GOP Plays Politics With National Security!!!

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
GOP Plays Politics With National Security: U.S. Sen. Grassley: Grassley, Issa seek information about FOIA requests

WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative Darrell Issa have asked Inspectors General from 29 government agencies to review whether federal agencies are taking new steps to limit responses to Freedom of Information Act requests from lawmakers, journalists, activist groups and watchdog organizations.
We all know this is just cheap election year politics and more of the assault on everything Obama.

Why can't the GOP focus on governing and stop playing politics?

GOP Plays Politics With National Security: U.S. Sen. Grassley: Grassley, Issa seek information about FOIA requests

WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative Darrell Issa have asked Inspectors General from 29 government agencies to review whether federal agencies are taking new steps to limit responses to Freedom of Information Act requests from lawmakers, journalists, activist groups and watchdog organizations.
We all know this is just cheap election year politics and more of the assault on everything Obama.

Why can't the GOP focus on governing and stop playing politics?


Oh brother.....another thread for Dev to whine and cry, and another biased link. Some things just never change.
GOP Plays Politics With National Security: U.S. Sen. Grassley: Grassley, Issa seek information about FOIA requests

WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative Darrell Issa have asked Inspectors General from 29 government agencies to review whether federal agencies are taking new steps to limit responses to Freedom of Information Act requests from lawmakers, journalists, activist groups and watchdog organizations.
We all know this is just cheap election year politics and more of the assault on everything Obama.

Why can't the GOP focus on governing and stop playing politics?


Oh brother.....another thread for Dev to whine and cry, and another biased link. Some things just never change.

the link may or may not be biased, but way to go :clap2::clap2::clap2:

having not one clue on how to debate or refute a point. :lol:

Get used to it. What goes around comes around. You ain't seen nothin yet. Wait till the Republicans regain some power. That's right,it's payback time Beotches! Hopefully now some real investigations into this Administration's rampant corruption can begin. You nutters screeched for firings & resignations every single day for eight straight years when the other guys had power. Now it's the Republican's turn for some payback. Some in this Administration just gotta go. Hopefully the Republicans can regain enough power to make this happen. Personally i can't wait. :)
We've seen the GOP playbook. Payback?


The GOP didn't attack Clinton as payback. The GOP has no agenda but power. Power at the expense of America. It uses dupes like you.

you're a tool
I really wish there were not so many Americans who allow themselves to be the tools
lol! Quit ya bitchin. You guys viciously attacked an undermined the other guys for eight straight years. Yea how many firings,resignations,and investigations did you tools call for the previous eight years? Now you have the nerve to whine like little babies? Well,get over it. It is payback time. What goes around does come around. Looks like it'll be coming around real soon. Deal with it.
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GOP Plays Politics With National Security: U.S. Sen. Grassley: Grassley, Issa seek information about FOIA requests

WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative Darrell Issa have asked Inspectors General from 29 government agencies to review whether federal agencies are taking new steps to limit responses to Freedom of Information Act requests from lawmakers, journalists, activist groups and watchdog organizations.
We all know this is just cheap election year politics and more of the assault on everything Obama.

Why can't the GOP focus on governing and stop playing politics?


Oh brother.....another thread for Dev to whine and cry, and another biased link. Some things just never change.

the link may or may not be biased, but way to go :clap2::clap2::clap2:

having not one clue on how to debate or refute a point. :lol:


It just shows how much I take you seriously, moron.
GOP Plays Politics With National Security: U.S. Sen. Grassley: Grassley, Issa seek information about FOIA requests

WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative Darrell Issa have asked Inspectors General from 29 government agencies to review whether federal agencies are taking new steps to limit responses to Freedom of Information Act requests from lawmakers, journalists, activist groups and watchdog organizations.
We all know this is just cheap election year politics and more of the assault on everything Obama.

Why can't the GOP focus on governing and stop playing politics?


because they are not in power?

and maybe they have a point...that does happen you know?

and frankly on the heels of Obama submissive, apologetic victory lap ala Iraq and all the democratic peek a boo political games played as to the the war, you really have some nerve....:lol:
lol! Quit ya bitchin. You guys viciously attacked an undermined the other guys for eight straight years.


you confuse everything. your pea brain is incapable of seeing that there are not 2 sides to everything: us vs them


Wrong?????:lol: This just shows what a hypocritical moron you really are, DEV NELLIE. :cuckoo:
Get used to it. What goes around comes around. You ain't seen nothin yet. Wait till the Republicans regain some power. That's right,it's payback time Beotches! Hopefully now some real investigations into this Administration's rampant corruption can begin. You nutters screeched for firings & resignations every single day for eight straight years when the other guys had power. Now it's the Republican's turn for some payback. Some in this Administration just gotta go. Hopefully the Republicans can regain enough power to make this happen. Personally i can't wait. :)

The Party of NO insisted on secreting the peoples documents, so blame yourself.

The Oct. 12, 2001, directive instructed federal agencies to stall on releasing documents until a "full and deliberate consideration" of the implications of the disclosure of any such information was conducted. It superseded former attorney general Janet Reno's 1993 FOIA policy that put the burden on the federal agencies to justify any withholding of "FOIAed" documents.

Bush team thumbs its nose at FOIA; the Bush administration has taken a hard line against releasing government records as required by law. Critics from the left and the right are responding with lawsuits | Insight on the News Newspaper | Find Articles

You righty Losers are going to need a place to go dry & hug come November, so I checked around and found you a discount coupon.

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lol! Quit ya bitchin. You guys viciously attacked an undermined the other guys for eight straight years.


you confuse everything. your pea brain is incapable of seeing that there are not 2 sides to everything: us vs them


Wrong?????:lol: This just shows what a hypocritical moron you really are, DEV NELLIE. :cuckoo:

oooh, another one of the girlyman/boys on the right just made am attempt to make me feel insecure by projection. :eusa_whistle:
GOP Plays Politics With National Security: U.S. Sen. Grassley: Grassley, Issa seek information about FOIA requests

WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative Darrell Issa have asked Inspectors General from 29 government agencies to review whether federal agencies are taking new steps to limit responses to Freedom of Information Act requests from lawmakers, journalists, activist groups and watchdog organizations.
We all know this is just cheap election year politics and more of the assault on everything Obama.

Why can't the GOP focus on governing and stop playing politics?


Oh brother.....another thread for Dev to whine and cry, and another biased link. Some things just never change.

the link may or may not be biased, but way to go :clap2::clap2::clap2:

having not one clue on how to debate or refute a point. :lol:


Well lets see so far since I have been back posting here. I have not seen you post one Thread that did not used Biased sources and was not loaded with misstated and spun Facts.

So don't get all bent that people don't take your posts seriously.

Nice use of the word loser though. It really shows that powerful Liberal Intellect of yours at work that you resort to name calling so often.
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Oh brother.....another thread for Dev to whine and cry, and another biased link. Some things just never change.

the link may or may not be biased, but way to go :clap2::clap2::clap2:

having not one clue on how to debate or refute a point. :lol:


Well lets see so far since I have been back posting here. I have not seen you post one Thread that did not used Biased sources and was not loaded with misstated and spun Facts.

So don't get all bent that people don't take your posts seriously.

Nice use of the word loser though. It really shows that powerful Liberal Intellect of yours at work that you resort to name calling so often.

a biased view? OMFG!!! Call the PC police.

please, you don't refute one point
Considering the politics that Democrats played with everything from 9/11, the Iraq War, for THEM to complain about ANYONE playing politics with national security is so laughable, who needs comment further?

Liberals, laughably pompous, self-righteous hypocrits!


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