GM is becoming China Motors


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I know libs like to brag that GM is doing well. Not helping American workers though.

General Motors is becoming China Motors
[ame=]General Motors is becoming China Motors Mirror - YouTube[/ame]
I know libs like to brag that GM is doing well. Not helping American workers though.

General Motors is becoming China Motors
General Motors is becoming China Motors Mirror - YouTube

Not sure if you know this, but we are living in a global market. When it comes to cars, the fact is that very soon more new cars will be sold in China than in the US. Would you suggest that GM should dodge that market?

Man, you guys come up with some funny shit. You complain about American companies not growing and when they try to expand into other markets you complain about that. For Christ sake, get your story straight.
I know libs like to brag that GM is doing well. Not helping American workers though.

General Motors is becoming China Motors
General Motors is becoming China Motors Mirror - YouTube

Not sure if you know this, but we are living in a global market. When it comes to cars, the fact is that very soon more new cars will be sold in China than in the US. Would you suggest that GM should dodge that market?

Man, you guys come up with some funny shit. You complain about American companies not growing and when they try to expand into other markets you complain about that. For Christ sake, get your story straight.

Most of the GM vehicles are being made in China.
I know libs like to brag that GM is doing well. Not helping American workers though.

General Motors is becoming China Motors
General Motors is becoming China Motors Mirror - YouTube

Not sure if you know this, but we are living in a global market. When it comes to cars, the fact is that very soon more new cars will be sold in China than in the US. Would you suggest that GM should dodge that market?

Man, you guys come up with some funny shit. You complain about American companies not growing and when they try to expand into other markets you complain about that. For Christ sake, get your story straight.

Most of the GM vehicles are being made in China.

Most of the ones they are selling in China are being made in China, yes, and that is because GM is selling more cars in China than in the US. And because the market is expanding so fast, they will have some new plants in China with excess inventory, so a few cars may end up being shipped back to the US for sale in the US. But by no means are they building cars in China with the intent of sending them back to the the US while shutting down US plants.

But hey, maybe we should suggest that they stop selling cars to the Chinese. I mean just because they are selling more cars there than here, that shouldn't make them focus on China. Hell, they shouldn't even be selling cars to those Commie Bastards. :cuckoo:
Chinese prefer American built cars. Is it very economical to build a car overseas and ship it over there? No.
I don't know about anyone else, but I want GM to make a profit. It's how the taxpayers will get their money back. They can't make a profit if they aren't competing globally. All the major car manufacturers make cars IN China.
I know libs like to brag that GM is doing well. Not helping American workers though.

I guess we've got RICK PERRY to "Thank", for that.......

[ame=]Gov. Rick Perry - China Loves Him.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]​
Not a fan of GM at all but its a sound business move on their part.

No unions in China and they can produce cars for less.

Very sound business move on their part.
I don't know about anyone else, but I want GM to make a profit. It's how the taxpayers will get their money back. They can't make a profit if they aren't competing globally. All the major car manufacturers make cars IN China.

So - this bailout - which anyone with half a brain opposed - the one where the government took our money (taxpayers) to bail out GM... we're getting it paid back to us?

How idiotic are you?

I didn't see Honda, Ford, Toyota or Hyundai whining for a handout.

GM should have went under like the bad business they are. I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it.
Why did taxpayers bail them out at all if they are just moving their jobs and production to China? And further, what has been accomplished for Americans from the entire affair besides loans GM still hasn't paid back? What jobs? What increase in US production? How fucking dumb can LOLberals get?

If I was a LOLberal, I would probably STFU considering the double think at work here. it takes a special kind of stupid to defend this situation.
I think it's a good thing to have GM succeed in China, much like the Japanese encourage Toyota and Honda to succeed in the US. China, however, is a little different in that they require foreign companies to form a joint venture with a Chinese company to operate there. I think that raises legitimate technology transfer concerns, and it's quite clear the Chinese are more interested in GM's technology than GM's success. While China has significant subsidies for electric cars, for instance, they are not available to foreign companies "unless the maker has transferred important parts of the technology to a joint venture in China." As a result, the imported Chevy Volt is not eligible for subsidies. This is a clear grab for proprietary technology, despite their assurance that "Chinese automakers are not supposed to use technology from joint ventures for their own cars without permission." Right.....
I don't know about anyone else, but I want GM to make a profit. It's how the taxpayers will get their money back. They can't make a profit if they aren't competing globally. All the major car manufacturers make cars IN China.

