"Give us What We Want, Do As We Say, Or We'll Burn Down Your Country..."

Like George Washington and Benedict Arnold?

The brilliant neurosurgeon, Dr. Carson is very loyal to this nation, a patriot.

Botox Nan is loyal to Communist China.
Nancy Pelosi is one of the wealthiest and most corrupt members of Congress but she's not a communist you idiot. She's a crony capitalist and we would actually be able to do something about it if you morons weren't so incredibly ignorant of reality. You don't even know why you should really be mad at Pelosi. Dumbass.
Nancy Pelosi is one of the wealthiest and most corrupt members of Congress but she's not a communist you idiot. She's a crony capitalist and we would actually be able to do something about it if you morons weren't so incredibly ignorant of reality. You don't even know why you should really be mad at Pelosi. Dumbass.
Sorry. Not moving to Cali to vote. Rigged their anyway. No water. Too many leftist.
'...but Trump'. :p

No, not like Trump, snowflake.

Democrats have declared the USSC's decisions MUST be respected...now their doxxing Justices, paying extremists to go to their houses, threatening their lives, attacking cops, etc....you know, their usual schtik when they don't get their way.

No, not like Trump...

Elected Democrats engaged in such violent rhetoric that they I cited an assassination attempt against fellow politician, got one shit, and now they are calling for violence and stirrung prople up again..

Biden and Democrats refused to condemn the leak, refused to condemn the doxxing, and, again, have threatened the lives of USSC Justices.

Schumer should have his d, fat ass dragged out of the Senate for doing so and placed in DC Gitmo....

Hezbollah Hannah is a terrorist. surada fully supports the use of terrorism to impose the agenda of the fascist democrats.
The left should be encouraged to rise up and turn to violence. The sooner they do, the sooner they can be dealt with as they should be.
Nancy Pelosi is one of the wealthiest and most corrupt members of Congress but she's not a communist you idiot.

Is Xi a Communist? Most of her wealth is from Communist China. She sold influence to the CCP for 50 years.

She's a crony capitalist and we would actually be able to do something about it if you morons weren't so incredibly ignorant of reality. You don't even know why you should really be mad at Pelosi. Dumbass.

She is owned and operated by Communist China. Paul Pelosi - her husband, has made over $1 BILLION (with a B) in contracts with the Communist Chinese.

What she is, is a traitor - as pretty much all democrats are.
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This ends badly, because the left can't handle setbacks.
  • Did the election of 2020 ring a bell, and
    • Does Jan 6, 2021 ring a bell?
    • Has every rally since the election of 2020 ring a bell?
    • Most of the new threads by trump supporters whiners!
    • Most of the posts by trump supporters BIGLIES!
  • Are all of the trump supporters opposed to democracy, unless:
    • Republicans win the election
    • If Democrats win Republicans whine, cry and post BIG LIES
      • that the election was stolen
      • that the election was rigged.
  • Did the election of 2020 ring a bell, and
    • Does Jan 6, 2021 ring a bell?
    • Has every rally since the election of 2020 ring a bell?
    • Most of the new threads by trump supporters whiners!
    • Most of the posts by trump supporters BIGLIES!
  • Are all of the trump supporters opposed to democracy, unless:
    • Republicans win the election
    • If Democrats win Republicans whine, cry and post BIG LIES
      • that the election was stolen
      • that the election was rigged.
Like I said, the left can't handle setbacks. Let's see how nuts they get should Roe be overturned. Then, of course, the ultimate event should TRUMP! run and win in 24. They would go on a 4-year bender. Heck, a few of them might actually move to Canada like they've threatened every time a Republican wins something.
Like I said, the left can't handle setbacks. Let's see how nuts they get should Roe be overturned. Then, of course, the ultimate event should TRUMP! run and win in 24. They would go on a 4-year bender. Heck, a few of them might actually move to Canada like they've threatened every time a Republican wins something.
I understand now that you are another trumpanzee. If what you seem to hope, the United States will no longer be united, and Dumb Donald being Dumb Donald will destroy democracy in America.

You will be happy, until Martin Niemöller is best remembered:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
  • Did the election of 2020 ring a bell, and
    • Does Jan 6, 2021 ring a bell?
    • Has every rally since the election of 2020 ring a bell?
    • Most of the new threads by trump supporters whiners!
    • Most of the posts by trump supporters BIGLIES!
  • Are all of the trump supporters opposed to democracy, unless:
    • Republicans win the election
    • If Democrats win Republicans whine, cry and post BIG LIES
      • that the election was stolen
      • that the election was rigged.
Demscum cried and acted like two year olds for four years after Trump got elected. So you can stick your head up Bidens ass.
I understand now that you are another trumpanzee. If what you seem to hope, the United States will no longer be united, and Dumb Donald being Dumb Donald will destroy democracy in America.

You will be happy, until Martin Niemöller is best remembered:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I understand now that you are another trumpanzee. If what you seem to hope, the United States will no longer be united, and Dumb Donald being Dumb Donald will destroy democracy in America.

You will be happy, until Martin Niemöller is best remembered:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Is that the lament of the 700 political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire, Held in Nazi gulags?
They view themselves as "citizens of the world" in a worldwide fascist dictatorship. They are not Americans.
They're dumb, stupid, retarded fucking deluded little idiots, is what they are.

Citizens of the world my foot.

You think Mr Xi will go along with that? Or Mr Putin?

Hey - => I <= am a child of immigrants too. First generation. I was told to go home too, was told I wasn't wanted here.

Do you see me tearing down statues and burning up small businesses?

NO, you don't. Because I'm not delusional, 100% of me understands that it isn't going to change history, and NO amount of venting is ever going to be enough for those with an elephant sized chip on their shoulder.

Me, I worked hard and started a business. So now I can sit around and waste time posting on the internet without worrying about paying my rent.

Progtards could do that too, but they don't. They just bitch about non-existent racism while completely ignoring the very real inflation
It's time though.

We've had this cold civil war for 5 years now. The democrat Reich will never be Americans, they will either establish the Totalitarian dictatorship they dream of, or well will end them once and for all. Those are the only options.

Lock and load.
And sane America is waiting for you 'patriots' to dust off your personal mobility scooters, lock and load, and come git us once and for all.

Like most things in the miserable lives of magaturds, It won't go at all as you planned.
And sane America is waiting for you 'patriots' to dust off your personal mobility scooters, lock and load, and come git us once and for all.

Like most things in the miserable lives of magaturds, It won't go at all as you planned.

We don't start violence - that's you Nazis.

You're threatening another Kristallnacht - this time you'll get the response you traitors deserve.

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