Give Up!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !
Oh, the victim-hood!

there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !
i'm as white as snow, and I've never had any of the black posters on this board or in real life, ever treat me with disrespect, or accuse me of being racist, or treated me like I was a bad person.
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !
i'm as white as snow, and I've never had any of the black posters on this board or in real life, ever treat me with disrespect, or accuse me of being racist, or treated me like I was a bad person.
thats because you are a leftist who agrees with their views !! disagree with them and you will be labeled !! but you wont !
Animals are always vying for the role of top dog. Nothing unusual about that. Nature demands it.
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !
i'm as white as snow, and I've never had any of the black posters on this board or in real life, ever treat me with disrespect, or accuse me of being racist, or treated me like I was a bad person.
Then you have never disagreed with IM2. He calls any whites who disagree with him a racist.
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !
i'm as white as snow, and I've never had any of the black posters on this board or in real life, ever treat me with disrespect, or accuse me of being racist, or treated me like I was a bad person.
Then you have never disagreed with IM2. He calls any whites who disagree with him a racist.

No, I call whites who make racist comments racist.
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !
i'm as white as snow, and I've never had any of the black posters on this board or in real life, ever treat me with disrespect, or accuse me of being racist, or treated me like I was a bad person.

me neither....

amazing what happens when you're not a bigot, isn't it?
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !
i'm as white as snow, and I've never had any of the black posters on this board or in real life, ever treat me with disrespect, or accuse me of being racist, or treated me like I was a bad person.
Then you have never disagreed with IM2. He calls any whites who disagree with him a racist.

No, I call whites who make racist comments racist.
Everything whites say is racist to you, you really make up new definitions of that word every time you post.
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !

I SHOULD be relieved that absolution for POSSIBLY being racist is just a vow of allegiance to the DNC away.. This would make life ENTIRELY easy. Just say the words, click your heels and you're home safe.

The same solution awaits me in the Religion forum where to wash every sin from my soul, all I have to do is pledge to the Holy Trinity..

Life is so easy -- whatcha bitching about? EVERY powerful group is out there trying to "save you"...
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !

Yes there is.

Try treating them with respect and dignity, see how that goes.
there is nothing you can do or say to convince minorities that you are not a white privileged racist !! although if you are a guilt ridden bleeding heart libb you can claim to be less of a racist by demonstrating shame against your own race and lecturing other whites on how evil they are see it is impossible to convince the white hating minorities and libbs in this country that you are not a bad person or that you owe them reparations for the sins committed against their ancestors ....especially if you are a conservative !! every problem they have is caused by evil whitey !! so the next time a liberal coward or someone from non white race calls you a racist don't even argue with them it is not worth the waste of your time !

I do not allow those who dislike me the luxury of defining me.

We really need to get beyond allowing the minorities (mostly black) to use the word racist as an emotion laden buzz word with the equivalent of a wooden stake used against a vampire.

U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D. Georgia) was one of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s right hand men. Recently he said of Donald Trump:

words and his actions tend to speak like one who knows something about being a racist. It must in his DNA, in his makeup.”
Rep. John Lewis Says Being Racist Must Be In Trump's DNA | HuffPost

While my thread on this was ignored (having gotten only a single response), it illustrates what the MLK supporting, left wing, liberal, black socialist / communist combine stands for. If you're white, you're racist - they think it's in your DNA (who is the real racist????)

You'd be better off ignoring those who use that term disparagingly because you're wasting time worrying about it when the only purpose it serves is to detract from substantive issues.

While my thread on this was ignored (having gotten only a single response), it illustrates what the MLK supporting, left wing, liberal, black socialist / communist combine stands for. If you're white, you're racist - they think it's in your DNA (who is the real racist????)

The words, racist and racism, will retain their power until anyone who uses them in some formal manner (reportage, etc.) is required to define them to avoid confusion. Because those words mean different things to different people.

I once heard a young Black girl say on a radio call-in program that her father is "racist against cats." I'm sure what she meant by her choice of words is something far different from what is meant when IM2 and other participants here (and elsewhere) accuse me of racism. Doubly confusing is the fact that I cannot say for sure if my accusers are right or wrong because I really don't know what they mean -- and I wonder if they do.

My definition of racism is the belief that one's race is superior in every way to all others, combined with a malicious loathing for members of all other races. And based on those specifications I can honestly say I have known only one fully qualified racist in my life.

His name was Ethan. He was from Florida and he said he joined the Marine Corps because there are "too many got-damn n!ggers in the Army" and the draft was active back then. It's true that there were relatively few Negroes in the Corps back then (1950s) and there did seem to be an abundance of White southerners -- including our senior DI. Ethan, along with his brother and their "daddy," belonged to the Klan and he had photos to prove it.

I never had much to do with Ethan, mainly because he was a big, mean sonofabitch and he didn't like yankees, especially New Yorkers. Again, he was the only real racist I've ever known.
Minorities don't want your respect, they want your money!

And your wallet...

Your TV...

Your car...

Your bling...

Even if white privilege existed (liberal shitheads can't even specifically define it), I say we whites have earned it by having a small fraction of the crime rates blacks have.

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