Gop plan; privatize government


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

GOP plan to cut spending, jobs and unemployment in order to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and create jobs will do nothing but eliminate a million jobs which cause a loss of tax revenue and create more spending and add to the deficit and budget.

GOP’s plan to balance the budget and pay down the deficit is by cutting government spending will result in more government spending. How will cutting a million jobs create more jobs UNLESS the plan is to privatize those jobs? Federal, state and local government. This is GOPs plan to destroy every form of government and replace it with privatization. The are cutting funding for public education, firing public education teacher and transferring those funds to private school in the form of vouchers. The want to do the same to government healthcare by cutting funding and creating a plan for people to buy into private healthcare. This is GOPs plan to privatize government and destroy government. Government that their GOD put in place for a good reason.

What these right wingers do not realize is THEIR government jobs will be cut, their salaries and benefits cut and privatized with NO regulations. Do we really need as many senators and representatives as we do? Who regulates private sector jobs? They don't really want to make governemnt smaller, because smaller government will not work.

Bottom line, cutting government spending will do nothing to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and create jobs and was never intended to. Not the GOPs plan.
Privatization means no regulations.
shrink it to a size I can drown it in the bathtub.

Yes the people who OWN the republican party want just that.

The average Republican voter is being hoodwinked into voting for their own corporate ownership.

No source, no links, just massive talking point regurgitation. Just puke dispensing. Parroting.

Only too typical.

"Elections have consequences" was perfectly okay with you hacks when Obama and Pelosi said it, it's not okay now? :lmao:
If you need a link to prove to you the republican party and the right are attempting this then you have not been paying attention to everything the GOP says and does.
Personally, I'd rather be owned by corporations than by the government. I can choose which corporations I do business with. I can't choose what government I do business with.

When one takes even a cursory glance at Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution, one finds a very simple list of things that the US Congress has legitimate control and power over. We have expanded that list exponentially over the years, without any new form of Constitutional amendment. It was done at the end of a gun by a man named Abraham Lincoln, who got his own just reward in the back of the head from the barrel of a gun at Ford's Theater. Most of what the US Government, and even most State and Local governments do, they have no legitimate, legal mandate to legislate, tax, or spend money for.

THAT is what needs to change. We need to return government (at all levels) to its proper restraints. Lincoln let the tiger of Government Interference out of the cage and its been tearing us apart for a century and a half. We need to get it back in the cage by any means necessery, before it kills everyone.
The US Government is by far the most inefficient and wasteful entity on the planet, and these hacks scream their heads off and outright LIE any time anyone wants to reign it in even in the slightest. Reductions of the increase in budgets are called "cuts," and the wailing and outright lying continues unabated.

Why do you morons support the most inefficient and wasteful entity on the planet?
Another idiot speaks.

And I'm shocked to learn TM agrees. Shocked I tell you.

first off dumbass, they are cutting government jobs, which COST money, cutting them will SAVE money. Privatizing them will INCREASE tax revenue.

This is why libs should not be allowed near the economy. You can't do basic math, so how the hell can you do accounting let alone an entire economy?
If you need a link to prove to you the republican party and the right are attempting this then you have not been paying attention to everything the GOP says and does.

Why SHOULDN'T private entities be doing the things that the Federal Government is not legally allowed to under Article I, Sections 8 & 9, and the 10th Amendment? The Feds are not supposed to be doing them.

In the early days of this country (post revolution, pre civl war), in the "civilized" areas of the country, how many of the following things existed.....

PUBLIC Libraries
PUBLIC Schools (which were paid for by the town, not the parents of students)
PUBLIC Universities
PUBLIC Hospitals (which were forced to serve even those who couldn't pay)
PUBLIC Welfare Houses (not debtors prisons)

Very, very few. In most cases those things were Private entitites. If the founders truly believed that these things should be under the purvue of the Government, why didn't they move to create these things in their own time?
No its not.

You jsut dont understand what the everpresent facts about how the right gets elected by talking jobs and then comes in and fights anything designed to create jobs and goes right into union busting, tax cuts and abortion bullshit.

If you vote republican and you dont already have a couple of mil in the bank you are voting against the interests of the vast majority of the people in the country and yourself.
Can you imagine if every Dept of ________ Dept got a base pay and bonuses based on performance?

Things would get done so much faster.

As we have it now, mediocre is frowned upon, not b/c it's lame but b/c you have to try to get up to that point.

"Burn it, burn it all"
Henry Fonda, The Battle of the Bulge
If you vote republican and you dont already have a couple of mil in the bank you are voting against the interests of the vast majority of the people in the country and yourself.

A very large percentage of Americans today don't deserve what they have, nevermind anything more than what they have. Most Americans fail to realize they have RESPONSIBILITES and DUTIES that go along with their Rights and Privileges as American citizens. Among those responsibilities is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. That means taking care of yourself and not looking to the Government for everything in your life. The sooner we get people off the Government teat, the better off we'll be. Either they'll learn to do for themselves, they'll leave the US entirely, or they'll die off and thereby improve the gene pool.

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