Gingrich supporters, why should Newt get my vote?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Serious question. I haven't decided who I'm going to vote for in the primaries. I would like to hear your reasons why Newt Gingrich should get my vote.

Thanks in advance.
You should vote for Newt because he is the best man for the job among those running.

He can't win against Obama, but he is the best.
Lol, I still support Gingrich. I honestly feel that Gingrich could debate rings around Oba with his knowledge of politics in general, foreign affairsm the cultures of ou=ther countries and the history of the world!

Mitt knows his economics and that is enough to defeat Obama in that realm alone, but Obama has his meisters in foreign affairs, will that be enough to dupe Romney if foreign affairs? Will Romney's advisors be able to go toe to toe with his advisors? I should hope so, but I think Gingrich's knowledge outweighs the doubt.
If you want to continue the Republican tradition of boring, establishment candidates, then you have to go with Romney. The GOP hasn't run a candidate with any balls since '84, and Romney will do a great job carrying on the tradition of apologetic Conservatism started by George HW in 1988.

Newt thinks creatively, and actually understands the details behind many issues. If he doesn't get the nomination, might as well just let Obama win. Bland Socialism isn't really all that different from Apologetic Conservatism.
The biggest reason to vote for Newt is that he is the last guy to take an axe to Wahington. This country will have a fiscal crisis some time in he not too distant future if we don't get spending under control.
Are there no Gingrich supporters left? o_O

Why can't you listen to the man talk, research his history and come to your own conclusions? Me? He balanced the budget under Clinton. Passed welfare reform under Clinton. and Managed to bring the Republican party up out of the depths of hell..for me? it's still anybody but the freak we have now. I'm willing to give ANYBODY a chance.
Because he's not this crappy guy......

I can't help but imagine the debates of Gingrich - Obama. There's not a prayer for Obama. Gingrich is so well versed in every avenue of leadership and nuance of politics that Obama does not stand a chance.

I would put up Gingrich's political resume against Obama;' record any time. Anyone who has watched the debates and Obama without a teleprompter would have to say it would not be a ten round battle. It's a gimmee. 57 states? Mixing up Asia and Hawaii?
Serious question. I haven't decided who I'm going to vote for in the primaries. I would like to hear your reasons why Newt Gingrich should get my vote.

Thanks in advance.

Actually he probably should not. Newt is a man caught up in intellectualism. That is why you often see him taking a current stance that seems to be at odds with his party. He is constantly flowing constantly changing. That can be a strength in a member of Congress but a huge liability for a President. By the time they get there they have better made up their mind.
Lol, I still support Gingrich. I honestly feel that Gingrich could debate rings around Oba with his knowledge of politics in general, foreign affairsm the cultures of ou=ther countries and the history of the world!

Mitt knows his economics and that is enough to defeat Obama in that realm alone, but Obama has his meisters in foreign affairs, will that be enough to dupe Romney if foreign affairs? Will Romney's advisors be able to go toe to toe with his advisors? I should hope so, but I think Gingrich's knowledge outweighs the doubt.

The most attractive thing about Newt right now, to me, is that I would like to see him debate Obama and make him look like the blithering idiot Obama is.
The biggest reason to vote for Newt is that he is the last guy to take an axe to Wahington. This country will have a fiscal crisis some time in he not too distant future if we don't get spending under control.

Agreed on this point. The GOP talks about reducing the size of government, reducing taxes, and balancing the budget, Mewt's the only one who's actually done it.
Are there no Gingrich supporters left? o_O

Why can't you listen to the man talk, research his history and come to your own conclusions? Me? He balanced the budget under Clinton. Passed welfare reform under Clinton. and Managed to bring the Republican party up out of the depths of hell..for me? it's still anybody but the freak we have now. I'm willing to give ANYBODY a chance.

I can't depend on simply listening to him talk. They all talk a good talk.

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