Good job, guys!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
GOP blocks Senate debate on student loan bill

President Obama thanks you!

WASHINGTON (AP) – Senate Republicans derailed a Democratic bill on Tuesday aimed at keeping interest rates on federal college loans from doubling July 1 in an election-year battle aimed at the hearts — and votes — of millions of students and their parents.

Republicans said they favor preventing the interest rate increase but blocked the Senate from debating the $6 billion measure because they oppose how Democrats would pay for it: Boosting Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes on high-earning stockholders of some privately owned corporations.
GOP blocks Senate debate on student loan bill

President Obama thanks you!

WASHINGTON (AP) – Senate Republicans derailed a Democratic bill on Tuesday aimed at keeping interest rates on federal college loans from doubling July 1 in an election-year battle aimed at the hearts — and votes — of millions of students and their parents.

Republicans said they favor preventing the interest rate increase but blocked the Senate from debating the $6 billion measure because they oppose how Democrats would pay for it: Boosting Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes on high-earning stockholders of some privately owned corporations.

There is a problem when you keep wanting to spend the same money more than once.

Just sayin'.
But the Democratic line of attack has been complicated by the House’s actions. Shrugging off a White House veto threat, the House passed an extension of the subsidized rate last month, paid for with the preventive health care fund. Thirteen Democrats voted for the bill, making up for the 30 Republicans who voted no because they opposed federal subsidies for an interest rate they believed should be set by market forces. Those Democratic defections put the House bill over the top and fortified Republican arguments that the Senate Democrats are now to blame for the stalemate.
Let me get this straight, democrats actually plan to cut student loan rates by using Social Security and Medicare to pay for it? It must be a joke or a trick. Democrats had two years with a solid majority and a former junkie president who would sign anything. Why didn't they do it then instead of bailing out Solyndra?
GOP blocks Senate debate on student loan bill

President Obama thanks you!

WASHINGTON (AP) – Senate Republicans derailed a Democratic bill on Tuesday aimed at keeping interest rates on federal college loans from doubling July 1 in an election-year battle aimed at the hearts — and votes — of millions of students and their parents.

Republicans said they favor preventing the interest rate increase but blocked the Senate from debating the $6 billion measure because they oppose how Democrats would pay for it: Boosting Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes on high-earning stockholders of some privately owned corporations.

How they would pay for it? The /Feds interest rate is functionally zero isn't it?

Ohh you mean how they would reimburse the banks for their lost proft?
Desperate times call for desperate measures and the incoherent plan the democrat party laid out as a political IED turns out to be a another dud. An interesting point is that democrats actually think tapping the almost broke Social Security and Medicare systems is a legitimate way to fund their never ending wish list of social schemes. That's scary.
People who don't understand that if you borrow money you have to pay it back and pay the interest have no business being in higher education. They are too stupid.
If a student wants to go to college let em go to a bank for a loan.

The Govt shouldn't be in the business of using SS, Medicare or taxdollars for student loans.
People who don't understand that if you borrow money you have to pay it back and pay the interest have no business being in higher education. They are too stupid.

Idiot teabaggers who don't understand that you have to honor DEBTS THAT YOU ALREADY FUCKING RAN UP deserve to be run out of Congress.
GOP blocks Senate debate on student loan bill

President Obama thanks you!

WASHINGTON (AP) – Senate Republicans derailed a Democratic bill on Tuesday aimed at keeping interest rates on federal college loans from doubling July 1 in an election-year battle aimed at the hearts — and votes — of millions of students and their parents.

Republicans said they favor preventing the interest rate increase but blocked the Senate from debating the $6 billion measure because they oppose how Democrats would pay for it: Boosting Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes on high-earning stockholders of some privately owned corporations.

Soooooo, you think it's a "good" idea to increase SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE payroll taxes to pay for education? Is that the purpose of those payroll taxes? The issue is that Democrats don't really care where they get it from as long as they can just stick their hand in the American public's pocket and take what they want. You serioulsy don't see the issue here? Someone has to be the adult in the room and it certainly isn't the Democrats who are stealing and spending to buy votes.
People who don't understand that if you borrow money you have to pay it back and pay the interest have no business being in higher education. They are too stupid.

Idiot teabaggers who don't understand that you have to honor DEBTS THAT YOU ALREADY FUCKING RAN UP deserve to be run out of Congress.

