Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

correct and they do not produce any power at night or on cloudy days.
The 21,250 sq. miles of solar panels needed to supply the electric power needs of the nation would have to be about twice that size to account for periods of darkness. However, we don't need to replace all of our power plants with solar. 39% of our electric power in the US comes from non-fossil fuels.

Cost would be a very significant factor. With a cost of about 300 million dollars a square mile for solar panels installed. 21,250 sq miles would cost about 3.6 trillion dollars and that would be just solar cells installed. Adding in the cost of land and changes power cabling, the total cost would probably be 6 to 7 trillion.
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It doesn't matter what you do, according to the OP the world will end by 2050, so according to him, all is lost. Why worry?
He is grossly exaggerating the problem. I think we are going see some very significant changes in our weather patterns by 2050. By the end of the century we will probably see flooding in all coastal cities, parts of the southwest will be unlivable due to high temperatures and lack of water. The US Breadbasket, the Midwest will shift northward toward Canada. Storms will become more intense particularly in the southeast. However, the US will fair better than most countries. One good thing, climate deniers will cease to exist except on USMB.
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The warmer it gets, the FASTER it will get even warmer. Then the FASTER it will get even warmer. Then the FASTER it will get even warmer. Etc. etc. etc. Then you take in all the methane release, which is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2, it gets even worse. FASTER!

Where is all that energy coming from?
There isn't a long enough power line to get solar to Chicago at midnight.

And for where the sun does shine, excess power can be stored in a number of ways for nighttime use.

In addition to tens of trillions in solar panels, we needs trillions in batteries?
What February, when the days are short and cloudy and snowy and no sun all week?
Is California going to ship all their electricity to Chicago?

Are their roads in and around Chicago? What if they had solar panels over them. Or are there rooftops in Chicago? So the electricity wouldn't have far to go. Also, Elon Musk built a huge battery in Australia. From what I hear, he didn't throw his money away. In fact, I think he wants to expand it.

Also, I hear excess energy can be stored by heating large vats of sodium. To be turned into steam to run electric turbines at night. Large capacitors could also be used. Or the energy could be stored by speeding up a large perfectly balanced disk. Next, I don't know what you're getting at with that "trillions" thing.
What on Earth do you mean it doesn't specify time frames accurately enough?

You want accurate data like we're getting today from satellites?

The graphs you posted in your OP just seem to be whatever you can get without any rhyme or reason.

The reason why I posted the chart I posted is because the Earth appears to have been in a 100,000 year cycle for about 400,000 years. That means what's happening NOW is more likely to be following what has happened in the last 400,000 years than what has happened before.

When the dinosaurs were around CO2 was high. During different periods of Earth's evolution we've had different atmospheres. At one point there was no oxygen, and after certain mass extinctions oxygen has become more and more prevalent.

Looking at charts from the past 200 years is pointless because it's such a short amount of time. It's like looking at breakfast and trying to figure out where you'll be in ten years time.

You have posted the 100,000 year cycle temperature chart. Stuck, bizarrely between two two hundred year charts. With no explanation about what it actually means.

But if you want to use YOUR chart, then who freaking cares, it's the same as my chart.

View attachment 653720

Your chart. 120,000 years ago temperatures reached about -62 degrees. 240,000 years ago they reached -63 degrees, 320,000 years ago they reached -60 degrees.

Right now we're at about -66 degrees which is three degrees COOLER than in the previous cycles and SIX DEGREES cooler than what has happened before. Even though CO2 levels are higher.

Which A) suggests CO2 isn't all it's cracked up to be, it's not like CO2 goes up and temperatures go up automatically and instantly. And B) it suggests the world temperature could rise WITHOUT HUMAN INTERFERENCE, by at least three more degrees.

So, what would the world temperatures be right now had humans not industrialized?

What really matters is what has been happening since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Because with that you can clearly blame human activities for what is going on.
they are not a bad idea but to generate enough power to run this country they would have to cover every square inch from border to border, and they are not cheap and take tons of fossil fuel to manufacture, and most are made in China. Why do you want to ship all of the world's wealth to china?

I have the graph for you. It shows an area about 140 miles square. That is what it would take to power the U.S. Day and night. Elon Musk thinks it could be done with a total square area of 100 miles per side. And of course, they don't all have to be in one spot. Next, solar panels take 1 to 4 years of the energy they produce to equal the amount of energy it took to create them. That is from mining the ores they are made of to the finished product. And they last 20 to 40 years. Also, we are perfectly capable of making solar panels here in the U.S. Just like anything made in China.
Are their roads in and around Chicago? What if they had solar panels over them. Or are there rooftops in Chicago? So the electricity wouldn't have far to go. Also, Elon Musk built a huge battery in Australia. From what I hear, he didn't throw his money away. In fact, I think he wants to expand it.

Also, I hear excess energy can be stored by heating large vats of sodium. To be turned into steam to run electric turbines at night. Large capacitors could also be used. Or the energy could be stored by speeding up a large perfectly balanced disk. Next, I don't know what you're getting at with that "trillions" thing.

You want roofs over the roads....made of solar panels?

Or are there rooftops in Chicago? So the electricity wouldn't have far to go.

