GOP has only five states left...

Does the GOP have just five red states left? - War Room -

I like how people on this board try to paint Arkansas as a red state just because it went to McCain, when clearly it is not.

I'd say even less then that. Alaska won't be a Republican stronghold for long. I wouldn't even consider it as such since Ted Stevens just lost.

Utah I'd put under as really the only Conservative state in the U.S and the biggest one. In fact, they are the only state to also allow guns on college campus among several other things.

Interesting link under that:

EDIT: I'm also pretty sure that Obama made a dent in Wyoming this election season.
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calm down.

The GOP is always going to be competitive in at least a couple dozen states.

The ones where a plurality want to outlaw abortion, and teach creation science. Those flat earthers are going to be around for decades.
This all goes in cycles, it's not a permanent state of affairs.

After 2004 the map was more red then blue, it will change back and forth, and most of you should hope it does, one party rule means dictatorship.
I find threads like this pretty funny. It amazes me how the Liberals believe the conservative movement and the Republican Party is dead because Obama won 53% of the vote. The same thing was being said after Carter won in 76.
The GOP should better not elect Palin as a candidate or they re dead next time. Republicans were already running away from the GOP now, when she was only VP pick.
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This all goes in cycles, it's not a permanent state of affairs.

After 2004 the map was more red then blue, it will change back and forth, and most of you should hope it does, one party rule means dictatorship.

Spot on.
I find threads like this pretty funny. It amazes me how the Liberals believe the conservative movement and the Republican Party is dead because Obama won 53% of the vote. The same thing was being said after Carter won in 76.

The thing is the CURRENT republican party is dead. You guys finnally got just what you wanted. Entire control of the country. You guys then set out to prove your party was right about its plans for the US. You set them in place( massive tax cuts , war for wars sake, Deregulation, not inforcing the laws on the books either) and much to your partys chagrin it turned out just like us liberals had always told you it would. A TOTAL DISASTOR!

The Republican party will re emerge in a decade or two with completetly different ideas and maybe they will even HELP the country for a change. I look forward to that day.
I want all these socialist liberals to think that they have it in the bag. It's call the "Fat Cat Syndrome." Yeah, the republicans are dead, long live socialism. We had a good run the last 8 years. It's all yours now. Yeah, yeah Yeah. Just keep thinking that it's all yours, you twits.
Hillary would have won it.
That's not necessarily true. Algore lost his home state of Tennesee in 2000. And didn't the Breck Girl lose his home state in 2004? Why yes he did!

Hillary would have won Arkansas without batting an eye in our direction. Trust me.

Truthmatters, any time one party controls the entire government, it's a disaster. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's best you remember that.
Does the GOP have just five red states left? - War Room -

I like how people on this board try to paint Arkansas as a red state just because it went to McCain, when clearly it is not.

I'd say even less then that. Alaska won't be a Republican stronghold for long. I wouldn't even consider it as such since Ted Stevens just lost.

Utah I'd put under as really the only Conservative state in the U.S and the biggest one. In fact, they are the only state to also allow guns on college campus among several other things.

Interesting link under that:

Gregg to get Commerce, Dems to get 60 Senate seats? - War Room -

EDIT: I'm also pretty sure that Obama made a dent in Wyoming this election season.

Give your boys four years of screwing shit up and/or doing nothing and see what it looks like.
They intend to run on "are you better off today than four years ago" in 2012, and chances are the country will be, no matter what they do.

but much longer than that and they will definitely have corruption scandals out the wazoo. the republican party will have a new face by then.
They intend to run on "are you better off today than four years ago" in 2012, and chances are the country will be, no matter what they do.

but much longer than that and they will definitely have corruption scandals out the wazoo. the republican party will have a new face by then.

I figure 2016, but I mostly agree with rest.
I find threads like this pretty funny. It amazes me how the Liberals believe the conservative movement and the Republican Party is dead because Obama won 53% of the vote. The same thing was being said after Carter won in 76.

The thing is the CURRENT republican party is dead. You guys finnally got just what you wanted. Entire control of the country. You guys then set out to prove your party was right about its plans for the US. You set them in place( massive tax cuts , war for wars sake, Deregulation, not inforcing the laws on the books either) and much to your partys chagrin it turned out just like us liberals had always told you it would. A TOTAL DISASTOR!

The Republican party will re emerge in a decade or two with completetly different ideas and maybe they will even HELP the country for a change. I look forward to that day. it is your turn to overplay your hand and blow it faster than a fat intern in the oval office......
The GOP should better not elect Palin as a candidate or they re dead next time. Republicans were already running away from the GOP now, when she was only VP pick.

That's because conservatives don't like McCain and stayed home. It wasn't because of Gov. Palin. Nice try though...not
The GOP should better not elect Palin as a candidate or they re dead next time. Republicans were already running away from the GOP now, when she was only VP pick.

"We" were "running from" mclame, not Palin.

Sorry to bust you liberals bubble and piss on your parade, but conservatism is alive and well. All it's going to take is for a good conservative leader to come on the scene and you'll see a landslide vote kicking liberal butt like you've never seen.

Mark my words.

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