Here's an idea, quit running up debt you can't afford. Those are the folks who should be run out of Congress.
People who don't understand that if you borrow money you have to pay it back and pay the interest have no business being in higher education. They are too stupid.

Idiot teabaggers who don't understand that you have to honor DEBTS THAT YOU ALREADY FUCKING RAN UP deserve to be run out of Congress.

This is so stupid and warped that I don't even understand what you are referring to.
People who don't understand that if you borrow money you have to pay it back and pay the interest have no business being in higher education. They are too stupid.

Idiot teabaggers who don't understand that you have to honor DEBTS THAT YOU ALREADY FUCKING RAN UP deserve to be run out of Congress.

Here's an idea, quit running up debt you can't afford. Those are the folks who should be run out of Congress.

I feel the same about the situation now as I did last summer. The new kids on the block thought it was just an awesome idea to not honor our outstanding debts. That was about the stupidest thing I ever heard, and my opinion has not changed.
People who don't understand that if you borrow money you have to pay it back and pay the interest have no business being in higher education. They are too stupid.

Idiot teabaggers who don't understand that you have to honor DEBTS THAT YOU ALREADY FUCKING RAN UP deserve to be run out of Congress.

This is so stupid and warped that I don't even understand what you are referring to.

Yes, well; maybe if English were your first language.
Idiot teabaggers who don't understand that you have to honor DEBTS THAT YOU ALREADY FUCKING RAN UP deserve to be run out of Congress.

This is so stupid and warped that I don't even understand what you are referring to.

Yes, well; maybe if English were your first language.

Admittedly English isn't my first language. I master it rather well though. The problem with your posting is that it is very unclear what it is referring to.
Let me get this straight, democrats actually plan to cut student loan rates by using Social Security and Medicare to pay for it? It must be a joke or a trick. Democrats had two years with a solid majority and a former junkie president who would sign anything. Why didn't they do it then instead of bailing out Solyndra?

Yep we can't providing students education because taxing millionaires who pay lower taxes then the middle class is a horrible thing.
Solyndra will reuslt in around 0 net loss to the govt, furthermore the green energ yloans have created over 4 dollars in benifits for every dollar in spending; but go on being a retard and cherry picking
First, I am going to say this, any nation be it the United States or any other that wishes to be a leader in the 21st Century will need to understand that education of it's population will be the foundation in which that leadership will come from. If that nation decides that to educate it's young is too costly then the price they will pay in the end will be even higher in terms of where that nation will end up. If you like the Wal-Mart culture we have built for ourselves and the ever increasing need to rely on other nations for everything from food to clothing, then don't fund education or find way's not to based on your political belief that it might get your "Team" the vote. The last time I checked it still said United States and not Republican States or Democrat States of America and if we keep this up then the nation in we are used to living in and being a part of will not be able to recover from it's long slide into 2nd rate status. Some will claim "nonsense" while they shout were number 1 still but the data sadly does not suggest thats true anymore in a large number of fields that this nation used to be the leader in. I would simply ask this, if a nation is a leader in the world then that nation should have the ability to put it's own people into space to service a space station they bought and paid for, however at the moment only two nations have that capability and one will join them soon and we are not one of them. Education is the key, and frankly asking Americans to pay a small amount to keep this nation at or near the top of the world and able to sustain itself is not a lot to ask, I would also suggest that those who do not support this notion seek to take more from this nation than they are willing to support it's long term future have their own interests in mind rather than the nation they are part of. If that is the case, then why live here?
Idiot teabaggers who don't understand that you have to honor DEBTS THAT YOU ALREADY FUCKING RAN UP deserve to be run out of Congress.

Here's an idea, quit running up debt you can't afford. Those are the folks who should be run out of Congress.

I feel the same about the situation now as I did last summer. The new kids on the block thought it was just an awesome idea to not honor our outstanding debts. That was about the stupidest thing I ever heard, and my opinion has not changed.

You are of course aware that the tea party are fiscal conservatives who believe in sound fiscal policy, living within our means and honoring our debts. It is the liberals who want to loan money to students to fund their education and then forgive that debt. Who gets left holding the bag when a debt is forgiven? If you're going to forgive the debt, why even make the loan in the first place? Just make college free. Either way, our great grandchildern will be left holding the bag to fund liberal policies.

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