GOP Senate Candidate Supports Life Sentences For Rape Victims Who Obtain Abortions


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Annie-Rose Strasser

Rep. Rick Berg (R-ND), the candidate for Senate from North Dakota, once voted for a bill that would have made any woman who obtained an abortion guilty of a homicide crime — even if it were in the case of rape or incest. Indeed, the bill Berg supported does not even contain an explicit exception if an abortion is necessary to save the woman’s life.

Intentional termination of human life – Preborn children. A person is guilty of a class AA felony if the person intentionally destroys or terminates the life of a preborn child.

A class AA felony carries a maximum sentence of life without the possibility of parole in North Dakota. Chapter 12.1-16 of the North Dakota Century Code is the section of that state’s law that covers homicide crimes such as murder or manslaughter.

More: GOP Senate Candidate Supports Life Sentences For Rape Victims Who Obtain Abortions | ThinkProgress
We will see more laws of this type as the people are frightened into voting more Republicans into power.

With more republicans in control things will get much worse.

But unlike some republicans I am not saying 1000 years of darkness ;)
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