Global Warming. Here's the thing.

Man Made Global Warming is a phony political issue.
It is being used to frighten people into giving up their freedoms and income and to propagate failed left wing ideologies.
The earth has been going through cycles of warming and cooling for billions of years.
The global warming legislation doesn't prove that it can change the earth's cycles of warming and cooling.
It doesn't prove any cost and benefit.
There are plenty of scientists who contest the man made global warming hypothesis.
These bills just loot the taxpayers and enrich the greedy corrupt left wing politicians.

Solar panels can not power industry, no food or jobs of we listen to you.

Maybe if you have an aluminum smelting plant and all the power you were getting came from solar panels on the roof of the plant and possibly over the parking lot too. You would need more solar panels than just those.
I already showed you.

Whatever we have to pay to keep that from happening is worth the price.

I agree, we need a bunch of new nuclear plants.

First, you show me a lot of crap. Deniers have it coming out of their ears. Next, nuclear plants are too dangerous.
Maybe if you have an aluminum smelting plant and all the power you were getting came from solar panels on the roof of the plant and possibly over the parking lot too. You would need more solar panels than just those.
The solar industry admits it can not power industry.

No more water for California, Solar is too weak to meet California's need for pumped water.
The global warming cultists should prove their belief in man made global warming by never using cars, trains and planes.
They should never use anything with plastic.
They should never use electricity.
They should never use paper products.
They should live in communal housing like military barracks.
They should only eat food that was hand cultivated and delivered.... no tractors, mules, horses, trucks....
The point is that these Climate Change Cultists want other people to make sacrifices while they virtue preen.
Solar panels only last about 25 years. Of course you have to replace them. Or decommission them as you say. Next, let's say that every paved road and rooftop in Germany had solar panels over them. That would probably give them more than enough energy for both day and night. Most likely far more than they need. They only have a population of a little over 80 million. The U.S. has a population of over 320 million people. In this picture you can see the number of solar panels it would take to power the U.S. Both day and night.

View attachment 543535

I dont know how this easy fact eludes you but solar panels dont work "day and night". You just blew off the fact that they dont even work "all day".. That their output is down by 50% about 2 hours BEFORE sunset and 2 hours AFTER sunrise.. You also blew off the fact that you would need say a fully redundant PRIMARY RELIABLE generator to be paid for, maintained and sit idle whenever the solar power was ABLE to peak the grid.. They ARE A SUPPLEMENT.. NOT a primary generator.

Also that map representation is childish.. That estimate probably based on the MAX POWER output of the panels multiplied by "day and night" output (as you put it) when in REALITY the ENERGY they provide actually is only about 33% of their specified POWER at best.. (Go educate about the diff between POWER ratings and ENERGY ratings. So in REALITY, you'd be covering the totally of N. Mexico, Arizona and Southern Cali with them to even THEORETICALLY obtain the power.

COMPLICATED by the fact that you CANNOT TRANSPORT that much power to rest of 48 without significant losses if at all.

Also need to point out that solar panels ON ROADS is a true "no-go" from engineering standpoint. ANY solar installation needs to POINT SOUTH.. It COULD be on gimbals and track the sun or STATIONARY and face the best possible sun angle.. But pointing STRAIGHT UP AT THE SKY will cut efficiency dramatically... And from an installation standpoint when govt can't keep potholes from breaking axles on vehicles, solar panels are NOT up the wear and tear. Not only that but ice or water on TOP OF THEM would kill people and crush vehicles together.. :rolleyes:

Dont know if I can get an actual convo going on this with you because you have a victim of media/corporate happy talk about solar and wind. But there's no engineering solutions to MAKING wind and solar go from SUPPLEMENTS to ALTERNATIVES without CATASTROPHIC ecological and economic side effects.. (for the record I'm a scientist with degrees in both science and engineering).
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You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in your denier ass. As for what Germany paid and when, I don't know. But I do know that fossil fuels has the world on a fast track to destruction. Whatever we have to pay to keep that from happening is worth the price.

like the Toddster just told you, we could cut fossil fuels, undam the salmon and maybe have a small effect on GW with COMPLETELY CO2 free technology TOMORROW. The problem is that most folks like YOU are more afraid of commercial nuclear power than GWarming catastrophies. That's telling..

Let me bow out of this with a clue for you.. James Hansen (doubt you know about him) is the "godfather of GW theory. He has repeatedly said to the effect ---- and signed papers with many leading American environmentalists ---

""If you believe we can counter the effects of GW with just wind and solar -- You probably still believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy" .. Well DO YA ??? LOL... BTW: Hansen and his enviro buddies ARE pushing for nuclear energy.. THEY KNOW we aint gonna solve a thing with just wind and solar. You'd be SHOCKED how many TRUE and respected environmentalists are now nuclear advocates.
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Maybe if you have an aluminum smelting plant and all the power you were getting came from solar panels on the roof of the plant and possibly over the parking lot too. You would need more solar panels than just those.

The parking lot and the building wouldnt be enough for a steel plant. Also steel plants dont usually completely shut down after the 9 to 5 shift since it would take HOURS to come back up to the temperatures required. And please dont embarrass yourself and claim batteries are the answer..
This says otherwise.

Do you know why the vast majority say that human caused global warming is a reality? Because it is. What does that mean? It means that your graphs are bullshit cooked up by some deniers. Most likely ones who get paid by energy companies to deny.
The solar industry admits it can not power industry.

No more water for California, Solar is too weak to meet California's need for pumped water.

I have something to admit too. Solar power can power anything. "If" the solar industry said that, they were probably speaking of the solar infrastructure as it now stands.
The global warming cultists should prove their belief in man made global warming by never using cars, trains and planes.
They should never use anything with plastic.
They should never use electricity.
They should never use paper products.
They should live in communal housing like military barracks.
They should only eat food that was hand cultivated and delivered.... no tractors, mules, horses, trucks....
The point is that these Climate Change Cultists want other people to make sacrifices while they virtue preen.

Impressive stupidity. Nothing can be achieved if you leave it up to individuals to do. It is something everybody must do. What's next. You going to tell me recycling works? The plastics industry has been trying to sell that bullshit for decades.
First, you show me a lot of crap.

View attachment 543553

Next, nuclear plants are too dangerous.

You said we're all gonna die in the next 20-30 years.
Were you lying then or are you lying now?

First, the U.S. has a LOT more in natural resources than any of those countries. That has a lot to do with the cost of electricity. Next, nuclear plants are too dangerous. Things with them may not go bad with them often. But when they do, they do so in a big way. A way in which there isn't enough money in the world to fix. Just ask anybody who lives around Chernobyl, Fukushima or Kyshtyn. Next, I figure that the end happening by 2050 seems about right.
First, the U.S. has a LOT more in natural resources than any of those countries. That has a lot to do with the cost of electricity. Next, nuclear plants are too dangerous. Things with them may not go bad with them often. But when they do, they do so in a big way. A way in which there isn't enough money in the world to fix. Just ask anybody who lives around Chernobyl, Fukushima or Kyshtyn. Next, I figure that the end happening by 2050 seems about right.
We have the most nuclear plants in the world, that have been operating longer than all the others in the world, so why have we not had one of those, "too dangerous" accidents? "myself", you really dont know anything about producing power. Not one of your posts has any information other than your opinion based on zero knowledge of what you speak.

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