God, Science, and Our Virtual World

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
I thought this video brought out a lot of interesting points. While I don't believe we are living in a "virtual world" exactly the way this video implies, it really does explain a lot, including why we can never "prove" the Creator of our world exists without REVEALED knowledge which those who have not been "called" can ever understand. This video goes into a lot about space, time, the speed of light, and the LAWS our universe is tied to. Interesting stuff!

Too bad you didn't take the time to watch i Matthewt. I guess your empty opinion is more valuable to you than learning something.
I thought this video brought out a lot of interesting points. While I don't believe we are living in a "virtual world" exactly the way this video implies, it really does explain a lot, including why we can never "prove" the Creator of our world exists without REVEALED knowledge which those who have not been "called" can ever understand. This video goes into a lot about space, time, the speed of light, and the LAWS our universe is tied to. Interesting stuff!

I'm with the hypothesis. It goes all with the nature of science. Where the hypothesis is the first step. What I'm completely dubious about is that you seem to try to tie the existence of a deity and that as a religious person this would make more sense then someone who solely approaches it rationally. Can you point out the connection between god and this hypothesis to me?
I thought this video brought out a lot of interesting points. While I don't believe we are living in a "virtual world" exactly the way this video implies, it really does explain a lot, including why we can never "prove" the Creator of our world exists without REVEALED knowledge which those who have not been "called" can ever understand. This video goes into a lot about space, time, the speed of light, and the LAWS our universe is tied to. Interesting stuff!

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

So, not only God is imaginary, we are too
Did you watch the video.

He talks about "aliens" and the virtual world they control.

This generation wants to believe in physical beings who may be in control of our destiny.

This video makes sense in that a different sort of being, not tied to the laws of this universe, is actually running the universe. There is no reason He is a being composed of the matter used to make the life of this world.

He is also not bound to the laws that govern this world since He exists outside this universe He created.

This video doesn't really alter what I believe, but it actually reinforces my understanding of a "Master Creator," though I don't think that was the intent of the video.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

So, not only God is imaginary, we are too
No, we're not imaginary, and neither is the One who created this universe. But it does kind of put our significance in perspective. Solomon says we are like the grass that withers away in the heat, or the morning dew. Our lives are that fleeting.

But how can a video game character even imagine the creators of the virtual world they're living in?

We live our lives in this universe completely oblivious to the REAL world inhabited by our Creator.
Did you watch the video.

He talks about "aliens" and the virtual world they control.

This generation wants to believe in physical beings who may be in control of our destiny.

This video makes sense in that a different sort of being, not tied to the laws of this universe, is actually running the universe. There is no reason He is a being composed of the matter used to make the life of this world.

He is also not bound to the laws that govern this world since He exists outside this universe He created.

This video doesn't really alter what I believe, but it actually reinforces my understanding of a "Master Creator," though I don't think that was the intent of the video.
Kind of my point. God, like I suppose you believe in, means rational thinking is set aside in favor of an often hopelessly detailed set of dogma's. This video puts a hypothesis forwards that tries to explain certain observations. Religion doesn't work that way. It asks to disregard anything that doesn't fit in the belief system. Aliens or your master creator are 2 completely different things.
If there is one God, there must be more Gods. More Gods means some Gods will be hackers. Hackers means our virtual world will have viruses. Viruses mean our world must have crashed and been altered from time to time, not to mention patched.

So, God is physical and we are spirit. That's funny.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

So, not only God is imaginary, we are too
No, we're not imaginary, and neither is the One who created this universe. But it does kind of put our significance in perspective. Solomon says we are like the grass that withers away in the heat, or the morning dew. Our lives are that fleeting.

But how can a video game character even imagine the creators of the virtual world they're living in?

We live our lives in this universe completely oblivious to the REAL world inhabited by our Creator.

And he lives completely oblivious of his own creator... and so on....
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

So, not only God is imaginary, we are too
No, we're not imaginary, and neither is the One who created this universe. But it does kind of put our significance in perspective. Solomon says we are like the grass that withers away in the heat, or the morning dew. Our lives are that fleeting.

But how can a video game character even imagine the creators of the virtual world they're living in?

We live our lives in this universe completely oblivious to the REAL world inhabited by our Creator.

And he lives completely oblivious of his own creator... and so on....
They just don't get it. They refuse to address God's creator. It's sad. Really!

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