Good news GOP, Trump distracts from tax cuts/health care!

Frank the Tank

VIP Member
Dec 15, 2017
In some great news to the GOP.....their moron of a president baffles some by essentially committing treason on the world's stage by siding with a murderous dictator over the United States, however, this bizarre act will distract and suck all the oxygen away from the GOP's disastrous policies regarding tax cuts and their manipulation of the health care market to drive up costs.

Therefore, Trump will become the poster boy of ineptitude and distract discussion away from GOPers who just RAISED THE DEFICIT to $1.3 trillion just to give the people who crashed the economy 10 years ago billions in tax cuts --AND-- the GOP purposely drove up health care costs because Obamacare was working and bending the cost of health care downward. However....for the upcoming 2018 elections....we'll be discussing how big of a d*****bag Trump is and ignoring all the stuff that really has an effect on us on a daily basis.

Believe me, Trump's treason is important to focus on and discuss.....however, knowing our inability to focus on more than one thing, I fear it is going to be the only thing that gets discussed. The GOP, like they did yesterday, can offer their tepid resistance with a tweet....but, when push comes to shove, they'll do nothing. They will STILL embrace the unAmerican wing of their party if it means they might score electoral victories.

God bless America?????????????????

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