that was recently sent in New York. I received a similar letter in the mail yesterday here in PA. Like the one from my neighboring state, it contained no threats or mob tactics as the partisans claimed. The same can be said in this instance as well. This and the other thread is nothing more then dramatic ginned up claptrap.

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