Glenn Beck: Dry Drunk on Display

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Glenn Beck is supposed to be a recovering alcoholic.

Where is the 'recovery' with this man? From what I can tell Mr. Beck is nothing but an angry, loud mouthed blowhard who happens to have a microphone. Beck may be sober, but in recovery?

We all know people like him in real lifeam and very few people like them and what they say or do in public, but give them a microphone and IT is entertainment.

But is this entetainment worthy of entering the serious public debate? His message(s)...It's poisonous, devisive, alienating and obnoxious. Anyone know how to spell T-E-A B-A-G-H P-A-R-T-Y?

Maybe when the Lunatic Fringe on the Right takes over the GOP they will consider renaming their party the TB Party?
Oh look, another 'I'm obsessed with Beck' thread with absolutely no point. Wow. We don't see many of those around.
Okay is where we catch the RWL @ USMB in the act.

Cali Goil, uses 'We' when addressing an imaginary audience she is the spokesperson for. LOL

Not only that but the Right Wing Lunacy @ USMB has infected her pea brain so deeply she is oblivious to the fact that one would be hard pressed to find me entering any other Glenn Beck or elsewhere.

straw man attacks and imaginary battles are all she has to offer.

Cali Goil (rhymes with boil): RWL @ USMB On Display
He is doing more with his time, than you are with yours.
Get a life.
You have shown you are a bigger man than I would ever have thought of giving you the credit for. Admitting that such an angry loser is your hero and role model.

good luck with that.

gotta suck to be you


Beck is indeed doing more...and making tons of money at IT. Scaring the shit out of people like my 90 year old aunt who listens to Beck and warns me that Obama is NoT a citizen and warns me that Obama is a secret socialist intent on ruining America.

Gawd, I think I now understand why some people think (wrongly in my opinion) Beck deserves to be beaten within an inch of his life.
Hell, if I were getting his ratings i'd be pretty pissed too.

That's exactly what FOX NEWS CORP Head Honch Roger Ailes says too.

Amazing...when caught being dooshbaghs the lunatic fringe admits it's spokespeole and tribunes are nothing but angry, loud mouthed dooshbaghs pulling in ratings and laughing all the way to the bank :lol:

gawd, I love RWL! :rofl:
Glenn Beck is supposed to be a recovering alcoholic.

Where is the 'recovery' with this man? From what I can tell Mr. Beck is nothing but an angry, loud mouthed blowhard who happens to have a microphone. Beck may be sober, but in recovery?

We all know people like him in real lifeam and very few people like them and what they say or do in public, but give them a microphone and IT is entertainment.

But is this entetainment worthy of entering the serious public debate? His message(s)...It's poisonous, devisive, alienating and obnoxious. Anyone know how to spell T-E-A B-A-G-H P-A-R-T-Y?

Maybe when the Lunatic Fringe on the Right takes over the GOP they will consider renaming their party the TB Party?

I guess we can cut him some slack seeing as how the President is a recovering Cocaine Addict.

Which has about as much relevance as Glenn Beck's alcohol addiction.
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Hell, if I were getting his ratings i'd be pretty pissed too.

That's exactly what FOX NEWS CORP Head Honch Roger Ailes says too.

Amazing...when caught being dooshbaghs the lunatic fringe admits it's spokespeole and tribunes are nothing but angry, loud mouthed dooshbaghs pulling in ratings and laughing all the way to the bank :lol:

gawd, I love RWL! :rofl:

Fox are doing very nicely in the ratings, as is Beck. I can see why that is annoying for the left.

Btw, I see you stole a line of mine for your sig. How rude.
I guess we can cut him some slack seeing as how the President is a recovering Cocaine Addict.

Which has about as much relevance as Glenn Beck's alcohol addiction.

Cocaine "addict"? That's stretching the facts a little.

I guess it's a step up from "polysubstance abuse disorder", which the previous guy suffered from.

Though, to his credit, he seems to have kicked it.
I guess we can cut him some slack seeing as how the President is a recovering Cocaine Addict.

Which has about as much relevance as Glenn Beck's alcohol addiction.

Cocaine "addict"? That's stretching the facts a little.

I guess it's a step up from "polysubstance abuse disorder", which the previous guy suffered from.

Though, to his credit, he seems to have kicked it.

Credit? The man did less harm to society when he was drinking.

Using the Harm Reduction model...I'd say this man should go back to drinking. This way he would only be harming himself and his family (does he have one?), instead of harming the public arena of the nation.

Glenn Beck is a terrible person who just happens to be NOT drinking at the moment.

