GOP Plan: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.Willard Mitt Romney: added by Dante:eusa_shifty:
Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.

By Seattle Times wire services

WASHINGTON — The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said yesterday.

The embrace of foreign "outsourcing," an accelerating trend that has contributed to U.S. job losses in recent years and has become an issue in the 2004 elections, is contained in the president's annual report to Congress on the U.S. economy.

"Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade," said N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisors, which prepared the report. "More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that's a good thing."

The report, which predicts the nation will reverse a three-year employment slide by creating 2.6 million jobs in 2004... The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.

did the GOP outsourcing create any jobs?
:eusa_whistle: Willard Mitt Romney's private-equity firm created wealth for investors, not jobs.

June 22, 2012
Willard Mitt Romney, Jobs And China -- Let's Connect Dots

-- by Dave Johnson

Will Willard Mitt Romney create jobs and help our economy, or will he just take us back to the Bush-era, send-jobs-to-China destruction that made him rich? With Willard Mitt Romney there is no way to connect what he says with what he means or might do. So we are forced to read tea leaves and look for signs. Should be reading Chinese tea leaves?
The Fire Sale Of Our Economy

Willard Mitt Romney made his huge fortune partly by taking over companies, sending the good-paying American jobs to places like China -- or using the threat to do that to force wage and benefit cuts -- and keeping that money for himself and his business partners. A Washington Post story says that Willard Mitt Romney's company not only took advantage of this technique, but actually helped pioneer the technique! Seeing the Forest: Romney, Jobs And China -- Let's Connect Dots

remember the guy who banked Newt? Now he banks Willard Mitt Romney: Adelson's exclusive Chinese-granted casino license is worth billions, and he has used his influence with Republicans in Congress to help China. Adelson influenced Republicans to help China get the Beijing Olympics and then received the license to build casinos in Chinese territory. From the New Yorker, The Brass Ring: A multibillionaire’s relentless quest for global influence, ... One source (of many) of this flood of money has been disclosed. Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, has already given $10 million to Romney's campaign, promises a "limitless" amount -- $100 million or more. (He has $25 billion, largely thanks to China.) There are also allegations of corruption, bribery and violations of US law in the operation of these Chinese-licensed casinos. - Seeing the Forest: Romney, Jobs And China -- Let's Connect Dots
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The best thing we can do for the economy is relocate the Democrat Party overseas. They like it better there anyway
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, for example, found that Obama led Romney 50 percent to 42 percent among voters in swing states, where the anti-Bain ads have run. Romney has also seen his “favorable” rating dip in battleground states, too.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, for example, found that Obama led Romney 50 percent to 42 percent among voters in swing states, where the anti-Bain ads have run. Romney has also seen his “favorable” rating dip in battleground states, too.
Currently, Mitt needs to find out which of his claims are true. If he left Bain in '99 as he has told everyone who would listen, then he has a felony problem since he signed documents with the SEC saying he was ceo and pres in '02. If, on the other hand, he did not falsify SEC documents, then he has been lying for years about when he was no longer responsible for BAIN activities.
The mittster needs a really good answer to this issue, or it will be a problem.
If he left Bain in '99 as he has told everyone who would listen, then he has a felony problem since he signed documents with the SEC saying he was ceo and pres in '02. If, on the other hand, he did not falsify SEC documents, then he has been lying for years about when he was no longer responsible for BAIN activities.
The mittster needs a really good answer to this issue, or it will be a problem.

[ame=]Thurston Howell III - YouTube[/ame]
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, for example, found that Obama led Romney 50 percent to 42 percent among voters in swing states, where the anti-Bain ads have run. Romney has also seen his “favorable” rating dip in battleground states, too.
Currently, Mitt needs to find out which of his claims are true. If he left Bain in '99 as he has told everyone who would listen, then he has a felony problem since he signed documents with the SEC saying he was ceo and pres in '02. If, on the other hand, he did not falsify SEC documents, then he has been lying for years about when he was no longer responsible for BAIN activities.
The mittster needs a really good answer to this issue, or it will be a problem.

I don't know about the technicalities of law here, but I do know that the Great White Job Creator is looking pretty bad. Romney has always stretched the truth. He's a good man with a few Clinton. :eusa_whistle:

Oh yeah, and like Texas Governor Rick Perry said, Romney is also a vulture capitalist who in his own words likes firing people.
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I was wondering when we'd see Mitt singing.

[ame=]Obama for America TV Ad: "Firms" - YouTube[/ame]
Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.Willard Mitt Romney: added by Dante:eusa_shifty:

did the GOP outsourcing create any jobs? :eusa_whistle: Willard Mitt Romney's private-equity firm created wealth for investors, not jobs.

remember the guy who banked Newt? Now he banks Willard Mitt Romney: Adelson's exclusive Chinese-granted casino license is worth billions, and he has used his influence with Republicans in Congress to help China. Adelson influenced Republicans to help China get the Beijing Olympics and then received the license to build casinos in Chinese territory. From the New Yorker, The Brass Ring: A multibillionaire’s relentless quest for global influence, ... One source (of many) of this flood of money has been disclosed. Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, has already given $10 million to Romney's campaign, promises a "limitless" amount -- $100 million or more. (He has $25 billion, largely thanks to China.) There are also allegations of corruption, bribery and violations of US law in the operation of these Chinese-licensed casinos. - Seeing the Forest: Romney, Jobs And China -- Let's Connect Dots
Indeependent denies Republicans were all for sending good paying union jobs overseas from 2000-2012.
Frank, it works
Wasn't it class warfare? Today Republicans say they want to bring jobs back home and that the only ones who want to send jobs overseas are corporations.

So the rich/corporations/Republicans sent high paying jobs overseas to increase profits. Today Republicans say they and Trump want to bring jobs back.
Political parties are of a lesser germane factor in regard to USA's great annual trade deficits.
Transcribed from the thread, "Trade deficits are net detrimental to their nation's GDP":

Economists do not refute annual trade deficits detrimental affects upon their nation's GDP. They certainly do not contend that nation's annual trade deficits were net beneficial to their nation's GDP.
Economists, (even economists not opposed to trade deficits), do not refute THE FACT of nation's annual trade deficits, (i.e. their negative balances of international trade), are negative factors when determining their nation's annual GDP.

Due to USA's annual trade deficits, our annual GDPs are less than otherwise.

Many creditable economists contend USA's trade deficit's economic detriment to our entire GDP is comparatively small and not of great concern. But even economists not opposed to trade deficits, do not refute the fact, due to USA's chronic annual trade deficits, our annual GDPs are less than otherwise.
I agree with other credible economists contending a nation's net balance of trade's amount understates the nation's international trades' effects upon the nation's GDP. International balance of trade only accounts for the values of products crossing the nation's borders. It does not account for domestic production that's generated by production for export, but is not reflected within the prices of internationally traded products.
USA's annual trade deficits are particularly detrimental to wage earners, their dependents, and enterprises more sensitive to the financial conditions of those great population segments.
Respectfully, Supposn

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