So - this bailout - which anyone with half a brain opposed - the one where the government took our money (taxpayers) to bail out GM... we're getting it paid back to us?

How idiotic are you?

I didn't see Honda, Ford, Toyota or Hyundai whining for a handout.

GM should have went under like the bad business they are. I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it.

You dumb fuck, Toyota and the rest lobbied for a bailout of GM and Chrysler, because if the people that supplied the parts for them went down with them, Toyota and the rest would be very negatively affected.

Why Asian automakers want a federal bailout of U.S. industry - Dec. 15, 2008
I don't know about anyone else, but I want GM to make a profit. It's how the taxpayers will get their money back. They can't make a profit if they aren't competing globally. All the major car manufacturers make cars IN China.

So - this bailout - which anyone with half a brain opposed - the one where the government took our money (taxpayers) to bail out GM... we're getting it paid back to us?

How idiotic are you?

I didn't see Honda, Ford, Toyota or Hyundai whining for a handout.

GM should have went under like the bad business they are. I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it.

You dumb fuck, Toyota and the rest lobbied for a bailout of GM and Chrysler, because if the people that supplied the parts for them went down with them, Toyota and the rest would be very negatively affected.

Why Asian automakers want a federal bailout of U.S. industry - Dec. 15, 2008

I said - "I didn't see Honda, Ford, Toyota or Hyundai whining for a handout."
They didn't - Dumbfuck.
Why did taxpayers bail them out at all if they are just moving their jobs and production to China? And further, what has been accomplished for Americans from the entire affair besides loans GM still hasn't paid back? What jobs? What increase in US production? How fucking dumb can LOLberals get?

If I was a LOLberal, I would probably STFU considering the double think at work here. it takes a special kind of stupid to defend this situation.

If you had a memory, you would remember that all the auto manufactures from asia thought that the bailout was a good thing. They needed the suppliers that would have gone down with GM and Chrysler. The only double think here is in your senile head.
So - this bailout - which anyone with half a brain opposed - the one where the government took our money (taxpayers) to bail out GM... we're getting it paid back to us?

How idiotic are you?

I didn't see Honda, Ford, Toyota or Hyundai whining for a handout.

GM should have went under like the bad business they are. I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it.

You dumb fuck, Toyota and the rest lobbied for a bailout of GM and Chrysler, because if the people that supplied the parts for them went down with them, Toyota and the rest would be very negatively affected.

Why Asian automakers want a federal bailout of U.S. industry - Dec. 15, 2008

I said - "I didn't see Honda, Ford, Toyota or Hyundai whining for a handout."
They didn't - Dumbfuck.

The bailout of GM helped them out of a hurting situation, because if the suppliers to GM and Chrysler went down, Toyota of America would have been very negatively affected. They didn't whine, they straight up said that our Government needed to step in and save all the auto makers in the US. I posted referances to that time to support what I said, all you have done is flap your ignorant yap. Care to post where other auto manufacturers thought the bailout was a bad move?
I don't give a fuck if they thought it was a good thing. Good for whom? Good for them apparently. You moronic LOLberals will fucking defend the most ridiculous fucking waste of our money. GM should have failed, liquidated and allowed new capital to step in their shoes. The only thing accomplished here is taxpayer money wasted on a company making out weell in foreign markets with our money.

LOLberals are the most economically inept bunch ever. I have 5-6 year old neices and nephews that are smarter than this.
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If you had a memory, you would remember that all the auto manufactures from asia thought that the bailout was a good thing. They needed the suppliers that would have gone down with GM and Chrysler. The only double think here is in your senile head.

What does that have to do with them NOT asking for a bailout, assbreath?

You're comparing apples to oranges, stooge.

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