GOP, the party of fiscal discipline & small govt, votes to increase natl debt by $9 Trillion


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2013
What are conservatives doing voting to increase debt by $9 trillion?


[email protected]

Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have been adamant – the federal debt is way too high and has got to be tamed fast.

Cruz, a Republican from Texas, helped lead the 2013 fight against raising the debt limit, a fight that resulted in a partial government shutdown. Rubio, a Republican from Florida, in announcing his plans for this year, said Tuesday that “one major thing that will cost us jobs and hamstring our economy is our rising debt.”

So why did they and 49 other Senate Republicans vote this week to consider a measure that says the “appropriate levels of the public debt” would rise from the current $20 trillion to $29.1 trillion in 10 years? And predict deficits of $1 trillion by the end of that period?

I'll tell you why. To conservatives, it depends on who controls the White House. When it's a GOPer, then bloated debt is good or not to be mentioned. See the Presidencies of Reagan, arms dealer to Iran, and the Bushtard. the war-losing, recession-causing, worst President in American history, for examples. Since the Trumpclown is coming to town, debt will be suddently and conveniently off the wingtard radar for what a problem is. During the Obama years, debates over raising the national debt were worth crashing the global economy over. Now, not so much. What a joke.

This is just a start of the obvious hypocrisies and convenient policy shifts and changes that are coming. Just like passing Medicare D in 2003, the largest welfare state program in generations, under unified GOP rule, the GOP will do all sorts of things that would be "outrages" if done when a Democrat is President. I will be here to point them all out for you. You're welcome.
Anyone see the story on issuing 100 yr bonds....,if so what do ya think....Only caught tail end

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