What kind of shit was he spouting at the CPAC conference and what does he spout on tv and radio? He's an asswipe.
Credit? The man did less harm to society when he was drinking.

Using the Harm Reduction model...I'd say this man should go back to drinking. This way he would only be harming himself and his family (does he have one?), instead of harming the public arena of the nation.

Glenn Beck is a terrible person who just happens to be NOT drinking at the moment.

What kind of shit was he spouting at the CPAC conference and what does he spout on tv and radio? He's an asswipe.

I give him credit for kicking the booze, one of the most addictive substances known to man, though I suspect that like many chronic substance abusers her permanently altered his neurophysiology with his drinking.

I feel the same about Beck.
Hell, if I were getting his ratings i'd be pretty pissed too.

That's exactly what FOX NEWS CORP Head Honch Roger Ailes says too.

Amazing...when caught being dooshbaghs the lunatic fringe admits it's spokespeole and tribunes are nothing but angry, loud mouthed dooshbaghs pulling in ratings and laughing all the way to the bank :lol:

gawd, I love RWL! :rofl:

Fox are doing very nicely in the ratings, as is Beck. I can see why that is annoying for the left.

Btw, I see you stole a line of mine for your sig. How rude.
another RWL @ USMB response? :lol:

I have no ill will towards the idea of FOX making money or doing well. I am an elitist who has very little respect for most public opinion and most of the media...entertainment and otherwise.

I don't like propaganda posing as reasoned and rational debate, but that is what MOST of the public puts up with.

One cannot be intelligent and insightful and have any real respect for the majority of public opinion. The politicians and the parties don't...that is why they hire the PR and Media people they do.

get with IT or forever remain a nitwit on an anonymous internet message board who is deluded enough to imagine people take you seriously.

Credit? The man did less harm to society when he was drinking.

Using the Harm Reduction model...I'd say this man should go back to drinking. This way he would only be harming himself and his family (does he have one?), instead of harming the public arena of the nation.

Glenn Beck is a terrible person who just happens to be NOT drinking at the moment.

What kind of shit was he spouting at the CPAC conference and what does he spout on tv and radio? He's an asswipe.

I give him credit for kicking the booze, one of the most addictive substances known to man, though I suspect that like many chronic substance abusers her permanently altered his neurophysiology with his drinking.

I feel the same about Beck.

Glenn Beck is a weak willed emotinal cripple who gets to fall back on a failed progressive excuse for bad behavior...alcoholism as a disease.

I do not believe in the disease model of alcoholsim. It is part of the victimisation of America and the species.

I do not deny the physical and psychological and chemical aspects...only the disease model.

Beck gets no pass for doing what is right.
Beck makes a lot of sense.

You folks should watch more of him.
Beck makes very little sense. His message is dumbed down anger and frustration for those who feel helpless and hopeless.

Beck's message as told to me by loyal listeners is terribly naive and irrational. It makes bigger fools of peoplethan any bs to come down the line in decades.

Beck's followers are people who others laugh at behind their backs.
That's exactly what FOX NEWS CORP Head Honch Roger Ailes says too.

Amazing...when caught being dooshbaghs the lunatic fringe admits it's spokespeole and tribunes are nothing but angry, loud mouthed dooshbaghs pulling in ratings and laughing all the way to the bank :lol:

gawd, I love RWL! :rofl:

Fox are doing very nicely in the ratings, as is Beck. I can see why that is annoying for the left.

Btw, I see you stole a line of mine for your sig. How rude.
another RWL @ USMB response? :lol:

I have no ill will towards the idea of FOX making money or doing well. I am an elitist who has very little respect for most public opinion and most of the media...entertainment and otherwise.

I don't like propaganda posing as reasoned and rational debate, but that is what MOST of the public puts up with.

One cannot be intelligent and insightful and have any real respect for the majority of public opinion. The politicians and the parties don't...that is why they hire the PR and Media people they do.

get with IT or forever remain a nitwit on an anonymous internet message board who is deluded enough to imagine people take you seriously.


My dear little man, we are all anonymous nitwits on a message board. I don't think any of us takes the other seriously. Only fools do that.
Beck makes a lot of sense.

You folks should watch more of him.
Beck makes very little sense. His message is dumbed down anger and frustration for those who feel helpless and hopeless.

Beck's message as told to me by loyal listeners is terribly naive and irrational. It makes bigger fools of peoplethan any bs to come down the line in decades.

Beck's followers are people who others laugh at behind their backs.

Like I said, watch for yourself, then come tell me what you think. :thup:

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