GOP Benghazi report is badly flawed ... doesn't fault the re-election environment..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A House report on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, concludes that the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military responded properly and that Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public.

Yes I am strongly suggesting that the GOP Benghazi report badly flawed for the following reason:
The Republican-led House intelligence committee flaw is NOT taking the TIMING of the below statements.
Mrs. Clinton, as well as on Susan Rice , then the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and now the White House national security adviser. Ms. Rice, appearing on television news programs a week after the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks, described the events in ways later found to be inaccurate.
The committee didn't seem to put the TIMING of the QUICK to judgement assessments by Obama's people which were made strictly for political considerations, i.e. re-election campaign was in full swing.
Rather then being above the political fray, Rice, including Obama wanted DESPERATELY to cast this as the fault of a video and not a fault of the administration.
And that is where the flaw is with the GOP Benghazi report.
EVERYTHING EVERYTHING done by Obama administration is what is best politically FIRST, then anything else afterwards. For example Obamacare... NEVER done for what was best for the country.. BUT totally oriented towards a political benefit. Obama's latest thumb to democracy his immigration plan. Totally designed for securing Democrat voters! NO consideration for the country first but what is good politically!

That is the flaw of the GOP overall. They think like most rational Americans that the country comes first, then the political equation. NOT Democrats and especially not this administration!
Whatever is GOOD POLITICALLY is what drives EVERYTHING!
And so Rice came out and to present the Benghazi event as caused by a video was totally politics driven!
Blaming the video shifted at the pre-election time frame the focus from the ineptness of the administration
which WAS pointed out in the GOP flawed Benghazi study.

"A bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report released in January sharply criticized American diplomats and intelligence officials, and found that the assault in Benghazi was “likely preventable” through improved security and intelligence operations."

Benghazi was a republican political tool and nothing more. Now that the election is over I wouldn't be surprised if we never heard about it again. Just like ebola.
As I pointed out Rice went on 5 networks blasting the story it was a video...not ineptness of the administration and that was because there were less then six weeks till re-election and Obama's ineptness could NOT be the cause! It had to be the video!
That's so politically driven it is blatantly obvious to any "non-stupid American voter" of which you obviously are not one!
Guy-on-internet says the report is flawed.
Flawed because it didn't point out the political motivation taking precedence! That is the flaw in all MSM reporting also.
Constantly ignoring the number one motivation for Obama is "how does this affect us politically?" which is always the first question asked!
But obviously the "Non-stupid American voter" (which obviously you are NOT one!!) is becoming aware of this first consideration by Obama and that Obama considers what is good for the country is several notches lower! Hence the large dismissal of Democrats in this last election by the "NON-Stupid American Voters"!
Benghazi was a republican political tool and nothing more. Now that the election is over I wouldn't be surprised if we never heard about it again. Just like ebola.
As I pointed out Rice went on 5 networks blasting the story it was a video...not ineptness of the administration and that was because there were less then six weeks till re-election and Obama's ineptness could NOT be the cause! It had to be the video!
That's so politically driven it is blatantly obvious to any "non-stupid American voter" of which you obviously are not one!

"Talking points were flawed"? That's the understatement of the freaking decade. Is Barry Hussein so isolated that he can't find CIA and NSA intelligence until congress addresses it? Why would his administration create fake "talking points" in the first place? The Obama administration makes Nixon look like a decent guy.
"Talking points were flawed"? That's the understatement of the freaking decade. Is Barry Hussein so isolated that he can't find CIA and NSA intelligence until congress addresses it? Why would his administration create fake "talking points" in the first place? The Obama administration makes Nixon look like a decent guy.
Well you have the MSM to thank for BOTH Nixon looking like a BAD guy and for Making Obama look like a good guy!
Remember... NOT one person died in Watergate!
And it took the MSM anger and angst against conservatives, this country and democracy to put Nixon in the light they did.
Nixon NEVER ordered the Watergate break in. Nixon WANTED the IRS to investigate people that didn't like Nixon... BUT unlike Obama NEVER put people in place that had the same political motivation i.e. "Up to 30,000 missing emails sent by former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner have been recovered by the IRS inspector general, five months after they were deemed lost forever.
30 000 missing emails from IRS Lerner recovered

Yea I'd say the MSM has been the lap dog for the liberal/progressives in this country since Nixon and consequently ANY semblance of "professional journalism" gone out the window...i.e. Benghazi's sole professional journalist, Sharon Atkinson FIRED from CBS because she as a professional asked questions about Benghazi and the administration cover up efforts.
and the RW wonders how they keep losing Presidential elections ?
A House report on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, concludes that the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military responded properly and that Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public.

