GOP Congressman wants to deport every Iranian


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
The National Iranian American Council is on high alert after a South Carolina Congressman announced this week that he will introduce legislation which would require the deportation of all Iranians living in America.

The Stop Terrorists Entry Program Act (STEP) was first introduced by Rep. J. Gresham Barrett (R-SC) in 2003 [PDF link]. The updated version, he explained in a media advisory, would bar citizens of Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Yemen and Syria from entry into the United States. It would further require citizens of those nations who are legally visiting or residing in the United States to be deported within 60 days.

GOP Congressman wants to deport every Iranian | Raw Story

Apparently the text of the 2010 version of the bill is still unavailable, as I could not find it on Barrett's list of sponsored legislation.
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The National Iranian American Council is on high alert after a South Carolina Congressman announced this week that he will introduce legislation which would require the deportation of all Iranians living in America.

The Stop Terrorists Entry Program Act (STEP) was first introduced by Rep. J. Gresham Barrett (R-SC) in 2003 [PDF link]. The updated version, he explained in a media advisory, would bar citizens of Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Yemen and Syria from entry into the United States. It would further require citizens of those nations who are legally visiting or residing in the United States to be deported within 60 days.
GOP Congressman wants to deport every Iranian | Raw Story

Apparently the text of the 2010 version of the bill is still unavailable, as I could not find it on Barrett's list of sponsored legislation.
How stupid. I have a friend that is an Iranian, and she is very vested in being an American.
If it's true it certainly is a horrible idea, but the press release from Barrett's Congressional website didn't mention anything about deporting people of these nationalities. And without the text of the bill for reference I'm not sure of the accuracy of this claim.
the source was Raw Story. There is no other source I am aware of, and you want to slander a man based on the slander of a mentally ill hate site?
I guess we will find out.

Iranian-Americans Reported Among Most Highly Educated in U.S.

Washington -- Iranian-Americans are far more numerous in the United States than census data indicate and are among the most highly educated people in the country, according to research by the Iranian Studies Group, an independent academic organization, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The group estimates that the actual number of Iranian-Americans may top 691,000 -- more than twice the figure of 338,000 cited in the 2000 U.S. census. According to the latest census data available, more than one in four Iranian-Americans holds a master's or doctoral degree, the highest rate among 67 ethnic groups studied.
GOP Congressman wants to deport every Iranian

That's the most intelligent thing I have heard said in Washington in the last 9 months. Think we could get Iraqis and Mexicans added to that list?
the source was Raw Story. There is no other source I am aware of, and you want to slander a man based on the slander of a mentally ill hate site?

I made clear that I am awaiting the full text of the bill to be released to fully accept the story.
I can hardly believe that, that is so totally utterly stupid....
Discriminating against minority groups has always happened, but this is so totally dumb...
I do not believe that one can reach a fairly high positition while making this kind of mistakes...
the source was Raw Story. There is no other source I am aware of, and you want to slander a man based on the slander of a mentally ill hate site?

If you read Kevin's posts about not being able to confirm it with actual text from the legislation, he's doing anything BUT slandering. To the contrary, he's actually being fair and neutral.

I suppose you could pick a bone with the thread title for not having the word 'allegedly', or some variation, in it. But otherwise, calling this "slander" is pretty baseless.
If it's true it certainly is a horrible idea, but the press release from Barrett's Congressional website didn't mention anything about deporting people of these nationalities. And without the text of the bill for reference I'm not sure of the accuracy of this claim.

Why didn't you verify the truth before you posted it??? she wondered.
No, I know Kevin well enough to know he doesn't play those kinds of games.

Why bait with a thread title and then go out of your way in the rest of the thread to announce your skepticism because of an apparent lack of verifiable evidence?

The better explanation is a mis-wording of the title. A "misspeak", if you will :lol:
If it's true it certainly is a horrible idea, but the press release from Barrett's Congressional website didn't mention anything about deporting people of these nationalities. And without the text of the bill for reference I'm not sure of the accuracy of this claim.

Why didn't you verify the truth before you posted it??? she wondered.

Why didn't I wait until the language of the bill was posted? I suppose I could have, but we can discuss the fact that it does bar people from these countries from entering the country. Which is a fact that is confirmed by his congressional press release.
No, I know Kevin well enough to know he doesn't play those kinds of games.

Why bait with a thread title and then go out of your way in the rest of the thread to announce your skepticism because of an apparent lack of verifiable evidence?

The better explanation is a mis-wording of the title. A "misspeak", if you will :lol:

The title was taken directly from the article. I generally use the title from an article when I post one, because I'm not really interested in coming up with my own titles all of the time.

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