Good reason for death penalty


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Nab mom, lover over kid killings

An Illinois woman and her boyfriend were charged yesterday with murdering her three children, who drowned when the car they were in mysteriously plunged into a lake in September.

Police did not give a motive but said there were parallels to the chilling case of Susan Smith, who let a car with her two kids roll into a lake because her lover didn't want children.

Amanda Hamm, 27, and Maurice Lagrone Jr., 28, were arrested Tuesday and hit with nine counts of first-degree murder - three for each dead child.

They are being held on $5 million bail while prosecutors prepare to present their case to a grand jury next week.

"We have to speak for those three children," said DeWitt County Sheriff Roger Massey.

The youngsters - Christopher, 6, Austin, 3, and Kyleigh, 23 months - were pulled from 4 feet of water in Clinton Lake on Sept. 2.

Suspicion of foul play soon surfaced, along with comparisons to Smith, who is serving a life sentence for drowning her sons in South Carolina in 1994.

The couple never explained why they were at the lake, why they weren't in the car, how the vehicle slipped off the shore or why they didn't jump in to the shallow water to save the children.

"We recognized early on that it was not an accident," Massey said.

To disprove the accident theory, investigators sent the car back into the lake several times to examine how it would sink.

Friends of the couple said they were stunned by the charges.

"The last time I talked to Amanda Hamm, she was on the psychiatric ward of the hospital because she had tried to hang herself," neighbor Emily Strange told the Daily News.

She said Hamm and Lagrone, who was not the father of any of the children, seemed genuinely devoted to the kids and crushed by their deaths.

"She talked about how much she missed them and wanted them back," Strange said. "I can't believe it, but I can't believe how anybody could kill their children." Originally published on December 11, 2003
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
This would be the part where I step out of my liberal self and say 'next needle please'.


I would like to think that the entire board can agree here. Abuse to children just turns my stomach. I just can't fathom someone drowning their little kids.
Makes me SICK! Jim, not sure if you knew, but were Jeff and Cindy used to live in Keasby, another woman right next door to where they lived killed her 2 kids!!!! Just don't understand how, how can you kill your children.
I'm against the death penalty, but if ever two people deserved to die a painful death is these two pieces of garbage.
Originally posted by acludem
I'm against the death penalty, but if ever two people deserved to die a painful death is these two pieces of garbage.

I'm not a huge proponent of the death penalty, but I would sit by with an ice cream cone and watch these 2 fade away from lethal injection and wouldn't stop licking for a moment. Then I just might relieve myself on their lifeless bodies.

Better yet, I really, really wish we could lock them in a car and roll THEM into a lake. Put a camera inside, I would love to see their faces as they gasp for air. Maybe pull them out at the brink of death, revive them, and then do it all over again.
I have to admitt I am no fan of the death penalty from a personal ethical view, but the shear barabarity of the crime makes me wonder one question. Why does she deserve to live? I remember when this story first came out. Sickening.
I'm not a huge proponent of the death penalty, but I would sit by with an ice cream cone and watch these 2 fade away from lethal injection and wouldn't stop licking for a moment.
Everyones seems to be on the same side with this one. Except whats with this needle crap? I am all for the death penalty. But I am more in line with an eye for an eye. I further believe that executions should be on pay-per-view. All profits made go to the family, or in the case there is no family left, some charity.
Bottom line is, they showed no pity to thier victims, so why should we?
Originally posted by Johnney
But I am more in line with an eye for an eye. I further believe that executions should be on pay-per-view.

I'd pay for that in a heartbeat!
very painful, very slow, and very lethal.. steel cage on cable attached to big crane...up and down, not nice but the killing of innocentince/innocents , there is nothing worse! parents not! whatever the courts give em will be to good for them
Bottom line is, they showed no pity to thier victims, so why should we?

because, theoretically, we are better than them...

Besides, death is too wasteful when they could be put to practical use in medical experimentation...

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