How well would those rooftops work on a short, cloudy, snowy day in February?

Also, I hear excess energy can be stored by heating large vats of sodium. To be turned into steam to run electric turbines at night.

How much excess energy in Chicago, in February, to melt sodium?

Next, I don't know what you're getting at with that "trillions" thing.

Trillions of dollars wasted...err...invested in your silly batteries.
What really matters is what has been happening since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Because with that you can clearly blame human activities for what is going on.

Oh come on.

First you attack my chart for not being good enough, only to find out that you posted a very similar chart.

Now you're just telling me we can "clearly blame human activities", REALLY?

If it's so EASY why aren't you able to do it?
It's pretty OBVIOUS from the data we have that the Earth has gone through a 100,000 (ish) cycle of warming and cooling and that right now it looks like the added CO2 in the atmosphere is PREVENTING the Earth reaching it's natural hot high, rather than creating this.
You want roofs over the roads....made of solar panels?

Or are there rooftops in Chicago? So the electricity wouldn't have far to go.

How well would those rooftops work on a short, cloudy, snowy day in February?

Also, I hear excess energy can be stored by heating large vats of sodium. To be turned into steam to run electric turbines at night.

How much excess energy in Chicago, in February, to melt sodium?

Next, I don't know what you're getting at with that "trillions" thing.

Trillions of dollars wasted...err...invested in your silly batteries.

"Roofs" is stretching it. You have probably seen pictures of solar panel farms. Just put them over roads. It wouldn't be hard. Next, they would work on short, cloudy snowy days through electric transmission lines. I'm sure you must have seen some. Next, it depends on how many solar panels you have. There is more than enough room for them, anyplace. Next, trillions wasted? More like trillions saved. Because energy from the sun is FREE!!! Neither does it pollute.
Oh come on.

First you attack my chart for not being good enough, only to find out that you posted a very similar chart.

Now you're just telling me we can "clearly blame human activities", REALLY?

If it's so EASY why aren't you able to do it?
It's pretty OBVIOUS from the data we have that the Earth has gone through a 100,000 (ish) cycle of warming and cooling and that right now it looks like the added CO2 in the atmosphere is PREVENTING the Earth reaching it's natural hot high, rather than creating this.

The Earth is warmer now than it has been in the past 125,000 years. (Longer according to some) And right now we are supposed to be heading toward another ice age. That is, going by the cycles. But instead we are heading in the other direction. At an ever increasing rate.
"Roofs" is stretching it. You have probably seen pictures of solar panel farms. Just put them over roads. It wouldn't be hard. Next, they would work on short, cloudy snowy days through electric transmission lines. I'm sure you must have seen some. Next, it depends on how many solar panels you have. There is more than enough room for them, anyplace. Next, trillions wasted? More like trillions saved. Because energy from the sun is FREE!!! Neither does it pollute.

"Roofs" is stretching it. You have probably seen pictures of solar panel farms. Just put them over roads.

Over the roads, but not a roof?

Next, they would work on short, cloudy snowy days through electric transmission lines. I'm sure you must have seen some.

In February, when it's cloudy and snowy for a week in Chicago, where is the extra sunlight going to be, to stop my family from freezing to death?

Next, trillions wasted? More like trillions saved.

Is that why Germany pays triple what we do for electricity?
Because of all their green energy "savings"?

Because energy from the sun is FREE!!!

Always makes me laugh when I hear that silly claim.
The Earth is warmer now than it has been in the past 125,000 years. (Longer according to some) And right now we are supposed to be heading toward another ice age. That is, going by the cycles. But instead we are heading in the other direction. At an ever increasing rate.

Yes, the earth is warmer now than it's been in a long time.
Why? Because we have a cycle that lasts for abut 100,000 years and goes from hotter than now, to much, much colder than now.

Can you prove, or even provide a little bit of evidence that we're not just in a natural warming period?

Because what's happening now has happened four times in the last 400,000 years. It's NATURAL.
Yes, the earth is warmer now than it's been in a long time.
Why? Because we have a cycle that lasts for abut 100,000 years and goes from hotter than now, to much, much colder than now.

Can you prove, or even provide a little bit of evidence that we're not just in a natural warming period?

Because what's happening now has happened four times in the last 400,000 years. It's NATURAL.
You have seen the many temperature graphs that show contemporary warming taking place at a pace far, far greater than the cyclical cooling that took place prior to the Industrial Revolution. What do YOU believe caused that acceleration in warming?
You have seen the many temperature graphs that show contemporary warming taking place at a pace far, far greater than the cyclical cooling that took place prior to the Industrial Revolution. What do YOU believe caused that acceleration in warming?

I don't "believe" anything.

I know the Earth has warmed and cooled before. I know it's warming now. Nothing unusual about that.

I know no one can show that the temperatures wouldn't be the same if humans hadn't have industrialized.
You are such a joke. And liar.

OK, I will try again. *clears throat* YOU. ARE. A. JOKE.

"We're cooling." lmao

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You do not know the difference between long term and short term...? Again, your own charts Margin of Error clearly shows that it can be cooling.. I was looking at the short term (9)years and we have clearly had 0.8 deg C cooling in that time... Enough with the adjusted BEST crap..

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