Yes I am strongly suggesting that the GOP Benghazi report badly flawed for the following reason:
The Republican-led House intelligence committee flaw is NOT taking the TIMING of the below statements.
Mrs. Clinton, as well as on Susan Rice , then the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and now the White House national security adviser. Ms. Rice, appearing on television news programs a week after the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks, described the events in ways later found to be inaccurate.
The committee didn't seem to put the TIMING of the QUICK to judgement assessments by Obama's people which were made strictly for political considerations, i.e. re-election campaign was in full swing.
Rather then being above the political fray, Rice, including Obama wanted DESPERATELY to cast this as the fault of a video and not a fault of the administration.
And that is where the flaw is with the GOP Benghazi report.
EVERYTHING EVERYTHING done by Obama administration is what is best politically FIRST, then anything else afterwards. For example Obamacare... NEVER done for what was best for the country.. BUT totally oriented towards a political benefit. Obama's latest thumb to democracy his immigration plan. Totally designed for securing Democrat voters! NO consideration for the country first but what is good politically!

That is the flaw of the GOP overall. They think like most rational Americans that the country comes first, then the political equation. NOT Democrats and especially not this administration!
Whatever is GOOD POLITICALLY is what drives EVERYTHING!
And so Rice came out and to present the Benghazi event as caused by a video was totally politics driven!
Blaming the video shifted at the pre-election time frame the focus from the ineptness of the administration
which WAS pointed out in the GOP flawed Benghazi study.

"A bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report released in January sharply criticized American diplomats and intelligence officials, and found that the assault in Benghazi was “likely preventable” through improved security and intelligence operations."
Nor does it address climate change...a major flaw.
Guy-on-internet says the report is flawed.
Flawed because it didn't point out the political motivation taking precedence! That is the flaw in all MSM reporting also.
Constantly ignoring the number one motivation for Obama is "how does this affect us politically?" which is always the first question asked!
But obviously the "Non-stupid American voter" (which obviously you are NOT one!!) is becoming aware of this first consideration by Obama and that Obama considers what is good for the country is several notches lower! Hence the large dismissal of Democrats in this last election by the "NON-Stupid American Voters"!

That's just speculation by you Obama haters. The report was concerned with facts.
The far right's own guys did the investigation.

Far right losers, get the fuck over you have been exposed again.

Most of America knows you are the enemy.
The far right's own guys did the investigation.

Far right losers, get the fuck over you have been exposed again.

Most of America knows you are the enemy.
Well we know ONE thing for sure! There will NEVER be any reports coming from liberals/progressives exposing any "flaws"!
After all liberal/progressive are way way too smart to tell anyone the truth.
The far right's own guys did the investigation.

Far right losers, get the fuck over you have been exposed again.

Most of America knows you are the enemy.
Well we know ONE thing for sure! There will NEVER be any reports coming from liberals/progressives exposing any "flaws"!
After all liberal/progressive are way way too smart to tell anyone the truth.

Hey now that Benghazi's dead maybe you can go back to whining about Obama's birth certificate
Conservatives like me are more concerned with dealing with realities rather then made up numbers, political gamesmanship.

I mean even Obama is right infrequently.
But will a liberal/progressive ever admit they were wrong or someone else maybe right?

Never at least on this board.
I've admitted several times where I've been wrong about numbers, or other issues... and admitted.

I've yet to read from anyone of those "stupid American voters" admit they were wrong...even when confronted with facts like:
There never were 46 million Americans that wanted health insurance! Or there never were 155 million Americans with pre-existing conditions as Obama once said. I've not heard ONE liberal/progressive admit Rice was wrong in blaming Benghazi on that video. Not one.
Yet I've like other realists don't consider ourselves perfect and will admit it. In this specific case though GOP leaders were not thorough enough in
following up on the FACTS that Rice first response was a political cover story...i.e. it was the video that cause Benghazi!
That is where the GOP report is flawed i.e. it let the Obama administration off the hook by simply saying there were flaws!
Flaws my ASS! It was a political issue from the gitgo! It was the decision to put Rice on TV to blame the video so as NOT to put questions in the
"stupid American voters" mind! After all Obama was successful in fooling the "stupid american voters" on obamacare so why not this?

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