Ghetto Culture: The Downward Spiral

"WE get to vote for....blah blah blah..." you're pretending that you're a Homo sapiens????

I mean, really.....

I love how you think you're so clever. It's cute. Sadly, that just isn't the case. There's nothing you could say about me that would insult me, as I already consider you to be an insult to humanity. It must be hard to keep all those spoon-fed lies straight. Then again, based on your posts, you probably really believe them. All hail the queen of cut and paste mis-information!!! So, try your worst.
"WE get to vote for....blah blah blah..." you're pretending that you're a Homo sapiens????

I mean, really.....

I love how you think you're so clever. It's cute. Sadly, that just isn't the case. There's nothing you could say about me that would insult me, as I already consider you to be an insult to humanity. It must be hard to keep all those spoon-fed lies straight. Then again, based on your posts, you probably really believe them. All hail the queen of cut and paste mis-information!!! So, try your worst.

"clever" and "cute" a post about moi?


I see your point about not being able to insult you.....I mean, any more than nature has already.
The buzz is that you're uglier than homemade soap.....any truth to that rumor?

But...truth be told....I have to admit that I do look forward to your posts....I mean, you being the almost-human piñata and all.....

Now...write soon, y'hear?
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Typical that someone desperate enough to think of Quayle as a hero has to think of describing him as attacking him. To know him was to laugh at him. The single most indicting thing against George the First is that he ran with this person.

To think that at the beginning of the US there were such luminaries! I can imagine what Franklin would say about Dan, what Jefferson would say about 'W', what Washington would say about Nixon, what Hamilton would say about Cheyney.

They would not be much kinder to Johnson or Clinton, either, so I'm not just picking on Republicans. Both parties are guilty of subversion. But if anyone thinks I would ever apologise about telling the truth concerning the VP in question, they better have Gestapo methods at hand.

Do you, 'Chic?
Typical that someone desperate enough to think of Quayle as a hero has to think of describing him as attacking him. To know him was to laugh at him. The single most indicting thing against George the First is that he ran with this person.

To think that at the beginning of the US there were such luminaries! I can imagine what Franklin would say about Dan, what Jefferson would say about 'W', what Washington would say about Nixon, what Hamilton would say about Cheyney.

They would not be much kinder to Johnson or Clinton, either, so I'm not just picking on Republicans. Both parties are guilty of subversion. But if anyone thinks I would ever apologise about telling the truth concerning the VP in question, they better have Gestapo methods at hand.

Do you, 'Chic?

I notice that you've resorted to your usual debate tactic: ignore the numerous examples of data in post #40....and simply bloviate.

Who was the wise wag who wrote:
"Not facts, nor data, nor logic nor experience will sway a Liberal."

Quayle has been proven correct, and folks like you will never accept the truth, until the NYTimes tells you to do so.
Can't say that I see much in '40' said by Danny boy. Where are his words? Or are they so indicipherable that even you cannot make out a sensible meaning?

Identifying something as 'ghetto culture' and then attacking it may be your backhanded fashion of avoiding the racist tag, but defending Quayle has nothing to do with it.
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Can't say that I see much in '40' said by Danny boy. Where are his words? Or are they so indicipherable that even you cannot make out a sensible meaning?

Identifying something as 'ghetto culture' and then attacking it may be your backhanded fashion of avoiding the racist tag, but defending Quayle has nothing to do with it.

Is this your version of honesty?

"...with a bare bodkin who would fardels bear?"
Dan Quayle.

In addition to the insults thrown at him when he criticized out-of-wedlock birth, he has to put up with your refusal to give him his due.

Nor is this the first time you have refused to admit error.

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