Global Warming Actually Still Accelerating - no "lull"


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
As many people have pointed out and satellite instrumentation confirms, the Earth is still gaining heat due to increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, even though the rise in surface temperatures has temporarily slowed down. A new study sheds further light on just where the heat has been going recently. These findings are not kind to the myths and delusions of the denier cultists, so howls of ignorant outrage and disbelief from these retarded reality deniers are only to be expected and will soon be seen here. This new research just confirms earlier findings and highlights what the climate scientists have been saying for years about the how the extra heat energy the Earth is retaining is affecting the whole system - the air, the oceans, the land, and the ice.


Most of the heat from global warming is going into the oceans. Covering some 70% of the Earth's surface and having a heat capacity a thousand times more than the atmosphere, it's easy to understand why the oceans are the main heat sink. (source)


New Research Confirms Global Warming Has Accelerated
25 March 2013
A new study of ocean warming has just been published in Geophysical Research Letters by Balmaseda, Trenberth, and Källén (2013). There are several important conclusions which can be drawn from this paper.
  • Completely contrary to the popular contrarian myth, global warming has accelerated, with more overall global warming in the past 15 years than the prior 15 years. This is because about 90% of overall global warming goes into heating the oceans, and the oceans have been warming dramatically.
  • As suspected, much of the 'missing heat' Kevin Trenberth previously talked about has been found in the deep oceans. Consistent with the results of Nuccitelli et al. (2012), this study finds that 30% of the ocean warming over the past decade has occurred in the deeper oceans below 700 meters, which they note is unprecedented over at least the past half century.
  • Some recent studies have concluded based on the slowed global surface warming over the past decade that the sensitivity of the climate to the increased greenhouse effect is somewhat lower than the IPCC best estimate. Those studies are fundamentally flawed because they do not account for the warming of the deep oceans.
  • The slowed surface air warming over the past decade has lulled many people into a false and unwarranted sense of security.
The main results of the study are illustrated in its Figure 1.

Figure 1: Ocean Heat Content from 0 to 300 meters (grey), 700 m (blue), and total depth (violet) from ORAS4, as represented by its 5 ensemble members. The time series show monthly anomalies smoothed with a 12-month running mean, with respect to the 1958–1965 base period. Hatching extends over the range of the ensemble members and hence the spread gives a measure of the uncertainty as represented by ORAS4 (which does not cover all sources of uncertainty). The vertical colored bars indicate a two year interval following the volcanic eruptions with a 6 month lead (owing to the 12-month running mean), and the 1997–98 El Niño event again with 6 months on either side. On lower right, the linear slope for a set of global heating rates (W/m[sup]2[/sup]) is given.

(continued in detail)
Interesting. Certainly the good news is that the rise in land temperatures seems to have pUsed, recently, even if it has paused at a relatively high temperature (many peopl seem to have not noticed that 2012 was the hottest year in US history and the 9th warmest globally).

The bad news is that the deep ocean seems to be the smokng gun. With research due from the Argos research during the next couple of years likely to confirm the results of this research, it does look as if the scientists are close to finding the missing pieces in the puzzle.

I don't think we are on the verge of anything catastrophic in our lifetines, or even those of our children, but let's hope the scientists are somehow wrong anyhow...
Al Gore couldn't invent the internet so instead he invented global warming. Read Charles Krauthammers article. No sign of global warming. You'll be fine.
Global Warming-Climate Change-Global Warming-Climate Change
Classic Bait & Switch game.
Skooks -


Quietest Year On Record For US Forest Fires | Real Science

Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year?s tornado drought? | SciGuy | a blog

Firstly, tornados are NOT linked to climate change - check the IIPC.

Secondly, less forest fires does not mean temperatures are going down.

Rather than post this gibberish, why not spend 10 minutes reading what the scientists are saying, rather than ridiculing claims that no one is making?
Al Gore couldn't invent the internet so instead he invented global warming. Read Charles Krauthammers article. No sign of global warming. You'll be fine.

To Jeremiah: Better yet, read the latest novel:

Despite his onerous duties as head of the United Nations’Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Rajenda Pauchari had the spare time to publish (in 2010) a bawdy sex novel called Return to Almora.

Going him one better, a team of 240 U.S. scientists (whose common bond is that they consume oodles of federal dollars) completed a manuscript for editorial review called “The Third National Climate Assessment Report” that is much more imaginative, with a climate hotter than Pauchari’s steamiest scenes.

It, too, is the stuff of fantasy. In the Assessment’s 1,200 horror-studded pages, almost everything that happens in our life —birth, death, hunger, war, and existential malaise, to name a few— is somehow made worse by pernicious emissions of carbon dioxide and the joggling of surface average temperature by a mere two degrees. Talk about creative writing!

Many successful novels flout convention, and the Assessment is no different. Virtually every one of its 30 chapters perseverates on “extreme” weather . . .

Federal Climatologists Pen Fantasy Novel
By Patrick J. Michaels on 5.6.13 @ 6:08AM

The American Spectator : Federal Climatologists Pen Fantasy Novel
Come over baby, a whole lotta smoothin' goin' on! :rofl:

Was 2012 the hottest year in American history?
America comprises how much of the planet's total land mass?

I would have thought Americans might be concerned about America's climate - particularly given the catastrophic drought you experienced last year.

If you prefer a global perspective - 2012 was the 9th hottest year on record.
Was it? Got the temperature readings from 1776?

Yes, of course....what's your point?

While most of the country was yet not inhabited. Nifty trick but I guess we can always guess.

There are a few different ways scientists are able to measure temperatures from earlier times, such as ice core samples:

Ice cores contain an abundance of information about climate. Inclusions in the snow of each year remain in the ice, such as wind-blown dust, ash, bubbles of atmospheric gas and radioactive substances. The variety of climatic proxies is greater than in any other natural recorder of climate, such as tree rings or sediment layers. These include (proxies for) temperature, ocean volume, precipitation, chemistry and gas composition of the lower atmosphere, volcanic eruptions, solar variability, sea-surface productivity, desert extent and forest fires.

An ice core from the right site can be used to reconstruct an uninterrupted and detailed climate record extending over hundreds of thousands of years, providing information on a wide variety of aspects of climate at each point in time. It is the simultaneity of these properties recorded in the ice that makes ice cores such a powerful tool in paleoclimate research.

Ice core - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Was 2012 the hottest year in American history?
America comprises how much of the planet's total land mass?

I would have thought Americans might be concerned about America's climate - particularly given the catastrophic drought you experienced last year.

If you prefer a global perspective - 2012 was the 9th hottest year on record.
The whole "global warming" thingy is nothing without the "global" part....America is but a small fraction of that matrix.

And "on record" comprises but the tiniest fraction of human history, let alone the planet's.


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