Gingrich businesses owed unpaid state taxes

Gingrich spokesman Rick Tyler said Gingrich and his firms were unaware of most of the tax liens until being contacted this week by the AP.

Looks like the liberal bias media are at it again.


How many of Obama's appointees were not paying taxes? And remind us what happened to them, again? And unlike Gingrich the Liberals all knew they hadn't paid their PERSONAL taxes.

Wait so, You can't have forgot some taxes and run for Office, but it is perfectly ok to Do it and be appointed head of the IRS. Nice.

Having owned my owns businesses in the past. I can tell you it is not at all uncommon to get notices that you owe taxes. If you notice your head line says "Owed". That would be because he paid them as soon as he was informed he owed them. LOL.

Really reaching here.
Never even slowed Geitner's appointment

Geitner didn't come with this much baggage.

ROFLMAO you guys are idiots. Geitner is the HEAD OF THE IRS. A tax cheating, Lying asshole. Blames Turbo Tax lol. You guys just shut up and let him be appointed and said nothing, and now you are digging up a late State Tax Payment on Gingrich like it is some high Crime or Something.

Fucking get a grip. I don't even think Newt should run, but this is a joke. Reach much?

Frankly after Supporting the appointment of a lying, Tax Cheat to head up the IRS. You fucking Democrats better just not talk about peoples tax problems anymore. Nothing can top appointing a cheat to head up the very agency responsible for Enforcing the Tax Code.
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